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The silence was abrupt and amusing from the peanut gallery. Why oh why the sudden change in tactic, is what I wonder. Too direct? I sure hope so.
06:15 Oct 26 2017 Times Read: 812
Men will poke fun, ridicule and look down on other men for just about anything that is not "man like". Women, impressively enough, do the same to other women. People in general have a nasty way about them. "Bro, do you even lift?" "Yo... you weren't supposed to fall in love with the bitch." "You can't take a punch?" "Why doesn't she work her last month of her third trimester? I Worked right up until my water broke." "She's not sick, she's just on her period. She can suck it up." Amusing statements that very special individuals use to build themselves up and appear better or wiser than others.
The reasons for this, should and could vary, but the end result is a vile person that has nothing better to do than pick any person they have the most general dislike for and pick apart the most inaccurate and harmless things about that person, particularly non-harmful choices they make. They'll try to insult them with style, while masking their intent, when the remark is no better than school yard backfires. Adolescent and ineffective. Yet that doesn't stop them.
Experiencing most of these in one fashion or another always helped open my eyes more to how people are willing to treat others, regardless of the situation. My ex being practically being bed ridden during her cramps, has shown me that it is very much a ridiculous stance for another female to ridicule and judge another female for not sharing in the same luxuries as her, those being that her cramps don't put her on her knees for hours nor weaken her entirely. Utter bullshit behavior, simply because one can. Never mind the entire aspect of being a women herself and knowing full well what that can be and is for a woman during that part of the month. The same applies for another situation where it is very well known that some women are told by doctors to NOT do certain activities and some are even put on bed rest during any part of their pregnancies. Yet, some outstanding female member of society will turn her nose up on a woman that cannot and does not share in her strengths as a human. Like, do these people even hear themselves when they speak? Empathy is an art that they cannot understand.
Hey look at me... I ONLY tip a certain way when I go to restaurants, so I guess that makes me belittling others for not tipping like me, or tipping 15% or less, a particularly redeeming character quality. That about sum that up?
A personal favorite of mine that just came to mind is men who claim a rape victim asked for it and should have done thing differently. Apart from being truly disgusting creatures, one wonders if they would keep that same voice mentality if every female they associated with were subjected to that experience. For instance say, their mother and grandmother as they watched helplessly. Because in a world where we can be utterly unfeeling towards others traumatizing experiences, even shared instances don't make people empathetic to their fellow men without some sort of gain in it. Very special people keep that kind of outlook where it comes to the well being of everyone they come in contact with. Wishing well on others is not a burden, yet some will act as if it truly was one.
So time to get into the expected part of my rant... you should leave now so you can pretend like you didn't read this far. You would make fun of me for being meticulous and making distinctions behind the meaning of words and phrases. Downplay the importance of what a person means versus some static meaning only used for one's benefit when trying to make an argument. Yet, those are exactly the people that still gravitate toward you, openly and ironically. It's easy to nit pick at another when you are angry at them or dislike them. Just pick something and RUN with it. Isn't that what I do? Just pick something at random, with no basis nor source for based observations? God if only. Not even getting into how its pretty sad to hi-jack another person's past situation as if one were there to speak of it, come lets talk about pneumonia. In fact, why don't we talk about double pneumonia. Just in case being cute was a goal in pointing that out. You lived through it? Yes. Did you suffer? Yes. You worked through it? Fuck yes. Impressive? Absolutely. Even inspiring. Till you diminish it by doing what you did. You made ill allusion to another's inability to be as strong as you and 'calling in' to work because they are sick. Did that make you smile? Feel better about something that is burdening you? Or was it part of your personality that just couldn't help itself? Is that what keeps you content with who you are? All because you dislike them? Do you even know why you don't like them? Guess SOME will never know.
To some people, having their children taken from them, isn't even an option. To others, watching someone be abused and mistreated in silence, is not an option. To some scarred women, living with an abusive free-loading drug addict who makes everyone miserable is NOT even an option. To others still, telling others how useless they are in any way, is NOT an option. isn't it strange the options we DON'T have when out convictions come into play where WE are concerned, EH? Fuck Empathy. Right? If you don't like someone, they simply suck at life. No matter their choices. Right?
