Let me sound off because I think I'm hilarious, clever or inventive.
Lvl27 Blood Elf female Rogue
named Silenceglass
Lvl27 Female Death knight
Named Maleviolenya
Lvl13 blood elf male Mage
Named Teatea (teh~ah)
Lvl10 Tuaren male
Named Sacredmoo
Lvl 26 Tauren male Hunter
Named Haggardsbull
Lvl7 male blood elf warlock
Named Dreikohn(old AIM sn,)
Lvl6 male Troll Priest
Named Captenplanet
Lvl5 female night elf warrior
Named Noiseshard(ew alliance)
Lvl3 male Tauren warrior
Named Tormenwind
Lvl3 male Troll warrior
Named Itateyou
Lvl3 male blood elf hunter
Named Littleducky (to play with my daughter)
Lvl35 female pandaren monk
Named Trinikwan(deep trauma)
Lvl12 female troll shaman
Named Kidagakash
Lvl1 male blood elf paladin
Named Itsbehindyou
Lvl3 male worgen Hunter
Named Solim(I hate alliance)
Lvl23 male night elf dk
Named Lhommequerit
Lvl 12 male worgen Hunter
Named Pensylvanian(fuck allys)
Lvl3 male drenai hunter
Named Dispaircry
Lvl2 male Tauren Hunter
Named Oopsimissed
Lvl10 male blood elf paladin
Named Abrakaheal
Lvl10 male blood elf paladin
Named Ayemameyzing
Lvl4 male goblin Hunter
Named Rixziesdaddy(deep trauma)
Lvl 9 make gnome priest
Named Satisdee (did I mention fuck the alliance?)
I want to play ..... But ... It still fucking hurts. Oh well. It was a nice check up on my accounts.
I suppose, all I can say is that if Trump were in office, none of this would be happening. He'd leave women their rights, because he understands how unpopular, despite how effective, his personal contraceptive practice of grabbing them by the pussy is with most other men.
As a Gamer, I must be old fashioned. So I posit to the rest of you this, can we go back to owning our games?
If you can't feel how loaded this question is... Your enjoyment is superficial. Which is fine. But as you don't really grasp what I could ever mean, please don't shower me with stupidity and fanboy-isms.
We've transformed playing a game as enjoyment when you are able, to exasperatingly needing to play it fucking now, or forever miss out.
That, is an absolute embarrassment.
Can you imagine any and all forms of our entertainment having an expiration date?
Hey, lemme go read Homer's Iliad. Nah bruv, licences to that piece expired in 800 B.C. After it's transition from Oral retelling to write work, we had to limit access. No one can read it anymore.
Hey, wanna play some chess? What? Dude... No one has had a chess board since Jerusalem split. No one can play that again. Chinese checkers? Nah. Rights expired, Marbles are not to played.
Cards then? Nope. Cards ran their course in Doc Holiday's time, he sat down for 87 hours at the last Poker Server table game of the wild West. People could only keep playing if they didn't get up. No card playing for us. We missed it by decades. Fine! I'm morose now, guess I'll listen to some Frederick fucking Chopin. Nope. That composer also ran it's course. We can't access his works either. Can we watch a movie? Only if was released to this year. Anything prior, is beyond licensing scope....