💀©2021 Knox Scarlett Bane💀
So here we are now again at last
The grinding wheel has turned at last
And spit you back out
Back on the streets
Very Briefly into my arms
My own Born enemy+
My own Soulsworn+ enemy
My own Soulskin+
This Black brother in kind
Where we were made bound by hatefull burdens
Until Death it seems?!?+
And worser Gods and enemys)
My God+
Your Soul stinks+
You smell like mankind's oldest enemy
You smell like Death+ as enemys
Or enemy's as Death?!?
And ive waited so fucking long....
I'm laughing and crying
and dying all the way to the soul- Bank
I thought you'd come to free my Soul+
But your from another Bank
Life is so far from what I had imagined
Like butterflies all flown I'll never catch
My journey has taken me so so far
Its beyond my own comprehension
My Soulskin+ has to really stretch far
Even to believe its you
Oh shit.....
Life is so long
Years and years of books
Story's as yet untold
But strange dreams got them opened-up
getting crammed into a few deathstilled hours
What blinding intensitys)
No wonder my Soul+ keeps getting "aftershocks"
The ripple effects of time turning back on itself)
I'm fricking eating myself inside
I'm burning up so bad.....
All my lights are as bright as heaven.....
And down below the blackness is like a pit+
Now were playing gutter wars
Now were playing gutter whores
Now were playing who is blacker?!?
Who is the best hacker
Who needs to be deployed
Who needs to be forgotten
Now were playing in vampire wars?!?
You soulhacked sack of shit
You just decide im born to be destroyed
Because of not me But another
Because of another Deadwhorehouse+
You hates me before we even met
What no was your own Hellhouse?!?
Who fucked you up in this non) life....
Who tied up all your bets?!?
Just as you Destroy+
yourself impatient for all the kills
Excepting the privileges you save for yourself)
You want to take me to a "House of hate"
And all the other trick-houses
Thanks but no thanks
You traitoress shit
What the flying-fuck?!?
You want to control my fate?!?
You want to be my hand
Just from one meeting
From one time around-all turn around
You want Sex+ and Hate+and Death+
As a toy
On a silver-tongued
Like life never mattered
As your own personal spinning-wheel?!?
Fuck you I'll Descended whore-king+
You super calculated cunt
And your Blackhanded+ callous shit
Your a bartered tool
An unworthy fool
Worth less than spit
Less than spit in the gutter
Less than piss in the gutters
The gutters will puke you back out
Born from my own Blind Birth-Mothers+ bastard hate
This so hated whore
This so "awaited" whore
This peice of birthed-out shit who can Destroy+ us all
Her obvious oblivion
Her burnt out shit
Her wrecked-out Church of ill-wills
This poor price of afterbirth sliver
Less than anywhere near a Soul+
Unclean spirits
Twisted-up Souls+
Can serve her purposes
Her own superhates+
Torn from my own BlackMothersFate+
Kept out from the Dark+ by the lighthouse
Yes its all true
I crawled out from a blackened pit of shit at birth
It was my own in my own Mothers+ hellhouse
For a time
Till the Bloodmaster took me away
To his house Hellfire+ nstead
and she is a Hellwhore+ always
Dead and Down+
A Deadended CutTrashWhore+
A cut-off
A Black cut-out
But who cares man?!?
Weren't you born from the gutterhouse yourself?!?
Tormented by nightmares till your weakened Soul+ died?!?
Tied to her baseborn natures?!?
Believing in such as Her+
Are you crazy man?!?
She is the "end of all ends"
Then your no better than the poorhouse dogs yourself
Tied into the Doghouse+
You can Die+ in it yourself then
Spat back out onto the streets
slackey slackey
BlackHanded+ Backhanded+ Bastard
Branded-over with the Bastard Hates+
Banded-over with the Fates+
Blinded-over with the Face+
Born into the Doghouse+ and kept that way
Hate has a strange way of speaking
The wheel is slowley turning
Grinding and quietly burning)
Secret Demons+
Stored-up-stuff he's keeping+
Sins+ that need-some leaking
Some Sins+ need soaking up
Gods house needs lighting-up)
My existence is expendable
In your eyes all Deaths+ are extendable
In your eyes all Deaths+ are inevitable
All Deaths under God are enviable
My life never commendable
Never really my own+
Because the BlackPope+ speaks
And the dumbwheels do turn+
And the Deadsouls+ do float out
And the wheel keeps everyone trapped
Were all flat-packed for assembly
Just instant "soul whores" ha ha
My self never recommendible
Just because of what?!?
