Right from the start
Bad wheels of life
Thought you were a lifeline
Thoughts can be just lies
Too ambitious
Too nieve
Too cheeky
Thought you were a lifeline
Thoughts can be just traps
Hope can be another trap
Before you know it
Your better life is gone
Wasted on noone
Stupid tripwire
Took out a lifetime
Trying too hard
Too tough too much
Trying to hard
Intellectual fail
Emotional fall
Social abortion
Dearborn self fails
To rise
Wrong army
Wasted on you
Wasted on traplines
Should've just quit it
Could've been alright
But I didn't know the rules
Could've been alright
But I couldn't settle
Sense of self unconscious
Authority challenger
Agitator of self
Awkward positions
Agitated self
Authority's awkward
Agitated conciouness
Not appreciated
Not aligned
Could've been alright
Changer of positions
Worm of self turning
Later on beautiful butterfly
You'd just eat that
Mindless consumer
Mindless traditions
Mindless submissions
Your weak soul
You submit to shit traps
Your never with me
Always looking sideways
I can play shit old games
Going nowhere
Bad worm
Can't look up to you
Devils knot
Devil's trap
Devils wheel
Trying to rework the past
Shit karma
Made to feel sick
Too weak in theologys
Revisionists deathtrap
Could've been alright
But can of worms
After can of worms
My righteous self
Refuses to lie down
My righteous mind
Refuses to accept
Compromise for culture
Black lands
Reaping hooks
Bastard cultures
Go save yourself
It's all you've got left
No brothers
No remorse
No reality you can hold
Just hunters
Just hookers
Could've been alright
Dangerous illusions
More like a hookline
Sports fishing friend
Thought you were a lifeline
Just another tripline
Took out a lifetime
Just another tripline
Just more old tripe
No soul onions
Already squandered
Already conquered
By your ugly stool
Bad rock jock
Brought in badness
By your powertrips
Bad eXcuses
Another guys did
So I do it too
Your weak soul
Bad worm
Not buying it
Change nothing
Can't count
In your eyes
Can't care
In your views
Can't count in your schemes
Can't count
Your cold dead heart
Can count only to 1
Not held in your dreams
Can't count
Can't change
The counters
Can't counter your culture
Control culture
Can't carry on
Could've been alright
Still there years later
When it counted
You just douphted
When it counted
Just put me down
When it counted
It's what you felt
My voice muted
When it counted
It's what you would do
What kind of boyfriend is that?!?
Everything was held over me
Deadend negatives
Nasty echoes
Bad position
Bad counters
Bad privilege
Bad trips
Bad fishing
Bad catch
Bad hooks
Bad bloods
Bleeds wrong
Culture void
Crash course
Cold culture
Cold cuts left over
Callous undertones
Thought you were a lifeline
Your just another tripline
Trappers hookline
Got that so wrong
Conceited position
Care about controls
Politics left like a fallen grenade
Friendship quickly twindles
To favour authoritys
Not favoured
Compromising kills
Kills more than you know
Compromising culture
Culling back your pride
Wasted sacrifice
Worm inside
Works of supreme evils
Devils mountain
Bitches with itches
Slowly crawling like worms
Slowly eating you alive
Can't flavour reality
CanT favour realitys
Can't take you much
Saltless life
Heartless life
Faithless tongue
Frozen time saves me
From slipping away
Equalitys squandered
Fataly wounded
Quality of life
Teenaged bromance
Secret sadist
Bad gothic master
Fucked on both sides
No meeting point
Teenaged superhero
The ugly stool looms
Ugly attitudes
No teen hero
No handsome dude
No real friend either
Devils wheel
Spins to nowhere
Your super thick ego
Same pointer always
Ugly presidence
Always favours you
Blunts my sword
Your ugly soul
Wasted by sin
Wanton culture
Wasted on sin
Your ugly stool
The ugly stool
The dead stud
Always favours you
Always look shit
Can't find a way to dethrone you
Pretty sure it's not meant like this
Torn apart by uncertaintys
Torn apart
Not feeling whole
Cognition faulty
Culture is a bad bridge
Culture has a bad vintage
Culture is a sour wine
Decadent stance
Darker start
Bad shadows
Your ugly soul
Can't be cured
Rotten from the roots
Bad shadows
The ugly stool
Dead stud sits there
Decadent greed
Can't dethrone you
Devil master
Don't get how we got here?!?💀🗝️
Stagnant vibe
Childish lust
Hurting myself
Every time
Wanted to heal myself
No ideas how
Hurting myself
Still trying
Blindfold always
Blindfold self
Kept in the dark
Kill off the trust
Constant hacking
Kills off the trust
Constant douphts
Kill off the trust