Oh let's cover this now before I go crazy reading myself talk. Slain likes doing that, don't you know? If you think criticizing people for their odd and wrong choices of doing things, is the same as criticizing people for making choices that very outwards do people harm there is a fundamental flaw of character where that distinction is concerned. Hey.... I guess I'm a hypocrite, right? How dare I judge you for doing something ill towards another instead of judging your inability to color withing the fucking lines with crayons. Gods forgive my transgressions, I'm so appalled at my own existence. This right here is why I never mesh with certain kinds of people. And that amuses me when, they themselves are so lost at the reason, they grasp at straws trying to nit pick at my person for the things that I do. Yet... they cannot ever condemn me for ever acting myself, only for ever reaction to something already in the wrong. Always stating how I am as a person, yet not once ever stating that I never changed. I've always been a certain way so what? my personality was able to sneak up on you while you were enthralled in my allure? I think not. So, yes... I'm a huge hypocrite for judging your inability to not do fucked up things to other human beings. My happiness depends on it. Can't you tell?
Am I happy? Fuck no. Not even close. Was I happy? Yes. The evidence is right where it should be. Are you? Are the people you'd "allow into your house" lately, happy themselves? I wonder. Because what you swore you wouldn't do, you've been doin. And they have been as well. Once again... a loop-hole in convictions while we're lubricated, eh? Does one need to be unhappy to dislike genuine shit behavior from someone? No. But in order to form critical opinions of another's harmless choices, one has to have a certain mindset, boredom or inclination to just spew bile for no reason other than... one wants to. Especially when they are not doing it for the benefit of the person they are critiquing. Having a legitimate reason to be angry is incomparable to the latter, but you'll attempt so anyway. Amongst all the other interesting distinctions you moods dictate. I'm loving but hurtful. I'm idiotic but book smart. I'm kind but cruel. I'm unforgiving yet give so many chances. I'm the worst to happen to you, yet I can't seem to escape your gaze. I'm understanding yet uncompromising. Sorry that refusing to be treated like shit makes me such a monster. Go figure.
Should you want to insult your intelligence and mine, go ahead and wonder and question why I write the things I write in anger. You might be surprised that anger comes from hurt, and then one wonders just how deluded any person has to be to think another has no reason to be hurt and angry. Hypocrisy just accentuates the same observations over and over again. Consistent claims and post of how others see you as kind and giving and warm, while being underhanded and devious and dishonest and damning those that criticize said behavior as insufferable cunts. Well NO SHIT. Who in the hell would ever want to stick around a person that constantly is telling them right from wrong when it comes to treating people as just south of garbage? Breaking promises and lying should be acceptable when you are dealing the cards, but woe is you when you've been lied to.
There's actual people on here that have gotten married, moved on with their lives and still come back to to play, but they don't make outlandish claims about the world they live in. Some make changes for the better, while still being themselves... and fairly content with life. Wow what a concept. Just how happy does a person need to be online? Just how happy does one need to pretend to be? Speaking of the importance of family and spending only time with them is what matters more than the bullshit on vr. But miraculously find the time to make snide comments on things that they claim don't matter to them about people they could care less about. React to another's words with contempt and disdain simply because they wrote them? OH THE HYPOCRISY. Thing about claiming to be and do certain things is that someone can and will call you on your bullshit at some point. Won't do a whole lot, but hey, that's the world we live in. A world where using another for entertainment has more value than keeping one's word. Where lying is preferable to loyalty. And demonizing the honest for the sake of saving face and feeling better is the go to.
Ask your buddy, Inigo, just what is the real meaning of karma is, as you take steps through life making yourself believe that you hurt no one in the course of doing as you wish. Nor take swipes at those that you simply dislike for one childish reason or another. Keeping counsel from they whose sycophantic praise takes precedence over those that gave you time during painful moments. Only to reward them with lies pain at the end of the exchange. Oh yea, because along with such claims, it also shows.