Your blackmail+ Your hatreds+ your plots+
Your Black waves+
Your own BlackDeath+
Your Iron-fist
And tearing-claw
Your evil-minded instincts
You sell-on souls like newspapers
And then put out like the trash)
You put-out the lights
You kill what matters
Then lie there and sop like a Bitch
Like they sell on Deadmans plots+
The Father of all Hates+
Has taken over your place
Taken over your face
This handsome face I saw
This Death mask+ I saw
Speaks such utter-shit
So much illbred-contempt
You'll disqust even yourself one day)
Your less than a Deadman+
You are a No-man
No-mans child
Worth much less than a trained-whore
You have no face
They cut it out before
Did they sell your soul off as a child before this shitend birth among strangers
Bartered down so low it couldn't catch a price Or light a fire?!?
Did they cut your heart into two?!?
And sew it back with wires
Did they turn you both inside out and turn you both out backwards and sew you back together?!?
Your brains all limp and scrambled
Bonded by Blood and Blackened+ by shit
Your eyes are just the Blackpool's+
The Deadpools+
Vessels of mindless hate
Mind numbing hate
The Soul is now open
Torn open and held back from joining back
Held down and
Open to a river
Destructive filth
That can never be turned back}
You use me as a "prover"
You use me as provider
You use me as a "keeper"
Forced to keep my own enemy alive to protect my own life
Forced entwined within your life-threatening provinences
Slave and Master Die as one+
Sickened by your vile life
My Hateful Sins+ seem to have outlasted)
Your a Deadend+ to mine
As a mirror
As an excuse for your sickening Sins+
As a poorhouse excuse for a life
As some excuse for a man
Your body just hangs out as a corpse(bait)
Your just Corpsebait and I must confess
I can't wait to see you Die+ again and again
Even though I die alone But watched again
Dieing from Remorse+
Wretched and trapped alone
We all wonder and wait
A dead mans suit you wear
Could look so good on you
When you take a reason for life from me
No reason to live-until you hate on me+
Then your really living
And so am I....
So strange for it to be this way
I want it all to just go away
Bring back the good-man dreams)
Laughing all the way to the "bullet bank"
Your wasted sperm still drying
This mirror to go out
This mirror to go out-Black
If I'm on the Blacklist and my true-life is over then why are you still a stranger?!?
A stranger forever still.....
Why aren't you the Brother that holds the chain?!?
Why aren't you the Master that claims this Soul+?!?
Too weak to finish what you started
Or keep what you start)
To weak in will
Too fouled by Sins+ to do the part complete
all the peices of you chopped up like strange meats)
The puppet-masters favourite heart
Your just a trauma returner
A souls-Sickener+
The Soulpuppets+ marker
His favourite past
Always caste-ill from this past
His Blackened-Darts+
I thought you black
You thought me Blacker
You thought me a pawn
A loving whore
Or maybe a dead one?!?
I thought you depressed
I thought you lost
You thought of me as a whore not as a soul
As a mark not as an Art
As a property not as an Art
But I am not your mark much now
My eye is much opened now
Ive turned around to make you mine
Now we can be Brothers in Arts again)
I am indeed from the Arts+ forever and ever
And you are my marker now
and I have you done and down)
As a pin-doll not as a whole
As a whore+ to unclean hearts you think
me still
Thinking of me in Hates+ and ever will
You saw me already dead so many times
But so many times I still live
Till I'm as surprised as you are?!?
So perplexing
So aggravating
My escapes
Your victory's so incomplete}
Your misery is a public-exhibition
A Twisted over-coil of self-derisions
A calculated decision
Though you can still get confused
That it still matters
You seem to forget
That you have no life
You sold it off bigtime remember?!?
And nobody cares for you
Truly they never can
Because your Masters shadow impedes everything now
And you feel only as Him
You are his living heart now
The Blackriver flows through you
As a living Empire+ of his hate
He makes your choices
Human hearts are irrelevant to all this drama
He has you as no other
I am just a White feather blown away
But you made your choices
Now we only "care" to avoid you the most)
As his Evil host+
You bare the badcross
So you die stupid+
Most likely
I should avoid you the most....
But I track over your Soul+
I backup over your twisted-soul+
Your wretched crapped-out Soul+
Needs to "bare a witness"+
You plead weakness and suffering
But your still calculated enough
when you turn back into a killer again
Because your criminally insane
Just enjoying the suffering of others as some enjoy wine
Draining the fruits of your labours
Loyalty to Blind-Sin+
No Remorse for mankind
No Souls left to cull-back
No Souls left to call back)
Then why kill your own Soul+ too?!?