Human slavery sucks💀🗝️
Darker start
Decoding your sacred cows
Your insistence
Guys coded crap
Just couldn't name it yet 💀🗝️
Got there 1st
Weaponised culture
Very weird
Mountain of shit
Your ugly mind
Your ugly stool
Dead stud just sits
Girlfriends not worth the effort
Mountain of shit
You could never climb
All you did was judge me for how I was born
All you did was assume you know me
All you did was assume you know better
All you did was assume your the one to control
Bullshit premise
Right from the start
Bullshit boulevard
Your gaining certificate
Going somewhere elitist
I'm just a teenage dropout
Got that certificate at least
Not that you care
Not that you've got one
Not that you'd dare!!! 💀
Cock rock corperation
Black magick superstar
Deadend stud on the ugly stool
Going backwards everytime
You always win
Because you already won
Buying into bad cultures
Born supremacys
Bad guy bullshit
Better your girlfriend
Always better
Bullshit pyramid
AlreaDy given
All the shit you don't know
Without the silver spoon turning
Right from the start
A musical interlude
Brothers in death rock
Turned into a war of minds
Right from the start
You spouted out propogandas
Shocking & horrid
Sickly & sorrid
Sad & ugly
Desire just died
Don't open your mouth
Desire just died right out
Critical factors
Crucial ignorance
I'm just blindfolded
I'm just complicit
I'm just tied-down
Deadly actors 💀🗝️
I took a blade to your tongue
I had spikes on my hands
Chop chop every way
Trying to get around ignorance
Wasted breath every way
Could've been alright
But for self-illusions
Perpetrate my own persecutions
Not seeing it right 💀🗝️
Lust is blind
Culture tastes curdled
Culture of sourness
Survival is blind
But the flaws are fatal
You couldn't see any other way
You couldn't see me either💀🗝️
Just your fantasy bitch
You couldn't see me
Just your tool in life
It's all uphill
Re-education no chance
Respect for my views
No chance
Respect for my mind
No chance
Anything mutual
No chance
No chance
No chance
No chance
Peace of mind
No chance
Peices of mind
Left to rot
Deadend heart
Cold empty purchase
Life without art
Bland insistence
Never really got it
Too uptight
Nothing much to give
Going nowhere
Worship your shallow ego
Deadend card
The ugly stool
Your pedastal
Seems stolen somehow
Cold shoulder
To the grave
Ask to be a brother
Like I should
Shouldn't have to ask
Like I could
For what god gave
All the deal breakers
Books I'd never read
Treated as a guest
Ask to be someone
Counting while I'm there
Can't count me in
Other agendas
Treated as a stranger
Your way or the highway
Just knotted up inside
Gutted from the deadly dance
No real assurance
Born supremacy
Going around in circles
In every way
It's all uphill
Gothic deadhead
Trapped there again
Obliteration most likely
You just assumed that you owned me
Right from the start
You just assumed that you controlled me
Right from the start
You just assumed the dominance
Right from the start
You just assumed the presedence
Right from the start
But I didn't believe you
Why should I?!?
What makes you so smart?!?
Why presume your always right
Why am I always wrong
You have all the prescence
You have the power
That your wasting
Pushing me over
Pointless pressures
Potential disasters
Can't point to the point
Can't point to what matters
Can't count to 2 again
Can only count to 1
Can't change the script
Caught all the time
Cropped away self
Nightmare self
Distorted reality
Too weird to see
You don't count me in
You don't count me as counting
You don't care
You took that choice
You took something from me
Can't take it back
Kept in the dark about it
You make me sick
Roleplay on a loop
Just a tool for your ego
More fool me
Secrets inside me
Secret hates
No love bond
Hate bond
War bond
Just bondage
In weird ways
It's all uphill again
Shity slippy climb
Personal kind of pergatory
With you laughing behind me
Sickness in our heads
Sadomasochistic intent
Strange friendship
Without clear intents
Strange matching
Without sense
Undercurrents unseen
You presume your a god
And I'm just a slave
You presume your always right
And I'm just a nodding doll
Self-righteous dick
Fuck you to your unholy grave
At war with words
Wars of words
Wreath around my neck
War zone of words
Crown around my head
Hidden hostilitys through rhetoric
Shit for my head
Weird war games
Too much inhibition
Teenaged manic already
At war with the world
As a teenager
Not choice in the matter
Identity under attacks
What kind of boyfriend is that?!?
