There's a spark inside us
That we can all ignite
And all that's dark inside us
Will flicker into light
There's a power in every breath
There's a power in every note
A power that starts within the heart
A power that rises through the throat
And when it sails up through the air
More beautiful than any prayer
This power could right all wrong
And it will always prove the ear
Of those that have the power to hear
The magic of the song
All that's dark inside us
That tells us "run from fright"
Becomes a song inside us
To chase away the night
There's a spark inside us
That we can all ignite
And all that's dark inside us
Will flicker into light
There's a power in every breath
There's a power in every note
A power that starts within the heart
A power that rises through the throat
And when it sails up through the air
More beautiful than any prayer
This power could right all wrong
And it will always prove the ear
Of those that have the power to hear
The magic of the song
"I just wanted to break the promised silence to tell you, that you're wrong. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but you are. I could try explaining, but I'm too busy remembering that I'm supposed to not talk to you, but just remember that I say that you are wrong."
This tickled me.
"I won't ever comment on your journals again. "
Annnnnd BOOM... comment.
You really should stop that whole "saying one thing and doing another".
I am rather strict with whom I introduce to my daughter from any part of my life. For simple and obvious reasons. She remembers very well, being chief among them.
In my overwhelming stupidity and misplaced trust, I learned that I apparently need to be much more careful. Rare as that is and how good she is at recalling things, this is definitely one of my least favorite in lapses of judgement.
During an argument, you asked me to let you speak to my daughter. It had only been months since last you spoke to her, and instead of listening to my gut asking me "why the fuck?", I let you, because she had asked for you a few times prior. Then you proceed to promise her that you'll do certain things with her and ask her to be sure to remind me of such a promise. Christ... Then you thank me for letting you talk to her.... Holy shit is there anything you don't do for YOUR benefit?
Where the mistake lies is with me and no one else, I suppose. Why would I expect a woman who goes to lengths so that her children aren't put through what they already experienced once, to do something similar to another person's child. To ANY degree.
So... in my stupidity, I am left with lessons. What hurts most is that those lessons aren't for me only.
Now, in the attempts to deal appropriately with the
"Where is she?"s, "where is Sonia?"s and "But she promised to watch it"s... I get to be Daddy, and deal with her being upset due to my oversight and misjudgment. Fun... to explain that not all promises are made FOR her, even if they were TO her. And a list of other explanations that are for her ears only.
Manipulation is an ugly thing. especially if you use others as a means to an end.
I couldn't be more angry at myself.
There's two sides to every story... right?
I saw your title and read, "Esai Morales". lol
"I'll never speak to you again!" Or so I keep being told.
Yet I keep finding myself being messaged by those who find absolute disdain in conversing with me.
Was it a lie or do you just not know yourselves?
If I deserve such a choice from you, then I deserve it. If I don't, then why choose it, to change your mind later?
If your convictions about any one person are so easily changed, perhaps examining your thoughts about the situation in its entirety is needed.
I get told to grow up a lot. I suppose having a strong belief system makes me childish. I don't really know how nor why, but I'm willing to learn. Another childish feature.
"You have to understand the difference between someone who speaks to you on their free time, and someone who frees their time to speak to you."