Along with all the others
You've spared noone
But not yourself either
So strange
Your Arts make you sicker than a dying-dog
And of course they kill others too
Weaken off Souls....
Your decades of decadence reek like blood
All the way down from the Earth+
Down to Hell+
Your true provenance is in the calculation of Destruction(s)+
Born just cold
Born just old
Some lackey to some "superstate"
Some "great enterprise"
Some Great Emporer
Selling your Soulout+ to the most mindless of cruelty's
The most vicious endeavours
To the Deceiverships+
Satan+ hates you too)
Don't you understand he dumps you too
His hate extends to you too-through you too
Limitless as it flows through your heart
Why can't you stand your own Arts?!?+
He dumps you still swollen into the river too)
A victim just like all others)
This swollen black river won't leave much left
I was stupid-enough to love a Manking+
More like a mannequin)
Just another DeadKing+
Just a few hours
Of pleasure lust and Death+
Leaving me with "all living Deaths"
He is born to Die+
A wasted-soul+
Wasted all Love in him)
Wasted any life I bet on him
Till hate comes like a shadow over him)
Stamping all over others candles
And when your Soul is finished onto the funeral-pyres
Some destroyer of souls+
Already born as Bastards and left intestate
They deserved to choose their own Fate+
Not be buggered-up by you
Hard to believe the Hates+ in you
Hard to believe all the Gates+ in you
Now I know why God gave us the blackened hates
of the earth
The Blackened Fates+ of the Earth+
To protect from Soul-theives like you
From Demon masters like you
From gutterblood from hellspawns
Born from the gutter I struggle to rise above this shitpit
Your too weakened to care now
Or ever did?!?
Your too crippled
Your too lazy
You use others as your "hate currencys"
Your own expediancys
Your own jeopardys
Your the biggest whore in your own life
The mockery of your "greater life"....
All pressing-power
And ill-prestige
What better to expect?!?
I thought it was a lie)
From mankind's oldest enemy(s)
So shocking to me always
That its actually true
I Love to Hate-in you+
I live to hate in you+
I Die to hate-in-you+
Because it's a Sin+ to blame another)
It's a Sin+ to drown in hates
I live to Die in you+
I love to Die+ through you
Rather than go it alone
Despite trying to untie the knots
To end the trials
Everything returns with great force
Doubles back the moments I get freed again
Blissfully ended peace
Didn't last long atall-not even hours
Freedom can serve me
But it doesn't serve the Gods?!?
In pleasure and in pain+
Sometimes meaningfully
Sometimes mindlesslly
High thralls
And terrible falls+
I am a ruthless-soul through you
So Blackened with hates+
Not right with God at these times
The light has turned to Black-fires
And olden wraths
Still loyal to you I pray at the gates)
You are one of my oldest memory's.....
My hates had no name time Or place
They had no face
Until I met you
I remember terrible-things in you
I Hate to Love-in you+
I live to find some life in you
When all should be but Death+ shudders
From recording your Sins+
From memorys tormenting
I wanted much more
I deserved much better
All these Bastardended+ years in you)
My life upended
Foul foes made mortal through you
I kiss your forehead as I Die in you
My strange thralls to your shadow
Some Dumb-priviliges left to those left-behind}
I remember being a man-i remember being a Master
As I Diehard down back through you
You take me Back
To the faces places I forgot
Back down through Sin in you+
Come images of a life lost
These poisoned-passions give me Keys+
Confessing my SoulSins+ give me the Keys too
To see the life I lived before I died
Killed by my enemy's my soul just slipped away
Leaving just stupour
Leaving just torpour
Leaving just a ghostedout king
A trapped-out Soul
A Ghostking
A sick-wraith form?!?
A Soul that should have lived
But it seems it never did
It never cametoo
Or it slipped in and out?!?
