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9 entries this month

09:15 Apr 13 2013
Times Read: 448

Good lord..I have a migraine tonight. Seems these damn things are coming back with a vengeance. I finally got some answers when I took the lil one to the doctor's office a few days ago. Confirmed in fact that they did find something wrong, but did not give me an actual technical name for it.

My mom still makes remarks like "wonder if it's all in her head" umm Well if the doctor saw something then it can't be that..Damn sometimes you just can't argue with stupid.

The doctor increased her medicine. So far a slight difference for her, but nothing major yet. I'm just hoping it has to build up in her system or something.

Took the lil one on her first fishing trip today. No bait, so nothing caught. lol She just suddenly decided she wanted to go, so we went. We did try a few crickets, but kept losing them in the water. Hubby says he always fished with crickets and worms. I told him no wonder he didn't mind baiting the hook. We always fished with raw chicken liver. OMG it stunk so badly. Then my dad would say we had to sit there and be really quiet. Seem like we had to sit there forever stinking like the bait before we would catch anything. I still suspect chicken liver probably works better than worms or crickets though. Unfortunately my lil one wants to catch them, cook them and eat them..Mama don't eat no fish. If I could swim with it, I'm not eating it. No form of fishy. Oh well time for some ruzzle before bed.



11:38 Apr 13 2013

I hate migraines. The gift that I wish would go away. One of the nice things about pain killers is that I haven't had a migraine lately. Either because I sleep when I can, not been recently exposed to the sun an awful lot or just the pills themselves. I will offer no advice since you likely know your own migraines better than I can but I will offer a quite solid commiseration.

I am glad that you are getting somewhere with your child's doctors. Stick to your guns, family can be really stupid. Hopefully this will be sorted soon.

I haven't fished in years. I wouldn't know how to begin in my local waters. Partly because I would be afraid to eat them because of Mercury in the soil but also because I grew up catching trout, salmon and salt water inlet fish and here they fish for catfish and bass. We used those little red fish egg things, worms, rubber worms and tied flies.

Hope the kid catches a nice big fish and enjoys it.


02:53 Apr 08 2013
Times Read: 467

When a mother says something is wrong with her child and seems very concerned. One of the worst comments you can make is "Oh they are just doing it for attention".

It is my child I think I would know the damn difference better than you. Lord I am so ready for some answers.

And just like I said..When I get an answer..

I'm gonna be rubbing them damn papers in your face.

Stupid idiots. Family should be about supporting each other and listening..Moments like this remind me why I got married. Yall are the most unsupporting people.



03:11 Apr 08 2013

family support? What is that? Meh.


22:54 Apr 06 2013
Times Read: 471

I just been so moody lately. Sorta depressed and migraines everyday. I decided I'm going to listen to some Tom Petty. If anyone can improve my mood it's ole Tom.

So far seems to be helping a bit...

It always brings up those good old memories...Sitting around getting stoned, listening to people play guitar or sing.




21:28 Apr 05 2013
Times Read: 473

Finally I got my daughter an appointment with the Pediatric Urologist. Feels like I had to fight to get it, but at least we are one step closer to answers. I hope we find out something soon and that it's something really simple. I'm so tired of seeing my child's little world turned upside down.




09:11 Apr 05 2013
Times Read: 478

My laptop shocked the piss out of me..Come on man damn..

Now my head is starting to hurt. Err Can't sleep.




23:45 Apr 04 2013
Times Read: 489

So today I have killed 2 light bulbs and temporarily downed a cell phone. Had to take the battery out and put it back in. Suddenly a few secs after I got my hands on it, it wouldn't do anything. Not sure what I believe on this subject. I just know what my experiences are. Maybe it's just the rainy day atmosphere we are having around here. I'm sure that could have some affect on things in some way or another. I just feel really jumpy today, but I guess if something is messing with the electronics then it could be throwing me off as well.

I'm finding though that the last few years appliances just don't last long around me. It's getting rather expensive. Dishwasher, washer, 2 dryers, 2 microwaves, 1 burner on the stove in the last year. Maybe it's something freaky in my house and not so much me. I hope it's not me, but if it is I hope it fixes itself. I'm tired of it and starting to get broke.



23:56 Apr 04 2013



10:08 Apr 03 2013
Times Read: 492

Anyone on here play RUZZLE? I really need some harder competition.




My madness is mine

09:48 Apr 03 2013
Times Read: 494

Why do I really give a damn what my family thinks..

