-"God" is not an explanation. It is a placeholder for those lacking courage, or the intellectual honesty, to say, "I don't know."-
God, is a beacon of hope in a time of despair, for those true to what their beliefs represent. Not a mathematical improbability that inspires no confidence nor strengthens a person's resolve. Emotions are not a static base that can be easy altered by cold realities. Humans for all their intelligence, need hope in something. There is a hope underlying everything a person chooses. And if a person doesn't have the supposed courage to face THAT fact... then they have no place in trying to accuse another of suffering fear, simply because they don't want to shatter another person's will or their own, to continue living, in spite of reality.
Keeping in mind that this 'fear', (the one I've brought to light) exists to begin with; let us look at the different established forms of honesty. No defined nor precise amount of intellect is required for a person to be Honest or truthful, apart from knowing the difference between lying or telling the truth.. A child after a certain age knows when they are lying, and most of us know the reason as to why they are lying. We all lie to our kids, almost daily. Not to hurt them, not be malicious, but because there is a buffer that needs to be established when teaching and exposing a mind to new ideas; Ideas that would have a harsh and significant impact on various parts of their personality and development. Why is it okay to forget this fact about all humans, simply because they get older? Because their minds are more developed? They are more calloused to harsh realities the world has put them through? Even when dealing with reality a person needs an idea to hold on to, some sort of hope or goal. Does this mean they lack 'intellectual honesty' because they reach a breaking point when meet increased obstacles and hardships in attaining said aspirations? I do believe, it is clear that honesty has nothing to do with being intellectual.
Honesty seems only a good idea when one realizes that being lied to, does not feel good, ever. Every single one of our morals are based on ideas of what makes us feel good versus what makes us feel horrible. Our emotions have become a base for our established morals. What the majority agrees to not being an enjoyable event, they deem unacceptable, and as the groups amass, they set rules to avoid such inconveniences, that eventually evolve into a society and that society makes that rule, a law.
Then of course we have our typical law breakers for the "laws" that have been established. Please let us not get lost in the technicalities of laws, and focus on rather, the unwritten rules, or laws we as a people set and follow. We have freedoms and rights, ironically established by, again, our laws. We have the right to not be harassed, attacked, ostracized, ridiculed, oppressed mentally or physically abused; Yet we still do that to ourselves daily, some are punished for it and some are not. The unwritten laws, being those we know we should abide by, for the sake of others, but choose to ignore them when they are an inconvenience to our immediate or long term goals. Hypocrisy, short and altogether, not very sweet.
Strange how easy it is to make blanket statements carelessly about certain peoples beliefs and ridicule them for lacking logic and sense. But is there any logic being used while doing this? What's the purpose? What is the purpose of those who clearly support these painfully irresponsible statements, just because they think they are clever? If you support these so much to take pride and call yourself a member of this society of thinkers... Can you truly say you've actually thought about all of this? You hate those who take those certain ideas to extremes. Rightfully so. For all the people these extremists have caused pain and suffering to. This is not an avoidable fact, not in the least.
Those of you who consistently attack 'god' and everything related to that idea... Seem to worship intelligence and logic and the facts of proven science. You are so willing to accept how vast and practically limitless the universe is, as well as the potential of the physical human mind to be innovative and adapt, create and imagine. But... you lack the 'intellectual honesty' to admit... you are afraid to imagine... just a bit farther than that? For all the logic and scientific facts in the world... You still have hopes and goals, and you still... want to live. So why is it you want to attack what clearly is a anchor and driving force for others apart from yourself... that merely makes the idea of this, sometimes overwhelming existence, more bearable to live with? Easier to live in? Because you label that anchor a lie because it can't be proven? This shall seg-way back to the idea of lies.
Touching back on a previously mentioned fact, we lie to our children, and we lie for a reason. We even do lie to ourselves to maintain some sort of mental and physically driving stability when going through very trying situations. When our hopes, in any way... are shattered... we lose the will to continue, push on and eventually, to live. A quick and shoddy example if I may; is a tactless, unkind revealing of medical results to a cancer patient... the delivery as much as the actual diagnostic is absolutely critical to the persons survival and ability to recover.
We all know that is not an effect to be taken lightly. So my question is, why is it so hard to take those same precautions with every person we encounter? What is the big deal if a person is lying to themselves if it is not detrimental to their state of being and living, or of those around them? Why are there some who deem it acceptable and okay to harass, belittle and attack others with no care in their choice of words and accusations? Can you say you take the type of care needed when you make any type of judgement on a persons way of thinking and living? Can you willingly shatter a persons world, drive, and hopes to strive for something more in the world, for the sake of showing them they are merely living a lie? What about your goals? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you want anything that you want? Who cares? More importantly, why do you care? Why strive for anything if you are going to die anyway? Why research medicine that is only going delay what is obviously natural selection? Isn't that simply... survival of the fittest? Why do anything at all? Because it feels good and you enjoy it? Do you know? Does anyone know?
In conclusion, I've obviously directed this at the intelligent and able minded. This is a really long-winded way of saying the obvious, without mentioning key specific details that don't alter the focus message of this idea. There are those who are absolutely in the wrong for trying to force their living beliefs on others to the variable but ultimate result of careless abuse. In making and supporting blanket and generalized statements, constantly ridiculing the basis of another's beliefs, while simultaneously ignoring the flaws of what your carelessness does and could do to others on a daily basis...You have no 'courage' to admit how careless you are choosing to be. You are no better, and I really fail to see you displaying this, 'intellectual honesty' that you speak of. Let alone any of this superior logic your belief system boasts.
It's shameful to be a part of a group of supposed intellectual, logical thinkers, that clearly apply anything but intellect and logic, when casting criticism and judgement. They behave like that is not hypocritical behavior; And much worse, think it's an acceptable way to act.
One time I sat down at a desk to take a personality test. The booklet sparked and caught on fire and it quickly left a slight hint of ashes as the smoke cleared.
Turn out... I wore out the eraser.
You'll stand alone regardless of the many that agree.
Only you will be standing opposing those that don't agree.
Never expect your valor and will, to stand, in another, please.
You will surely stand beside another, wherever you wish to be.
You will always be able to stand alone, especially without me.
I'll stand too, I always have been.
I just wish I could stand without searching...
Looking for a foot print or shadow; A telltale...
That someone, even once, used to stand around me.
It's ironic when you get depressed while wanting to do nothing but uplift the person you love with all you have, while the impression given, doesn't return the sentiment.