Memory's insecure in and out of this life
Running alongside my own secure memory's
Because your a Bastardking and you Died+
I can hold on also
To the Blackcross least I lose everything again
I felt you in the gutters
And from above and about
Always behind me somewhere
All eyes in everything & everything in eyes
Fucking everywhere
Like souls tied on a wire)
Always watching
Always plotting
Bad eyes always on you
Badsouls+ always on you
Jealous mindless endeavours
Some hateshit+ always on you
The shit finish until the end always on you
Sloppy soul like a slurping slipping candle
Dripping all off centre
All off-whack from sloppy-returns
Always wineing away that I should be yours
Your Deadend+ property
Your Deadend+ property's are always something stolen
From your own Deadass+ magicks
But your Decadent+
Always throwing away your own toys
You want me as a beggar a bugger and a slave+
In a bind and always blind+
And always obeying you
So fuck your Deadend God+
Satan always hates you first}
He leaves you first before the others
He,ll still pluck out your eyes
He saves special hell's just for you
Your Blackcall+ is a lie
Its a FalseArt+
Its a Falsestart and a Deadend+ all in one
Making the Arts of slavery+ ever bitter
Gutter mouth gutter soul gutter arts+
Gutted out Arts
Gutter of hearts
Sloppy heart
Lazy heart
Spoilt vicious heart
Making being viciousness into an Art+
Totally unrepentant filth for his Majesty
Or is it just the more lazy way to deal
with the humans that you hate scorn and despise+
To control from a distance
To kill without reprise
Without repentance
Even without remembrance?!?
Going "clouded over" again
Your hate is when your most vivid
Your hate is when your most avid
Truly alive as a killer
Formative as a general
Like when you were wanting to eat my face)
You were lively then
Passionately grossfull
Overflowing.....with greed's
But passion still
Better than your sloppy-selves
All as Satan's scorn of God+
You seem truly awake then?!?
The rest of the time sloppy/choppy dead
Lying in wait
Lying in state
Waiting for the call
Waiting for the Master to kick you till you roll over
What's mine is never yours
What's yours in never mine
The other side of an enemy now is a stranger soon
A stranger kept in waiting
Waiting for us to geton and Die+)
You were kinda living then before it went to shit
Then so cold so retreated
Some soul just kept frozen
Some Bastard+ kept frozen out
Stillness just frozen
Acceptance is the other side of the coin
The coin side of freedom
Gods precious-peace+
Made so Blackened+ by my fate
Made so Blackened+ by my Hate+
Ive yet to turn this coin back over
God has to have me finish first?!?)
God has to have me finish-off last?!?
Why am I forsaken....
Not free in the arms of my beloved
My own Sins+ need "burning off" first?!?
Time is pain....
And pain has time to spare
I don't know you just because I tripped the wire
Or feel into the snares
You don't own me just because you tore my flesh
Or swore at my angels
You don't own me just because some BlackPope+ said
I don't know you just because there once was a bed)
I don't know you just because your magick reeks
I don't own you just because your bittersoul+ reeks even when your dying+
I don't get-off wishing you were Dead
Or pray to the Dead+ through you
Or get aroused by your strange gore
The Morbid-possession of our enemy's
Filling up the bitter heart
Taking over the better-mind
Slivers of their souls+
Slivers of the broken mirrors+ of Souls
Buried in languid memorys
Older languages
Lost as older memory's
Kept as Badder Dreams+
As fleeting as butterfly's
Buried as a Death/life state
In a life and Death state where Vampires+ rule
A "racial memory" of another life we lived
My Sins+ lying buried from my own Soul+
One of my oldest enemy's from age to age
From stage to stage
From the cradle to the grave
You were my BornEnemy+ from the very start
You'll be my SwornEnemy+ to the very end
I never had to earn it
This candle was always loyalty
Burning purest fires
The light beholden
Yours was always hatred
Never had to burn it
Now you've come "out to life" I know the ugly truth
The man in our life is a "true life monstrosity"
Gross property's+ and
Gross Destructions
Terrible story's from a black-leather book.....
Shocked still that its you
Why can't it be someone other?!?
If only you Didn't see this world all Black
Only black no shades of colour
No shades of other
Driven mad by the poison vines you can't see this world anymore
Driven criminally insane by the poison in your veins
Given madness by the grinding wheels
You became some kind of victim-bait
A victim-bait
Crafted from really strong hates
Primitive hates
And primitive shit-lies of a Deadend God+
Always near too HellsMouth+
Always shutdown to this living-world
Blind to the world as it spins and turns)
Always lieing around
Pretending to be Dead+
Dieing around like a Victim of hells-open mouth+
Tempting us to Sin+
Even with your many many Deaths+
Trying to pay for your Sins+ yet taken maybe?!?
Never saw it much before I'd guess?!?
Training for the gross-Emporer he always was
The purging Angel+
Making us all sick
Vomiting stuff backup from the World+
Kept trapped by Blinding-Sin+
from the truer Word+
The lights of God+
From the very start of life unlife/unlight)
Driven riven riveted by nightmares
Driven mad by poison schemes
Constantly rolling through poison reams
Teenage nightmares-adult dreams
Tethered to the leash of hell
Waiting for the Rites of Hell+
To begin the wasted-Hell ride+ again)
To spare no others anything
No idea what's worth saving)
Nor see any other races-any other faces!!