Your position
Your point of view
Presiding judge
Pointing out faults
Always being judged
Never seen as valid
Knocking you down
What kind of boyfriend is that?!?
Right from the start
I didn't have a chance
Of understanding
My deadened dick
Wasn't the right one
What was wrong with the wiring
WhaT was wrong with the roles
What the hell the roots were
Where the hell I was
The lawless one
Lawless guys house
Kept on coming around
Bad wheels turning
Deadened situation
Deadened position
Deadened persuasion
Not easy to walk away
Don't believe anything you say
Tip of the iceberg
Kept in confusion
Seperated from claritys
Seperated from realitys
Seperated from god's world
Seperated from controls
Afraid to leave
Afraid to look
Afraid to know
Never made sense
All hell's of the father
Father of all lies
Book of all lies
Heart of the liar
Bad roots
Blind influence
Black confluence
Black conflict
Chance for change
Controlled from the start
Control of circle
Clouded situation
Coluded influences
Clouded from the start
Couldn't win no matter what
Conformitys forced on constantly
Constant crap being worn down
Controlled from all angles
Lies told with authority
Lies from all directions
Lie upon lie
Lieing machine
Like I wasn't there
Talking down all the time
Satanic hellspawn
Spinning a web of lies
Never on my side
Propogate propogandas
Used against my kind
To stay I had to take it
Holding it down
Pyramid of silence
Bad teacher
And I couldn't see
Wanted a companion
Controls through culture
Culled through controls
Culturally blind
Tolerated not welcomed
Tested constantly
Tension mentally
Right from the start
Just rolled everything out
Everything went on rolling
So many layers of trust
So taken for granted
Role plays constantly
Fantasy roleplays
Wheel of weird personas
Where's my boyfriend?!?
Where's my friend?!?
Who are you?!?
Why am I here even?!?
What the hell
Time passes so quickly
But with you everything's so slow
Was smart gal once
But now I feel real slowed
Systems fucked-up
Attitudes fucked-up
My life wasn't great
Real bad start
But you don't help
Just a stand-in
For the guy who actually wants me there
Just a stand-in
For a guy who cares
Just a stand-in
For someone who knows me
Just an outsider
Looking for a slice of moms apple pie
A hot slice of rock roll
With cream on top
A life for myself
Trying to buy myself-in
Needed to buy myself-out
Right from the start
No controls
Never adjusted anything
Never asked me how it felt
Like all I wanted was to be kept down
Like all I wanted was to be put down
Like all I needed was to be put upon
Keeping me down was for real
It wasn't for pretend
Putting me down
Was for real
Thought it was role play
Keeping me down in society
That was real
It wasn't for pretend
How to eat your own shit
Without leaving
How to eat your own sick
Every time
Without knowing
Not caring about me in the outside world
Cruelest of the cruel
That was for real
Thought it was role play
Being mean for kicks
Being mean for kinks
But not really meaning it
Because of fetishes
As yet unknown
Because of fetishes
As yet unnamed
But consent was never mentioned
Meaningless fantasys
Got twisted-up
Got utilised
But it was real
Keeping me down
Being mean for your kicks
Being mean when I didn't have a choice
Didn't have a chance
Several shades of control
Several shades of colder
Several shades of older
In society already streaks ahead
House of corruptions
House of cold-controls
House of corrosions
Always moving backwards
Demonised sense of self
Still too young
Bad society
Controlled by you
Corrupting influence
Corroding identity
Your crowning controls
How could you?!?
Live with yourself
Sitting down on me
Devil against me always
Wasn't helping
Weaponised positions
Wasted situation
Wasting position
Wasting away
Vicious society
Demonical controllers
Attacking other societys
Abuse your position
Antagonise mentally
Makes you nobody
Wasn't for me
Trusting blindly
Shocking society
All your wealth
Enough to destroy me
Use your pedestal always
Should've been wary
To spoilt
To afflicted
Too detached
To even care
Too poisoned by position
Too precious to come near me
Too powerful to care
Careless one minute
Calculated the neXt
Cruel whenever
Can't care if I live or die
Controlling the pedestal
How's that a boyfriend?!?
