Finally decided to renew my pm, mostly just because I'm so used to one that everything looked retarded without it. Plus I didn't want to have to recode everything. Go figure I waited to long and all my code crap is gone anyways. Yep I think I should have stuck with my first decision, if I had time to recode my profile I would have just stuck with the free account. Ugh So I guess now the fun begins all over again. Where in the hell will I find the time or energy to make my profile look half decent. I guess I could half ass it, cause I half ass care about vr anymore. lol
I know all you old time members are thinking really did you not back up the codes. Well yes of course I did, but my stupid computer died will my pm was out, so I have no way to get the crap off of it.
Still doing photography as a hobby. I love it when I can find the time for it and my hand isn't to shakey to do it. Most days now, my little princess is my world and usually the center of my photography. I used to post pictures on here but found the portfolio system to be just as flawed as the profile rating system so it seems pointless to have a portfolio.
For anyone I am friends with that is curious, here are a couple shots of my lil girl.
Went back to the physical therapist again. Been having problems ever since labor almost 3 years ago now. Already had shoulder MRI, orthopedic, and physical therapy about a year ago. I was diagnosed with bursitis. This actually showed up on the MRI. I was given shots in my shoulder which helped but only lasted about a month. Orthopedic put me on pills and released me. I'm not the type of person that likes taking pills, but it just seemed like something more was wrong to me. Things didn't get any better, so the doctor sent me back to physical therapy. This time my symptoms have changed a bit. The physical therapist now believes I have thoracic outlet syndrome. This can also cause the shoulder pain. He hopes that with physical therapy it can be fixed and I want need surgery. Now I'm just waiting on insurance to actually approve me for therapy again. While I love my family doctor and my physical therapist. I never much liked the orthopedic doctor. I still wonder why it's taking so long to figure out what is wrong. The physical therapist was also my daughter's physical therapist when she was about 4 months old, so I have gotten to know him and his wife quite well. He seems excited to finally have answers. Now I'm just left wondering if this is finally it and will he finally be able to help me get back the way I should be. Sometimes the simplest daily task can be a challenge. My husband has a bad back, so most of the resposibility of my daughter falls on me. My body just will not allow me to take her to the park and let her play the way she should. She doesn't get to go often and when she does, it usually doesn't last long. Normally dads toss babies up in the air and they love it. When I went to physical therapy before, the therapist fussed at me. Since her dad wasn't able to toss her up or swing her around, I would do it. He told me my shoulder would never get better if I didn't stop doing things like that. I feel like all kids should have someone doing that with them, so if dad couldn't then mom should. It doesn't seem fair to deprive her of those things. I just hope something changes soon because I'm really exhausted looking for an answer and way to fix myself.