Nor yourself much either
Sometimes some a "He" lives kinda
But mostly kept as a vessel+
A vessel to the Sins+
You love Him+ above all others with wraths
You serve him like no other with wraths
You feed him like no other with Hates+
The Hates+ are very binding
Your service is unrelenting/unswerving
You'll serve him till there's truly nothing left
Even when you pretend to be finished its not
Its just another calculation
Of the Master
Less than nothing left
I never had any chances much)
You answer His "call to hate" and serve His
"call to arms" always unheard....
You hear things we can't hear
This Diehard Master
Dieing down hard Master
Slaving yourself to the poisons of this World
Of his bastard word-so knee deep in contempt
Spitting them out at this world
Spitting out at the Words+
And defying-denying All
This Hate+ is bitter-blind+
This Hate+ Blind-bitter
And writhing about
The river of hate so deep even I can't understand
Everything I made before this is cast aside
All my dreams Dark&Light cast aside
In the wake of this I'm just drowning)
You hate humans so what is the human casing
The bitter shell that you live in?!?
The zombied body suit
The white flesh cast
The deadsuit cast
The human mans bodysuit that you were born into
Its just "borrowed"
Rented on "borrowed time" the body you wear
And it wears out real fast
Kinda runs outta time
Gets kinda zombied inside and out
God knows what you've been eating to "look alive" still?!?
I coveted it But its not even really yours-let alone mine ha ha
The Masters-bait
Given over to the Master of all whores
We so wish you were just human still)
We saw you as Beauty
The Beautys of Deaths works+
We figured living in you
We try all the time to work out how Beauty and how ugly?!?
Where and whyfore?!?
And who for?!!)
But truly your are all about Depts
And only a true-spirit has real Beauty
Only a Free-spirit has real Beauty)
Your so far from free
Your drowning in the depths
Dieing to try to pay off the depts?!?
On the outside the handsome form still holds sway
The illusion kept perfected
Somehow frozen?!?
Somehow stilted or stilled?!?
But its not how it seems
The vessel still Looks human
Not corrupted!!
During the "Dream Time" it looks good
Good enough to eat
Thou in reality its so Dreadfull+
And Dreaded+
It looks good
It looks God+
It just looks sleeping uncorrupted)
Human kinda but not humane)
An avid made monster
A living vessel of born-evil
Reeking of hidden-evils
Some warnings leaking out)
Fanatical to the end
Looks still touchible in this time
Still looks known of
Till you become totally lost again
I watch for it to crumble
To melt off your face
To peel off like it peels away inside
This wasted dream team
This dying pipe dream
Seeing the illusion
Seeing the Mask
The Mask makes the man
The Mask marks the man
Maybe it also marks time?!?
It seems to stay true and white while all other goes crazyassed over and over
And Pins-up our reality.....
Just as the man kinda was
Its not much real in reality
Its all Dreams you need to unravel to see what it is atall)
Forsaken of ALL humanity's
From all humanity's forsaken and cast out also)
Only sensate only here through flesh and bone
Only sensate through the Agony's handed out by the Master
It took me a while when I loved you to realise.....
The form I was so passionate about.....
Could only get pleasure from giving out senseless pain
Blinded sadists laugh out loud
Lear about
Lurk out
Spy about
Empty movements-empty sounds
But nobody's home
Can give no pleasure to the living ones
Can care for noone
Nor care either for "self" But can dredge it back-up)
All Blacked-up into a ball of corruption's
And self-contempt
Surrounds the Soul+ of the hidden-sadist
Can't fulfill any of the "promises" God made to mankind
But can truly fulfill all of the "Lies"
Those in the human flesh suits who flash past
Cause your body is deader than the other dead now
They can rest-one day But you just cant anymore
Far too tampered with
Far beyond human
Yet slave to its vessel-the spirits are trapped
Wanting release
That your body can't stand it much more
Yet again your shit Gods mistake
Sick spirits dying inside you}
I'm too fascinated watching you Die+
As this spy you might hate me?!?
As the hate-bait you might take me?!?
If I'm not too careful)
I hate you inside myself
Sometimes too deep to find it)
for your mistakes that keep us apart
For the mistakes that tare you apart
But really truly I kinda "know" somehow that
Its all a Lie
Because your born to die in "unclean deaths+" forever anywayz.....