See my position
Use it-for yourself
Use it as control
Independence not appreciated
How is that a boyfriend?!?
System keeps me down
Any human role
For the devil to get inside
Same thing all along
Seen it all before
Same shit as before
But a different disquise
Wasn't watching for that role
You just help it along
The unseen antagonist
The obvious agonist
Seeing it now
The continuous liar
Drip-fed shit
Covert controls
Controls you can't see
System of controls
World full of mirrors
Hall of ghosts
Gothic masters
Made slippery
Mind tracker
Take over
Reality checker
What teen has one?!?
Reality protector
What teenager has anyone?!?
They can trust
Your always the authority
On another class anyway
Not my gender
Not my reality
Always able to profit
From my position
Try to profit back
But it's never the same
Huge gender divide
Souless games
Didn't know the game
Rock roll house of players
Noone gives a shit
Didn't know the game
Automatic predators
My life's always been shit
Guess I was to blame
Can't find my way through
I just wanted to share
Precious times
No confirmation
No consent
No controls
No communication
Not concious
Can't ever stop what was never started
All just bad shadows
Secrets shadows & control
Was supposed to be your girlfriend
But it that never felt real
You set the levels
You set the limits
Just property
Your position always upheld
Purjury to my soul
Unequal powers
Love is giving some power back 💀🗝️
All you did was put me through the system
All you did was push me through the system
All you did was make me like a sausage in a factory
Squeezed through your factory like sausage meat
Can't stop the sausage machine
It just rolls on & on
Sausage machine doesn't care
Mechanisation of humanity
Mechanical ability's
Restricted mobility's
Mechanical animals
Society's of shit
It's just a machine
It's just a job
I'm just a human sausage
A teen rocker sausage
With a strange boyfriend
With a stranger boyfriend
Felt really alone
Despite appearance
Felt worse than ever
Rockers playground
Wasn't playing with me
Didn't feel together
Just playing me
Just buying my soul
Just wanted a guy
Didn't want to be alone
Didn't want to be alone
With my music-just me
A link in a chain
Not really your girlfriend atall
I'm just another sausage
Dried out on a meat chain
A link in a chain
Human slavery link chain
Human sausage
Meat link for the blame
You did force it
You did push it on
Depersonalise me
I'm not your girlfriend really
I'm just your subject
To eXperiences
EXpectations of your culture
Death rocker
Death rider
Gothic master
Me the teenaged dropout
Teenaged rocker
Because you did eXpect it
You have the rights
You have the favour
You have the position
My words
Constantly spoken
My words
Constantly spoken
My opinions I remember
Constantly saying
But everything was overiden
All unconscious behaviours
All for the master
All for his bias
All for his convictions
All his convience
All these roles
All his to gratify his lusts
Forced role plays
Spoilt rock god
Rules from his throne
Demon's of authority's
Demonic s of hell
Slaves to the system
Monuments of mentalitys
Mountains of masculine self
Spoilt brat god
Worship & adore you
But you don't care
You can't give it back
Worship & adore you
But you don't give it back
Worship & adore you
You just feel entitled
To take whatever
Spoil rock teenager
Where's the teenaged romance?!?
It all just feels cursed
It all just feels heartless
It all just feels mindless
It just feels awful
I don't like being the monkey
I don't like being the pin cushion
Heart full of pins
Generical to the maX
Didn't know that then
Rock god trash
Didn't know it then
I couldn't say stop
I couldn't stop the machine
I couldn't step out of line
Because who was I?!?
To want any better
Because who was I?!?
To want anything else
Because who was I?!?
To know anything else
Like my own soul has no will
Sausage machine
Cranking on up
Pushed on through
Squashed into shape
Squashed into whatever shape you wanted
To be consumed
At your will
Or rejected for no real reason
I did try to say that I have a brain
But my mind-you don't care
My systems just getting in the way
Covert reasons for everything
We do & say
Strange atmospheres
Strange reasons
Strange attitudes
Don't even know why?!?
How I'm treated
Don't even know why?!?
Covert reasons for everything
Controlled enviroments
Created to be consumed
Controlled perspectives
Stacked full of secrets
Approve or disapprove
Controlled by you
Enable me
Disable me
Like you created me
A mincemeat pile for your plate
Can't care about me enough
Can't see a better fate
Consume me according to your will
Your the consumer
And I'm the consumed
Because nobody asked me
What was my will?!?
