The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Maiden, Mother and Crone. Protecter, Guarantor and Sovereign. Many religions have some aspect of three involved in it's structure. Christianity's being the most well known version and Wicca being a third or even close second of repute with Hindu Faith's triad of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva(Hero, Creator and Destroyer). Even secular psychology acknowledges the triplicity of the physical, mental and emotional states(body, mind and heart). One that is not well known is Ancient Roman Religion's triune concept which is also an early archetype for polarity as well. Juno has three aspects or functions; Lucina, Populona, and Regina. As Lucina, She presides and guarantees the safety of births, the fecudity of women(particularly those of maturity) and maintains a warlike protectress attitude but in the vein of motherhood. As Populona, She is a protectress of the people, fierce as a huntress and connected to the idea of unity as one people, one government. As Regina, She is connected to royalty and the ideology of Her other faces with a sovereign queenly prospective. Her aim is to build a strong nation bolstered by numbers(fecundity), united under one banner in peace or war(legionaire) and as an integrated family that is bound by national and spiritual identity/heritage(government). Juno as Queen of the Gods is ready to aid and defend Her people should they call. --from my own personal studies.
A lifestyle is a vehicle through which we express ourselves. It is a way of telling the world what particular subcult(s) we belong to. Yet this hardly accounts for its enormous importance to us. The real reason why lifestyles are so significant - and increasingly so as the society diversifies - and above all else, the choice of a lifestyle model to emulate is a crucial strategy in our private war against the crowding pressures of overchoice. --- from Future Shock by Alvin Toffler.
I agree with Toffler - too much change too fast isn't all that good. And too little change makes for a boring life.
Not all of his proposals seem realistic. But this was also written some time ago.
Good read and makes you put on a thinking cap.