A happy life indeed.
I'll just keep deluding myself into believing that treating people like people is truly important in life.
Now there is an original stance to take when posturing for fuckboi status. Whereupon one finds themselves inadequately armed to respond with anything worth while, ad hominem is the way to go. We'll keep doing this for whoever's amusement until someone gets called out and then they get to really pretend like they don't care about anything that has ever been said.
Be this to her amusement or not, You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last. There's been plenty and you've all have had the same reactions; Attacking my intelligence as if to impress upon myself or others that I lack in that area. The thing is: I most certainly do. But for some strange reason some get the feeling that I think myself superior due to my demeanor and therefore must be taken down a notch or two by calling me inept and ignorant.
Do tell. Because the trick is that I am superior, but not because I'm supposedly smarter.
I've always fancied being an educator for a career, as well as been told to take up being a prosecutor. But I've always found that when teaching, especially as a parent (but not exclusively), some might even agree being teachers themselves... when you pose that someone is incorrect in their ideas, you've now taken on the mantle of educating the correct way. Because the idea is... at least for the "educator" to not belittle, show off nor be a tool in someway, but to teach, since the learner is indeed, lacking said knowledge. But I'm sure that was your goal the entire time. To teach. Lol.
In the world of daring to speak of others and naming them useless, attacking them in place of actually arguing a point is, precisely that, useless. You amuse yourself, that's fine. You amuse me too, that's why all this is happening. So keep being that guy, not having a leg to stand on when it comes to a reason for aggression, yet choosing denunciation as way of making the very clear demonstration of "Yes hun, I like you but I don't like him." This all speaks to our maturity with dealing with people.
It's so strange... I so very distinctly recall being labeled a bully for "targeting" people I had "no reason" to target. Yet here is the same person, finding amusement in another doing it for her sake. Cheers bro. Actions are a funny thing indeed.
Be funny, or be cute. Be insulting or be direct.
But for the love of god, better material than "You're stupid" should be at your disposal.
~~Know me well enough to call me a hypocrite, otherwise you're just making yourself feel better. ~~
:: Shakes head:: What good comes from remembering what you once committed yourself to knowing about someone who simply doesn't appreciate what they know of you? Lot of good that does me. "Oh here's one more reason to wince embedded in your memories." Eh... I shake my head knowing what I know. Wondering? Perhaps. Being wrong is fun. But am I?
To be ignored eh? Must be a new and jarring experience. You'll get one. You always do, only to repeat the cycle. One very much not unlike the other. Just to keep that circle alive. And I thought I was masochistic.
"They who are angry, are upset." No. Shit. Hmm hmm. : )
The question is... why be so angry? The world never stopped spinning, now did it? Pony up. Karma's not done yet. We aren't dead yet.
I'm fine. The source material sure as paint isn't 'happy'. Lol. Also, when observing saddening BEHAVIORS, it really really hard to be serious about them and sound thrilled.
Will prove ironic and enlightening. After all... they are me, right?
21:14 Oct 20 2017 Times Read: 920
These passages are a strange inspiration. I should say, these and someone else's way of being are the inspiration. Some of these are draining, very damaging. Very negative to say the least, yet they do kindle some slight purpose. I guess I could try, see where it goes. I certainly do not have a shortage of these to read. Not a coincidence.
Lol. If only I indulged in that vice so freely... I might sound a little more "happy" lmao
I wish I had this...
