Artistic and maybe even a bit shallow, you belong to the clan of the Toredor. You have a keen eye for pretty things. The embrace is looked on as perserving all beautiful things for eternity. You are the sensual vampires that you hear people talk about that seduce to get what they want. This clan is the one thought of as being the spoiled sort who want to get what they want. However, you usually work right under the ventrue clan as they try to carry out their plans.What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To? |
I get this question a lot. or this one "your a Christian what are you doing here?" Does it mean I have to stop using the site. and my answer is Yes you can use sites, use any sites on the Net you want. Just be careful you don't get yourself into anything you'll regret. My answer to the other question is that I have free will, we all do, we all have the right, the priveledge to use whatever sites we want, we have the freedom to think for ourselves.
What am I talking about here. I'm talking about every site on the net whether it be Facebook, MySpace, dating sites, dating sites for Married people who are incognito (hiding from their spouse) VampireRave, VampireFreaks, anything and everything (the only one I use is Facebook and VampireRave, and no I ain't tellin you my screenname).
People think that just because I'm Christian I can't believe Vampires exist, I can't believe unicorns or werewolves exist. I am not allowed to believe that Leprachans or gremlins exist. Just because I am a Christian don't mean I'm "Brainwashed" or under some kind of "mindcontrol" God's greatest gift to us was Free Will, the ability to act on one's own self, the ability to make our own mistakes, and our own decisions. As long as we put no other gods before him, as long as we don't Idolize "things" and place those Idols at the center of our lives we're fine...
Here's a secret though. All of us, All of us have sinned, We do Idolize "things" whether it be Television, Money, or even God himself, we make Idols and worship those Idols every day. Here's why, and you may be thinking to yourself I don't, I don't do that.
On the subject of Money
Have you ever ran right to the bank after a paycheck or payback and immediately deposited or cashed it for the sole purpose to brag that you have "cash" or that your not 'broke", have you ever ran to the bank and either cashed or deposited a paycheck or payback for the sole purpose of buying things you want not things you need, such as video games, "points" for games, stuff to "fix up" your vehicle and not just fix your vehicle. See money, Cash, is a lot of times at the center of our lives, which makes it hard for God to be at the center, at which case, we have created an Idol and placed it before God.
On the subject of Television
Have you ever called out of work just to see the big "game" or "finale" because it was a "once in a lifetime thing". Have you ever rushed home from school or work to try and Catch that one Television show, do you own a DVR system or VHS system and have it set to record your shows so you can see them at your leisure. You my friend have also created an Idol, you have put this fictional thing before Christ, before God, and it's what rules your life, it's what your entire day is based around. I have known people to make their work schedule around specific television shows, Just so they didn't miss. but when it comes to God, do you rush home to Pray, or to read your bible, do you schedule work around time to sit and discuss God or Jesus with friends or a Bible Group, probably not. You have created an Idol and place it at the center of your life.
On the Subject of God
Yes even God himself can be an Idol, if you make him out to be... have you ever said this or heard someone say this, "my God is a loving God, he would never send anyone to Hell" their right (Credit to Pastor Jeff Oettle for this one just google him, or Itunes him you'll find him) Their God would never send anyone to hell because their God is not THE God. God is a perfect being and in that aspect, He has to punish sin, all sin no matter what, because God is Perfect, Heaven is perfect, and because we who are His People are sinners, and have sinned, and the Punishment for Sin is Death we Cannot go to Heaven. Sin makes us Imperfect beings, and that imperfection is not allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven. Now here's the Skinny. God loved us so much, He didn't want to send us away, he wanted us to enter. He still couldn't allow it though, no matter how much HE loves us he still has to punish us, it's your son or daughter steals a peice of gum, you love them, probably more than yourself if your like me, and yet you still have to punish them... in some form, whether you smack their hand, or make them pay for it or return it and apologize. So here's what God did, He sent his son, HIS SON, his own perfect Son, to come to earth, to be beaten, to be tempted with every temptation the Devil could throw at him. and ULTIMATELY die on the cross so that who so ever believes in Christ, in JESUS, can ask for HIS forgiveness, and ask for the right to Enter Heaven because all SIN has been washed away.
We take this a little to far though, and we start saying things like "my god would never do this" or "MY god would never do that" and we start creating an image of God in our own mind, instead of believing in God, and Believing the Bible who tells us Who God is, we turn it around and create God in our own IMAGE. Our Own Image... think about that, God created us in HIS holy image and we turn around. We say "My God......." the Correct terminology is "Our God" "Our Father" see then the meaning Changes, and you can say "Our Father loves us" "Our God has to punish sin, he has to punish us, but we can ask for Forgiveness through the Blood of Christ".
Even God can be an Idol in our lives if we aren't careful...
Now what does all this have to do with what the post is about. because we as Christians are still allowed, are given the right of free will to believe whatever we want to believe, I mean you can't believe that Satan exists but God doesn't... because God created Satan, well He Created Lucifer who was the most beautiful of Angels, but he wanted God's throne, and God sent him into Hell. How do we know God didn't create other Worlds, Other Races on those worlds, how do we know he didn't create, or allow satan to create Vampires, WereWolves, Unicorns, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, even Dragons, Just because I am a Christian, it doesn't take away my right, my ability to believe in other things as long as I don't or we don't Idolize them, and make our whole life revolve around them. we can believe, what we want, we can use what ever sites we want. play whatever games we want. Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons. Just because I am a Christian doesn't mean I have to stop living and That's MY TWO CENtS..
Peeps ask me all the time,only the name has changed to protect the innocent.
"Whats a mermaid doing on a vampire site"
I simply smile to myself.
I've not got that question yet lol. All he asks is that we believe in him,he didn't say we couldn't go on the net lol. I even like a few gay people GASP*** This is where I roll my eyes lol