I'm not a true part of your History either
I'm just kidnapped now&again)
So I'm inside the Story's sometimes that way)
Its not sane enough to be true-
its mostly my Sins+ replaying themselves back
Going backwards super-fast
Your a real Soul-ripper+ to the last)
Till I find a better Soul-tracker
Till I find a better Soul-marker
Till I pull myself back together
God might forgive me-He might yet not?!?
You said your nerves felt pain once from some inks?!?
God I'd love to make you cry out
Cry out to me for release
Cry out for Redemptions+
From our burning-God of lights
The pain burning-blinding-blurring
So much
But its senseless to dream of Sin+
When I know that noones in there now
Blacked out mostly by the régime
But also whited out truely also
Almost knocked right out)
But your soul is gutted-out
Fucked right-out
Fish-hook dead
Pale & grossed out
So far beyond reason
Price paid out for so many vicious treasons)
The Gods have there reasons
You can see it sometimes yourself
You can feel your dead self
You told me once that too)
And also we both saw it.....
That sickened-Brat self
The Dead-self+
The Dieing-self+
The so kept Lying-self+
I saw your Bastard-Sins+
Your grossed-out Sins+
Through the Picture
Through the Arts+ you made
Through the Picture you made
I saw the sick-son you made
And he was gutted and Sick from Sins+
He drowned in his own Decadence+
And Died+ in his own-sloth+
Lazy to the Bone+
No hope for a Lie+
No reason for a Life
I hope he Dies on the Black-cross+
Too far beyond all contempts+
Too far-beyond all Redemptions+
It was gross
It was arousing
It was fascinating!!
Against all natural Laws&Processes)
You keep everyone away because your dying
Falling down so hard
Maybe even your own Gods got sickened that you Didn't even try anymore?!?
Maybe you even broke your own Laws+
If whorehounds have any Laws+ to keep?!?
To protect your own Soul+
Its been Sold+ every which way.....
And you've not given a fuck to that fact)
I just Didn't understand then
Though I could feel you falling into Hells mouth+
Or somewhere....
Love saw you looking so-fucked-up
I loved you But I still watched you Die all weirdly
My Desire for you couldn't hide even that stuff}
The guy I loved is a mirage now
In a Deadmans mirror
Looks more living as a kinda doll-man)
Not our Blessed-Realms
But the City of the Dead
Where all the Souls are sold and brought)
So insane he's left us so far behind
He's even left himself so far behind
Or whatever he remembered that was
Maybe some souls still live?!?
I don't know how to live yet without him true
Too much shock too delayed)
Cause great delays in dealing
I'm still clinging on
The beasts in me still wrangle
Too Angry at God to take sense yet)
I must cast this off me
Cast this out and beyond me
I'm so far beyond reason
Struggling to except this greif gift
I'm so forlorn
Not understanding
That the corpse-bait
The Deadhead is all that's left behind+
A kinda lurching corpse walker
You've finally been punished
Fucked up your rites
And died alive again
Corrupted by butcher's
Strange ways to alien even to us
It leaves not much left
A dying Demon-master+
In the Army of the gutted-dead+
I still feel sad
At the man that's getting wasted)
Cause I thought I knew him before all this
Once maybe....
Long before time itself was made)
If only you weren't a poison vine
If only you weren't a poison-spy
If only you didn't live a Lie+
I'd want to see you free+
So you could remember Gods Love+
Just once
Just selfish-you Don't want to be Free)
If only the love had been more real
Not only just (another) stupid-ass Lie+
Not just another stab of hate
Not just another stab at Fate
Another means to another end
You know it wasn't me)
But even when your old and graying you won't tell me
You'll still blame me
Won't ever set me Free+)
You see this world like poison by lace
No use for a face
Bound so deeply into this poison pool
The vicious place
Eclipsing your childhood
From the beginning
The bad worm was there
The bad hook was there
The Dreaddream was there
With no thought of Remorse
Ive loved you so long its easy to forget
Ive lived so long keeping records
Ive known this Soul so long I easily forget
So many story books
So many yet unread
Creating and tempting this contempt
Sealing your in fate
In cult of hate
This river flows endless
Your Damned God has always spent us
Never spared us
and the pain seems endless
And the faith spent and wasted gets ageless
The time wasted is making me angry at you
Angry at myself
Our Demons getting themselves stuck out again)
Not getting the proper truths again}
But its just maybe "The better dream" getting killed by you
and dying away inside me because if your own Bitterness+
Like your the Slayer of dreams
That are too weak to survive.....?!?
