Slain's Journal

Slain's Journal


Honor: 555    [ Give / Take ]


8 entries this month

00:02 Dec 31 2016
Times Read: 746

Happy birthday, Leia.

Whoever you are.

Wherever you are.




Thinking of me?

06:16 Dec 24 2016
Times Read: 757

Interpret my anger.

Solve my love.

Question my wonders.

And love my hatred.

For without these

my being, wouldn't;

And lose all reasons

for why I was bred.

Welcome to my skin

no need to tread lightly

just mind las cicatrices

and learn the words therein read.

Who I am must be

because I am not you

yet you want all your ideas

to within me spread.

Like a cancer

a longing a wishing a merciful death

of singularity of mind because

nothing else you can accept.

You should ask yourself why

why then

and why now

you anger for me was just a thread

You pulled it

you won.

you gave in

and walked away from our bed.

I protected

you hated.

I honored, you waited.

and decided when death was to finally be dead.

Bade me farewell

I nodded in silence

I smiled all I could

yet much more you expect.




This can't be happening.

17:59 Dec 22 2016
Times Read: 773


It's safe to say these people are making this a fucking tradition every December. Why? What the fuck are you doing that you need to seek ME out to help my own daughter when you want me so fucking far away from her?

Care to make up your minds? Or even better... Allow me to be a father to her so you don't find yourselves in this fucking position!?

Now pray fucking tell... what the fuck is going on!?!?




again with this crap?

21:49 Dec 17 2016
Times Read: 797

Ugh. Put a bullet in my head. Does this crap not bore you? lol




Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis...

22:35 Dec 16 2016
Times Read: 801

♫ How'd you like to try pumping

lead through your veins

Or have a heart so wet and cold it starts rusting

When the world ticks around you,

voices talking all the time

You live for feelings you've never felt

because you cannot feel ♫

♫ No era raro verla en el jardín

Corriendo tras de mí

Y yo dejándome alcanzar

Sin duda, era feliz ♫

♫ Je vis pour elle depuis toujours

Qu'elle me déchire ou qu'elle soit tendre

Elle nous dessine après l'amour

Un arc-en-ciel dans notre chambre

Elle est musique et, certains jours,

Quand notre coeur se fait trop lourd,

Elle est la seule à pouvoir nous porter secours ♫

♫ God gave rock and roll to you,

gave rock and roll to you

Put it in the soul of everyone

Do you know what you want? You don't know for sure

You don't feel right, you can't find a cure

And you're gettin' less than what you're lookin' for

You don't have money or a fancy car

And you're tired of wishin' on a falling star

You gotta put your faith in a loud guitar ♫

♫ Att vår värld behöver ha

Mera kärlek varje dag

Det vet både jag och du

Låt oss börja här och nu

Så håll om mig

Släpp inte taget om mig

Är som förhäxad av dig

Och jag vill ha dig

Kom och håll om mig nu ♫

♫ If I break the glass then I'll have to fly

There's no one to catch me if I take a dive

I'm scared of changing

The days stay the same

The world is spinning but only in gray ♫

♫ "Moi je m'appelle mademoiselle Noir

Et comme vous pouvez le voir

Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis

Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit ♫




no idea what to name this yet

13:15 Dec 15 2016
Times Read: 807

I want to write.

I want to create.

I want to rhyme

and not sound quite so trite.

To open my soul

to open the gates

of all that is mine

Expose all that makes me whole.

to whom should I?

who shall i deem?

Who would really appreciate

and tread then softly on my dreams?

I'll open the wound

I'll tell you tales.

I'll recount my blessings

and prove hate has yet to consume.

I'll worry not too

for me hardly ends.

The suspicious wonders of

what "gods" plans and means to my rend.

so i'll share it

to you i'll bare

On my cuff I'll wear

A heart that won't forfeit.

Play my fiddle

play my tar.

Play my music

Just stop playing with my heart.




Disney will always be amazing.

03:59 Dec 06 2016
Times Read: 836

 photo source_zpsqkdhzq2g.gif

Tatou o tagata folau e vala’auina

E le atua o le sami tele e o mai

Ia ava’e le lu’itau e lelei


Aue, aue

Nuku i mua

Te manulele e tataki e

Aue, aue

te fenua, te malie,

Nae ko hakilia kaiga e

 photo giphy_zpsryqvwas3.gif

We read the wind and the sky

When the sun is high

We sail the length of sea

On the ocean breeze

 photo source 1_zpss3k4h9wr.gif

At night we name every star

We know where we are

We know who we are, who we are

 photo source 2_zpsgieawup9.gif

Aue, aue,

We set a course to find

A brand new island everywhere we row,

Aue, aue,

We keep our island in our mind

And when it’s time to find home,

We know the way.

 photo source 3_zpswnjglqj5.gif

Aue, aue,

we are explorers reading every sign

we tell the stories of our elders

in the never ending chain

 photo source 4_zpsd5ucay7f.gif

Aue, aue,

Te fenua, te mālie

Nā heko hakilia

We know the way

It would have been more than interesting and endlessly fun to share this movie with some. But they have to want to share that with me for that to work. You know who you are.




05:00 Dec 01 2016
Times Read: 876


Being told by one family member that I need to help in kicking out another, and I have to help find them somewhere else to stay before New Years. So... produce for them, first last and security... in less than a month.

Practicality aside...This doesn't hurt that person as much as it hurts me.

But I'm sure I did something that I will play the victim here somehow. That's how that works, right?

:: shakes head::

Merry Christmas. hmm hmm.



05:06 Dec 01 2016

merry xmas???

why do you got to pay for them too???? probley none of my bussiness thou.....

10:10 Dec 01 2016

Simple. NO ONE else will.

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