My life would be so much happier if I could get past that.

I refuse to spank my daughter in front of my parents. I learned when she was tiny if I did, they would judge, they would stare. Really it's my child, keep your damn nose out of the way I discipline her. My sister doesn't even believe in spanking and her child is wild as a bat.

I try to make them understand that I do discipline her just not the way they want me to. My dad is a firm believer that if you spank the child and they don't stop or they are still having a tantrum, then it's because you aren't hitting them hard enough.

Yeah that's why your child learned at a very young age to tell you "You are not going to make me cry"

I finally had enough and my mom went to let in on what I needed to do.. so I said "I know you want me to discipline my child the same way you did yours, I didn't agree with your method when I was growing up and I don't agree with it now, so I will never discipline my child the way you did yours"

Needless to say that ended the discussion..but I just wonder for how long.

My sister suggest I put my mom on time outs..saying I will not talk to you for a week, then if it continues, try 2 weeks and more from there. She says when mama shows the crazy, put her ass in time out..lol Maybe that's what is needed cause my mom sure does show the crazy sometimes.

It's funny to watch how different they are with my daughter v/s my sisters kids. When my sister had her littler girl, my dad would go babysit when she was still very young. My little girl, he would hardly even hold and I had a healthy little girl. She wasn't tiny like those babies your afraid you will break. I basically cut my grandma off because of her favoritism. My nephew almost ruined my daughter's birthday party. Even the photographer laughed and said she had video on her camera and would definitely record "Birthday Parties gone wild" Yet in my grandma's eyes some how I was in the wrong.

My sister on the other hand is really great to my lil girl and really seems to like her. When her little girl was tiny and they came to visit, I was the only way she could get a break. Her little girl couldn't seem to tell us apart. I even nursed her little girl when she was sick and couldn't. In my families eyes though, I will always be the reject and so I guess they are going to pass that on to my little one, or they are gonna try at least.

Crazy night...To much on my mind. Stressing the little one still not being any better and my family insisting I should be beating the crap out of her and that nothing is wrong with her and she is just after attention.

Really?? My child was completely potty trained and suddenly she can't leave the potty and she has to wear pull ups again. She will even refuse to get off the potty to go play with other kids, she tries to put a pillow on her lap so she can sleep there. Really? That's just for attention...I'm about to tell my family where they can take themselves. I know the pediatrician says this is normal, but it's just not. I've never heard of anything like this. Poor thing has missed so much lately, simply because we can't get her off the potty, she can't live her life. No child wants that, they wouldn't do it to get attention.

Oh well...Off to ruzzle, maybe I can clear my mind and get some rest.




10:20 Apr 01 2013
Times Read: 501

I guess I will start my week off trying to get the lil one a doctors appointment. She still is no better. This time we're going to request a specialist. I really like her doctor but this just doesn't seem normal. My poor lil one she has always had these odd lil health issuses. Maybe this is another one. So far they have been nothing extremely serious and usually fairly quickly to correct. She was put to sleep 3 times before she was 2. I was hoping we wouldn't have to go through anymore specialist for something else. I was hoping she was so young she would forget. The first time she was put to sleep, they had me hold her, they injected her and rather quickly her little body just went limp in my arms. There is just nothing like your child just going limp in your arms. The doctors tell you what is coming but it just feels so wrong. Needless to say that was at a major pediatric hospital, it was supposed to be one of the best in my area. That place was horrible. If I can help it, we will never go back there. The next times they put her to sleep she was taking out of the room and to the surgery room. Suprisingly iit was much easier not seeing her put to sleep. I know it must have been so confusing to her, to got to sleep fine and wake up in pain not knowing what has happened to you. She was to young for us to explain it. My hope for her is that she will not have to go through anything similar and will forget she did before.

Now it's a new issue and I don't even know where to start. Her doctors acts like it's fine, nothing big and doesn't seem concerned. He says that some kids just go through it at her age and that doctors have no idea why, that it just happens. I don't know about anyone elses child, but this just isn't normal. She can't even live a normal life. She's not happy and she's miserable all the time.

Oh how I wish I could deal with all these things for her. She is going to be one tough lady one day. I hope the doctors office is not closed for holiday tomorrow. This has really gone on long enough. I'm at witts end and something has got to change. Oh well maybe a few games of Ruzzle will take my mind of things so I can get some rest.

Goodnight VR and all you nutty little fruit cakes.



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