Or have lost the way to become real
Some dreams Don't serve us anymore
We just serve them
Its just the Bitter pill+
The Bitter-drag+
The last-dregs
As I kill myself through you+
I can't Die-down without you
Not yet anywayz
The Bitter-dreams dragged down by you cause I won't kill it myself?!?
When I realise your fully Dead+ I'll just leave one day
Don't know when But I know I will
And it won't matter much I know
When I realise you walk But as just a dead horse
As corpse bait
As a zombie float
There's nothing alive in there worth keeping
Nothing alive Or worth weeping
When even my own hatred has burnt itself out)
When all the fires are burned down and out)
I'll release myself from these burdens
These gross fascinations
These lurid hallucinations
These tethers to my Soul+
I'll give up the race
To let you face the fates-alone
I'll no longer keep witness as you Die+
Or long to be the witness at your Final-end+
Don't know when I'll be strong enough to stop tempting fate?!?
Or lurking around inside my own Sins+
Or toy with my own Demons-of-Sin+
To give up like a mortal-soul should
A saner way
I'll find a better punisher
I'll taste a better Death+
A cleaner death
Not just a corpse-bait
A deadbeat floater
A dream made bitter
And then more Bitter-still+
Your body houses just dying shit
Just bitter contempt
You speak But its all just shit
Fragments of your hate
Fragments of your Death
Fragments of your hate for God+
Fragments of your baiting breath
Sucking us into hate-
Even as you Die you can draw Destructions in+)
Battling with the Destroyer+
Why does an Angel serve the Destroyer?!?
The Despiser of mankind?!?
Weren't you so beautiful before the end+?!?
Or do I remember someone else?!?
Why did a Demon-Master give up his own powers
And get eaten by his own race
His own face eats him out
As he happily Lies+ to himself
He lanquishes subdued happily in Hell
More than excepting of his fate
You are the purgeror of mankind and your fate is finished
Your faith is finished
You are the deadbeat son of a whore and your race is finished
Your face is finished
Your race is finished last
You are the loser left back
Left behind for Sin+)
I backed a dying horse again
I lived a lying life again
I made sense of crazy house again
I laughed like a dying horse again
Kicked in the teeth I learned to just float again
Aroused by Sin+ I learned to just vote again
I licked at the Dead again+
I'd hate myself less if I hated you more
If I understood myself again)
I could release myself better
From bondage to other souls+
I could live to the letter
I could live to the better
I could release from the fetters
I could honour the Father+
The Living one+
Not the corpse beaters
The corpse eaters
From the city of the dead
The strange spirit-houses
Those who sell human-flesh by the pound)
If I could "let you go" But that hasn't happened yet
My Soul just "clamps down"......again
Just rewinds itself tight again
I'm weirdly trapped inside myself again)
What the Hell?!?
What does it think it will get in this life from his Death+ and Sin+?!?
Don't think because of the Darkness living in me+
That the light is gone
The light rays still burn on outside of my contempt for those like you
Angels have Sinned+
By being covetous
Covetous to the last.....
So strange this bitter tangle
This angry mangle
Why want HIM?!?
When he's so in contempt
Of everything even contempt itself
Going way too far
Actually drowning in Sin+
Wadeing in Sin+
A baptism of Death
A baptism of Hate+ Death+ Scorn+
A Black-river+
An army to tare down the world
To tare down the word+
God have I Sinned+
By being a witness even+
A kidnapped version of myself+
All my passions are wasted against this river....
Your tide of hate
Bound into brutal bondage
Not one tear can touch the ocean
Not one word can even get heard
To rise above the Din+
Your last request....
To abandon brutally as you have
Everything meaningfull
To cast everything aside
As your way (too easy) triumph
Sickeningly easy triumph
Your the better general
Triumphal through Him+
You just serve for the worse and let it be done
But my most difficult of falls
So far ive failed
I can't honour it
Yet I will-I must
So easy for you
Almost impossible for me
So troubled for me
Made easy by God when I know the word
But not yet the way
Unseen my own weakness
My love too hopefull to hear it
My love too selfish to bear it
My pride too burning to hear it
I must ware it-i must take it up
That God wouldn't give me up the Grace of a Living-lie+
I need it till my Soul is stronger
Everything still just smoulders
Your loyalty is kinda paid
I ONLY wanted no I needed the Beautifull-Lie+
I know what it is.....
While I heal from a world that Didn't care
I know I'm dying
And I know its mostly a Lie+
But I'm angry at God
He wants a server
But he couldn't serve me
When I cried out in pain.....
