As the world turns its ugliness outward, all the soft spoken people not willing to acknowledge "hate", are now faced with a reality where if they cannot turn their "kindness" into weapon for justice, they risk idly standing by while monsters hurt anyone they care about... and I'm reminded a part in my poem.
"....Hate others for loving to hate.
And cure your delusions of not caring of late.
For its your hating that brightly signifies
that a deep love within you safely resides.
So Love, my dear hated one. Love with all of your hate.
And don't let the baited breaths your heart succumb, and jade.
Love with all of your hate, because you dare to know you can.
Love with all of your hate, because you must and understand...
False platitudes, quotes, and stances love too little and love too late
No source of Love can be real, from those not willing to hate. "
-A Loving Hate