I dreamed again of the Hooded Figure. A few night ago...
I stood again before him, and this time he was teaching me telekinesis. As I tried and tried, he told me to stp using my "human self" and to awaken the "Vampyre" within. If I was to be successful with my "gifts".
Eventually I go it.
I noticed the surrounding area was the same foggy/misty area as before. People wandering, but as shadows, sort of like the demons were the last time.
I'm not afraid of this Figure. In fact I feel comfortable by his side. Like I've always known him...like a close relative or friend. It's really bizarre.
Something nags at my mind and tells me that it's no mere dream. That there's more to it.
I know I've dreampt of him before...and his lessons. More than I remember. It bugs me that I can't recall all the encounters.
I don't know what to think, though.
In the days that pass after the dreams, coincidences happen. Things come up in conversation or I read something...just SOMETHING pertaining to those dreams comes up.
It's all too coincidental to be just dreams.
Any thoughts?
I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into. I think it'll work out fine, but how can I be sure?
Emotions aside, I think it was a good choice. A good opportunity. I don't typically take chances unless I'm certain of outcome, but logically, I could not surmise a reason to decline the offer.
Helping build something new...A lot of work and time...It'll be worth it right?
I had a dream last night about demons...I don't remember much except the ending.
A figure stood before me, I don't remember specifics. He/It spoke but the voice was in my head. It told me I was given a "second sight". This "second sight" was the ability to see demons. As i looked around me, I saw them, but as smokey-like shadows following people. The figure then pointed out my own demon...attached to me. As I looked at this demon, it was small and rather imp-like.
What scared me was the fact it looked identical to a demon I'd dreamed of a few years back. In that dream, the demon came flying across a room and jumped at me, entering my body. I'd awoken very shaken and thought I was possessed for a short while before I was calmed and assured demons couldn't enter/possess you via dreams.
I'm not so sure now. I have no idea what to think...the fact that both dreams felt so real and the same identical demon showed up.
And what's this about a "second sight"? Being able to see demons? Why would I dream about that?
If anyone is reading this...and has any idea what this means, if anything...I'd love a response. I know I'm probably making something out of nothing. Maybe...
A lot of my dreams are of future events, so it's a bit bothersome to think that I could see demons. -.-
So any help would be awesome ^^: Thanks.