03:32 Oct 17 2017 Times Read: 991
There comes a pleasant and unique ease with being responsible for the ills in your life. Being the source of the disasters and generally not being able to peg anyone else but yourself for the fuck-ups. The soothing ease is in knowing how, why and where you could have done something better, but didn't. The reason I've come to this thought is simply that, it is easier to accept your short comings than it is to deal with unknown evils aimed at you from the shadows. That is to say, when there are people singularly interested in your disappointment and deterioration. On one hand you have yourself to blame and you can either live with that or lie to yourself, or on the other hand, you have people that wish to wrong you simply because it's Tuesday. I say it is more peaceful to be the architect of your misadventures than to be blindsided that a purposeful act to do you any sort of harm. In nature, if anything comes toward you bearing you or your loved ones ill-will, it is human nature to dislike that fact more than somewhat. Thus unease and apprehension, and perhaps a partial if not complete hatred of what wishes you to suffer, to say the least, become a part of your life; paranoia for the worst of it.
Another VERY rare and unique ease in life comes from those who step up and claim their wrongdoings toward you and now wish to make amends however they humanly can. Be it for a selfish reason, or for genuinely recognizing the problems and horrible things they caused. I was under the impression miracles like that wouldn't ever take place, but alas, I was WRONG.
Go figure Slain was wrong about something, eh? Slain wishes he was so more often. You have no idea.
Life is not fair and shit happens. But when unfair shit happens due to someone's design, you have more leave afforded you to hate and hold in contempt than those cute few that judge you for being who you are for not having their luxuries.
If the punishment fits the crime, do you think that it was proportional? Do you? Some will believe in justice halfway, until they need it.
Smile, hypocrite. You think this jo-- Oh, you know the rest.
Lol. I've recently watched it like three times. That song introduced in the movie is awesome. Just wish his operatic solo hadn't sucked when him and Belle were outside. lol
I'll forever treasure every moment my daughter clings to me while I sing along to this song, and sign it to her. She squeezes me tighter when she hears my voice breaking, whispering to me "I know daddy, and I'll always come to you."
She clung to me so tightly today, cutting off my breathing. I'd hold her like that till I couldn't stand if I had to.
Luckily I have us both covered in the hate department.
So you're new eh?
05:36 Oct 08 2017 Times Read: 1,072
Scrolling through watching people on here behave like they always have, and then, as if to set themselves apart from the 90% they already have much in common with, they are shocked and dismayed at the continuing bizarre antics displayed by those whom they share so many similarities with.
Never have I been a more adamant advocate against people using people, than when I see another going through similar situations I've gone through. Never wanting another to live that, it breaks my heart to see them think and feel so at ease and happy in their world, content with what they are lucky to have, only to have it torn to shreds by the painful realization they were being used by their other half. Having it further cemented into reality by the others behavior in the developing situation. I grow angry, because for all my relation to them, I counted on them at least having what I could not. Smiled at their luck and persistence, only... to see it turn to all but ash so swiftly?
I ache inside for her. Although I'd certainly kill for the time and love they shared, I ache for her current pains, which I felt too often in my short time. Trust is a powerful thing. Too many make ill use of it for their own purpose and nothing more. I always find myself asking why. Just... why?
Oddly enough, I have exactly the same answers about another's relationship as I do my own... none. Being used is... a deteriorating feeling when you finally see it... And I still would say it is among the few things I'd not wish on another even if I hated them. It's horrid. I can relate, the joke we told one another tonight were understood but... loaded and I don't blame her. Seeking that laughter that others so surely misread when we're actually screeching and reeling inside. So few ever do hear it... Our true selves in pain. Seeking, if even a moments soothing peace and comfort, with but a smile. I hope and wish and send my prayers to you.
You have no idea I'm writing this, but I'm a hug away, Swan. Even if you didn't want one tonight.
I know the pain in incalculable, but I can tell you, you'll breathe through this. Not easily, betrayal has a way to wind us, but you'll breathe...
It's utterly disappointing how much people depend on crime when it's "for the protection of the city/neighborhood/village" Yet... one has to fucking ask...
Where are all the fucking street gangsters at in Puertorico now that there's just about only streets left and everyone's hungry? What? El barrio just got too hard to do illegal shit to help out those that need help? All these cries about how laws are dead-stopping the help that's been sent...
What? Suddenly laws matter now? Really?
Can kill someone for a pair of sneakers doe.