Went back to the doctors today, to go over my previous test results. He said all my blood work looked good. Was going to send me to a heart doctor, but instead decided to try the anxiety meds a little longer 1st. My pulse was still high but not as much as before. So I'll go back to the doctor in 6 weeks to see if my pulse is lower & if my chest pains have stopped. He was going to put me on meds to bring my pulse down, but stated that it would also drop my blood pressure. My blood pressure is fine, so he doesn't want to bring it down any. Hopefully things will be figured out soon. I've had anxiety practically all my life, I don't really think it's related to my new symptoms. Maybe that's just me being negative..lol
Leave it to me to get really sick on Valentine's Day. I seriously have awful luck. Woke up with a fever of 101. Went to the doctors to find out my pulse was very high. The doctor seems faily concerned. They gave me some kinda steroid shot in the butt. Wow did that thing hurt. They drew blood to check my thyroid, sugar, iron, liver, I think that's all he said. Then they did an Ekg since my pulse was high. ( I think they said it was 150 something) My pulse had come down a little by the time they did the EKG, but not much. He put me back on cymbalta. He is hoping the high pulse is related to anxiety, and panic disorder. I haven't been on anything for them in a while. So he's hoping being back on meds brings down my pulse rate. I have to go back in 2 weeks to review all my test results. Oh I feel like shit, this is all for now. My head is killing me. Otherwise, Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Get well :)
The peeks and valleys of anxiety...I share in this affliction.I had sever headaches and I made an appointment with a regular doctor and a nutritionalist the doctor said I need meds the nutritionalist said I need ed to not take meds for the level I had and the vitamines and diet help tremendusly at half the cost.
Oh wow.... That's not good.... Get Better!!!!!
This was the most redneck dirt track I have ever seen. Out in the middle of nowhere. The people we went with said they originally found the place on a website. Damn really? The people running it didn't even look like they would know what internet was. Had a great time though. Our friend drove, he came in 2nd. He was in a 4cyl racing 6 cyls though. Would have been hard to get 1st.
Which Playboy girlfriend are you? |
Holly Your a very busy woman and love to have fun.Fashion is your thing.You are the boss no matta what! |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
Omg I have AC/DC TNT stuck in my head. It's been repeating itself for the last hour. God I'm old..lol
What Kind of Empath Are You?created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Shaman You are a Shamanic Empath. You are at one with nature and can speak with animal/plant life. Your powers come from the Sun & the Moon, and the elements. The weather moves with your mind and all of nature is at your beck and call. (from The Book of Storms by Jad Alexander at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Empaths/)
I decide to try & update everyone on what is going on in my life right now. YAY going dirt track racing tomorrow. Well to watch, hubby may race. I'm trying to talk him into it. He's used to drag racing. They have been trying to talk me into it. Even hubby says I'm to dangerous. I like tearing shit up. Hooking a chain to a car, turning the radio up loud, screaming as you slam the gas, cause the car attached to the chain to flip over on its top. They can call me anytime they need that done. Which they usually do...lol
We're working on getting our 2nd business up. We already have the commercial lot & building. Been putting furniture & things in it. Just got to get all the paperwork junk done & get the money right. We're going to be opening a car lot in his home town. I've got to push him to hurry up on the dealer's license as well. He's been procratinating it for about a year now.
Still working on the list of items damaged by the fire. Sent all the make up & baseball cards to the insurance company. It's aggrevating doing all the items though. You have to write it all down, then go into store & find the prices for everything. I worked on it today at work a little. Ended up with about 5 pages that we have priced, still about a 100 to go..lmao One day we'll get everything done.
Thinking about getting a 2nd job, hubby doesn't really want me to. I don't like my job that much, it encourages me to be a recluse. I try to stay away from things that do that. My friend told me about a job, doesn't pay worth a shit, minimum wage, but if I gotta work then I might as well work 2 jobs. It's only around 20 hrs a week 2nd shift. I think I could handle 60 or 70 hrs a week. Was supposed to be off today, but they needed me,so I worked. YAY for overtime. All I can think of for now. Later Peoples
Okay people when you call a place of business, even if it's Joe's Pizza Shack, talk fucking clearly on the phone. So many people call & mumble, blast the radio so loud that I can tell the words on the radio but still have no clue what they are saying. Some days it's actually entertaining. Rather than ask for a nurse, most will tell me what is wrong first. I've heard everything from hemorrhoid problems, to I cheated on my girl/boy, & now my crotch is burning, what do I do..Omg stay the fuck away from me. lol Other days I want to yell through the phone open your fucking mouth when you talk. I'm quiet as hell in person. Yet still I manage to answer the damn phone, get on the intercom page people all the while remaining nice, polite, & rarely ever having to repeat what I say. I know this is the south & everyone sounds like a redneck. That's all fine & good, but some I think are trying to mix ghetto redneck in there or something. Trust me, I have a horrible accent, so I would never pick on anyone else with one. Now days people generally seem to be a lot lazier than back in the day. Seems that even their mouths are becoming lazy as well. Maybe it's just around here though. Okay well work is boring at the moment, so I think this entertained me for a few minutes. Since I'm at work, I spelled checked for all you freaks out there. I need a cigarette............
Yet again a massive migraine. My options really suck. Be on medicine that controls them, but have to get my blood checked every 2 weeks for liver damage, or suffer with them. I tried all the different meds for about 2yrs. Finally decided to live with them rather than put my body through all the side affects from the drugs. At this point I'm reconsidering that choice. I've got to figure out a way to be stronger than the migraines, to live with & accept them.
00:27 Feb 29 2008
03:13 Mar 04 2008
Ok good! ish...... ^_^'