I left my coven today. Kinda feels weird, but still good in a way.
I constantly crave apples. I must have at least 3 a day.
I still haven't completely quit smoking, still working on it though.
Work is kinda slow today, just sorta dragging along.
Almost 3months now. So far no vomiting. Dry heaves all the time though. I'm not so sure which is better. lol My migraines went away for the first part but started to return this past week. So far I'm going on day 5 with a horrible migraine. I can't stand the site of meat, but I take the vitamins, so I reckon all is okay. Cravings, hmmm mostly just salad & apples. Still working on quitting smoking. I was smoking around a pack & a half to 2 packs a day. Now it's around 10 a day. Incredibly hard to let those last 10 go.
19:14 Jan 30 2009
Weird in a good way is better than just being good. ;)
04:45 Feb 01 2009
so are they any particular kind of apples ? Green, Granny.. empire ? heheh
13:56 Feb 01 2009
Yep Gala mostly, or just whatever red I can get my hands on.
17:03 Feb 07 2009
I wish you would have never left. I have been in the same coven with you for so long I feel like a old man all alone. *runs and hides back in the shadows.*
08:13 Feb 08 2009
yeah, what roller said.