To bring me a Lie to help me to last+
Too selfish to name the pain that bears my own weakness
In Dreams dying+
Place just rots because I don't let go easily
Or carve out a better dream
To believe something New+ will come
No place for the living in me
Nor place for the dead either
Does it know the Death in me+?!?
I think so....
Or I'd have decided.....
Not decisive my soul so weak....
Its everything to matter....
But ive wasted it.....
The ultra-bitter ive tasted it.....
Guess ive contemplated it cause I wondered why?!?
Some guys just hate themselves and the creator
You lose everything that way.....
Fall from grace?!?)
Ive asked God why so many times?!?
So many ways and he let's us read stuff to see to understand....
But it still changes nothing
I'm still Angry
Ive seen the fractures in Faith+
And I'm still oscillating around
Being trapped
Trapped by calling Demons+
All the Liars+)
I'm still wondering why he made us?!?
What he made for us?!?
If its just an used dream}
Ive got hate and despise+
Of Gods enemy's....
But its not enough
Not strong enough to consume me and blow you away
With a Black wind
A Black tornado
All enemy's of God
Of our Dark-God need sweeping aside)
Need blowing away
Out of the path of the living
My stubborn-pride nails me down
I'm not letting go of being born-stupid)
When the Dream is real+ then I know I will live better
But for the time-being the dream is dead
Its at a DeadEnd+
My Black God knows you as the enemy
He hates you better than I can
Feels you better than I can
Wills for me to Live+
Wills me stronger than I can
Saves me from myself again
Because I'd save myself too late yet again)
Trapped inside Demon blobs and Angeldreams I can't see this world.....
I can't hear his Word+ proper anymore
Blinded by your Deadflesh even thou it probably tastes like acids.....
Being like an Angel whore....
Straying ive not been truly faithful to God+
I have Angers+ at him
I have Rebellions+ at him
I have questions that tumble endlessly at them-the makers
The markers
That I am stubborn at him+
That I can't have you
Like I had a right somehow?!?
Like it was written somewhere?!?
Like your of any use to our world anywayz?!?
These Deeply-buried Sins+
Like forgotten scars need finding
Like forgotten poisons need finding
Like black needles need prying out
Like nails need yanking out
Like Gods words need spelling out!!!
Or I'll stay trapped}
And keep crying out
With Demon-pains
With Demon-strains
Hate Fear Death & pain!!
Help us God to find the way back from the Liar+
The seizer the tempter.....
Its all just in my head
So real But not taken down in this World+
Shown us But not ours
Thrown at us-But not ours
Near to our world-But still not ever ours)
Before the persecutions
He showed us the way it was
World without Sin+
No longer perfected)
If our Light could never change the World why would we believe?!?
If our enemy's can live as our accusers freely why do we have faith?!?
That He can't charge this world....
For there actions-to live paying for there Sins+
As they should)
Because Angels have been weak
Angels have been shallow
Not served Death true
Nor shown us the way proper
Because Love+ was weak and stayed with them that way+
They Sinned+ from many omitted things.....
The Law is known
The Word is written
But I won't accept it just yet
As it is....
It casts me aside.....
I'm not written
I'm not in the Dreams
I'm born But I can't change anything.....
I am a victim in the Dreams+
Trapped with the Damned+
And I can't change that....yet?!?
A small part of the story
Ive mostly found the Nightmares+
From knowing him.....
All the wicked-lies he's told
Sickening-Lies+ he's used to keep hold
Keeping the Damned held trapped.....
I'm recanting it in my Sins+
As Dark-Angels were meant me to write
Sent to me to get me to write
To get at the truth
That part came true
And I have obeyed in that way of serving him....
By having a living touture of rites/recounting.....
As I recant my own Sins+
Hidden within others works
Hidden within others worlds
I recant them to tare them down+
I'm reliving it-as my Dreams
But yet I'm awake for sure from the graftings and the pains+
As it serves Him most mighty one+
To catch some of our hundred dreams
And castigate us in this way
I accept that I have Sinned+
And still do....
Till the keys are due me)
I'm remembering it.....
Dreams schemes poisons sins+ things
Trying to reconnect it-the hidden souls
The Sins+ I shed
The Sins+ I bled
The skins ive shed
The Dead ive wed
Ive lost them through some Dreams+ ive shared.....
Ive lost some in others beds
Need to pick-up again.....
The lost threads of my diffident diffcult Souls++
The burning away of my morbid dreams+