Where was I going?!?
Nobody cared
Because gals are there to be used by kings
Who made you a rock god?!?
Where you can do anything
When the person that your with
Keeps getting put down
Keeps getting put in there place
Use me as a mirror for all your shit
Decades of crap
Generical illusions
Kept in the dark
No outside perspective
Kept being fed on shit
Captive audience
Bears the brunt
Of where you can't make-it
Of where you can't take-it
See my position
Use my position-for yourself
Don't challenge a life of shit
Don't try push me up
Keep me down
See my position
Use my position-for yourself
I was trying different stuff
But I didn't know shit
I was doomed to fail
I was doomed to fall
By shit social systems
Attitudes I couldn't understand
History just repeats itself
And everyone is sick
People I thought I knew
Are all strangers
All that time wasted
Guilty in chains
One kiss could've helped
Start a better life-chain
But the whole room was cold
Stay dead inside
For your convenience
Just sickened by you
Sickened by your attitudes
For your convenience
Everything stays the same
You could've helped
me feel a better person
If you'd wanted to
But every chance you kept me down
For your convenience
Born into another class
Served you
Served you better
Suited you better
Serviced by your house
Sentenced to much better
You never went without
You saw me die
You didn't care
You just ignored it
Unconscious everything
Unconscious all the time
Unconscious attitudes
All the time
Everything's cold
All I deserve
World is cold
And so are you
Everything remains the same
Same everything remains
Everything remains in chains
Nothing is spoken
Nothing matters
Nothing is tackled
Nobody cares
Aiding & ebeting
Eating my own shit
Knew it was going nowhere slow
But who wants to be alone
Crawling through the underworld all alone
Imperious to the core
Impervious to the core
Toxic role plays
All the time
Without any consent
Who made you god
Rock teen on a pedestal
The devil's best tunes
Sick & posionous
Sick & sour
Sad & sick
Sick & sadistic
But you didn't need to care
Being kept down
Was good for you
You could queer our deals
With a good eXcuse
Who made you god
Laughing inside cause gals are just there for you
Laughing inside cause Satan says hate & fear & lust
Death rock says use me till I'm bust
Gals just there for you to use
Don't bother know me
Don't bother caRe
Don't bother trying much
Your already born a king
It's already there
It's alreaDy there for you
Anything you wanna take
Anything you want to do
You'll try do it anyway
Ups uphil all the way
Who made you the god
Who made me the dogs-body
Who made you the god
Who made me the bitch-dog
Who made you with the liar
Who made you to talk me trash?!?
Who made you to tell me trash
Who made you?!?
Generical rocker dick
A complete freak
A complete wreck
A complete eXcuse for a guy
Composite parts of sick society
I wish I'd been eXcused
Sometimes a body's just a body
Sometimes nobody's there for anybody
Don't know what the deal is
Don't know why your there
Don't know why your still alive
Don't know what the deal is with this life
Who made you?!?
And why would anyone care
A generic rock-trip
A generick rock-dick
The underworlds heros
Death rocker
Eclipsed by teenaged shadows
Dark idols of the dead
Trying for a future
Trying for a feature
Jaws of drooling death
You caMe here
It's not my sins
It's not life
Do you get what you get
Your just made from slabs of society
Your just cuts on the butcher's block
Male society told you how to be
You never thought twice
You never thought once
You never thought to care
You could've been a gal
It could've been you
The other way around
You could've been my friend in this life
But you chose to be the master
Master of all fucks ups
Who made you the god?!?
Who said you were the boss?!?
Who said you could?!?
Who said my perspective was wrong
Swallow down disgust at the things I am
Swallow down disqust at what I think
Swallow down disqust at the things that I say
I have my beleifs but you didn't want that
I have my thoughts but you didn't want that
I have my feelings but you didn't want that
I have what I represent but you didn't want that
So easy to sit with a stranger
So easy to think anythings shit
So easy to watch time crawl pass
And think anything counts
When deep down
It's going through the motions
The relationship has no relating
The devil's tresspass
Taking what isn't his
Wanting people as possessions
And then objecting all the way through
Using persons as a tool
Don't bother to understand I won't always be here
Don't bother to notice it's me
Don't bother to care who I am
You decide I'm there for you
There to be used for your agendas
To destroy my beleifs
My self-esteem
My world view
To just be dominate blindly
To obscure everything I create
To be down on everything I make......💀🔗⛓️