Ah boy.... Give it a few.. The final Destination is soon gonna be the United Rapes of America.
I've loved the joker for as long as I can remember, the 90s cartoon and Burton's version were always my favorites. Growing up, learning the developed stories and relationship between the hero and villain, always helped me dissect the people in my life and understand what the ever loving hell drove them to do harm to another.
I absolutely love to laugh, which has led to making friends with individuals who, weren't exactly interested in being friends. I became friends with them, because they made me laugh, but it was often times, at my expense. Hurling insults at me, which if they were creative enough, I'd find hilarious. Little did I know what that really meant. Surely, years passed and I learned, that my laughing or my smile was not their concern. Harsh, but a good lesson.
What DCMU has been doing to these two characters(and the universe as a whole) is becoming more tragic than Bruce's parents' chalk outlines.
Luckily, ALL of the Joker's many iterations are there to liven the cheapened melodrama called directing these last few decades.
May his back be ever in his favor.
It's... Sick.
How often I had been told 'im done talking with you. I don't want to talk to you anymore' by several people.
... And I chose to keep lines of communication open with them, as they... Changed their minds on a whim.
They have all long since been quite quiet, and I've gauged my worth to be far more than I thought it to be back then. Sometimes... Words... Turn out to be just that; holding little weight as we say what suits us in the moments we share.
Addiction, is a funny, brutal thing.
I went looking.
I went looking
for our first conversations
and found them.
Now I'm reeling.
Man I really was just a
hurt puppy begging
For somewhere to belong.
Now, I'm just a weathered wolf eh?
Lessons bore by the scars.
Can I go the distance ?
Just to belong?
Like I've often dreamed?
I keep hoping for that far off place,
I just...
Don't have it in me to look anymore.
So trek on, with my binders on,
my heart guiding my closed eyes.
To that great warm welcome,
That's been waiting for me.
05:12 Jul 01 2022
I’ve been so scared of this ever since I heard the verdict. I’m so scared.