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New year's Eve 🌜♈ SOUL-BONDAGE

16:39 Dec 31 2022
Times Read: 367


Soul bonds
Soul bands
Stretching from the miles
Stretching over the miles-the eye
Soul ties stretching over the realms
Strangers with hidden tethers
Strangers with hidden eyes
Soul riders
Search you in this life
Score you in this life
Scar you in the strife
Sacred wars
Settle scores
Source of whores
Source of scars
Source of damage
Soul bondage
Soul bandage
Soul tides
Soul ties-coming in on the tide
Source of life so far away
Source of meaning kept out of reach
Search for reality pushed to the edge
Contorted realitys
Conceptual actualitys
Distorted society's
Ripples over time
Riptides of pathways
Pull you from your seat
His majesty's reigns on life
Nighthouse from his banes
Turning with the moon
Tilling with the earth
Turned over by time
Sugar from a spoon
Telling on pain filled times
Cursed curse turning over again
Death from strange tunes
Ghosts from other times
Tortured by your inner self
Worm of consciousness
Wasp of denied desires
Eating through your own mind
Black worm hole of mysterys
Masters from his wheels
World seen through his dark views
Gross inequalitys startle the views
Snake of survival twisting round an oak
Soul quests
Soul guests
Souls taken
Struggle for souls survival
Soul retrieval
Soul revival
Souls lost
Souls stolen
Souls on a quest
Souls on a leash
Souls crawling towards a human beast
House of horrors from his minds eye
Driven by hungers-snared by the night
Caught by the light-hidden prestige
Kept coveted as a living lie
Kept concealed as an overt lie
How much do you need it
How much do you bleed it
How much can you drive through
How much can you handle it
Eye through a needle
Pains from this forbidden life
Agonys from a forbidden sign
Terrors from an unknown man
Life of reason kept denied
Feels like treason kept on high)
Souls so strange
Souls of a self-so unique
Souls true nature
Souls truth depths
Souls true desires
Soul full of hidden sins
Soul full of hidden desires
Sense of self blinded from this life
Society sections off souls
Severing soul sections
Severing life connections
Reversal of fates
Social bar codes
Being held back
From concious connections
Those who could have served
Getting cast hard aside
Those commited kept outside
Those devoted dying blind
Conquerers keep life in line
Divides keep life blind
Fate hammers on your sign
Inner drives of life
Hidden layers of your self
Leash chains
Cut off from your sight
Desires made from gods
Pain you can't chose
Soul hidden from your own mind
Beauty in death from night signs
Handsome in lawless sides
No values in human lives
Crown you can never touch
Bone pyres too high to climb
Terrors in his touch
White fires burning up
The worst pain of all is being blind
Find yourself a dark mentor
A dark formentor
A dark mirror
Dark mother
Dark Father
Master of the nightdrives
Dig out your own mind
Dig through your own soul
See what you can divine
Mirror to the demonics you can't find
Aspects you can't see
Take you to the gutters
Take you to the skys
Take you to the city's
Take you to the stars
Take you into his arms
In your aching dreams
Fill you full of seeded dreams
Fill you full of bitter schemes
Fill you full of unheard screams
But can you pay the price
Can you gamble with your own soul?!?
To live a certain life
Dark god of fatefull turns
Uprooting your own life
Soul ties-dark roots of realitys
Soul tides-soul shocks
Soul ties-other times
Soul tags other life-times
Fatefull tides
Hidden faces
Hidden traces
Taring away at your will
Taring away at the self
Stranger-hidden from yourself
Stranger-hidden from the self
Strange bonds-hidden from the self
Strange bonds-in time & space
Souls bonds with echoes
Souls making you crazy
Soul ties stir you up
Can't be lazy
Learn to train the will
Stir fry of your weary soul
Soul tides-echoes from another life
Souls come crashing into this life
From the echoes-stuff from the ages
Soul starts stirring
Soul starts knowing
Soul starts trying
Soul starts dying
Born to fear it
Know when your near it
Someone is there
Someone was there
A lifetime long ago
Bonds from the past
Bondage to an ideal
Bondage to an idea
Stuff we struggle to understand
Souls that we once knew in this life
Souls best kept in another life
Strange mystery's of life
Strange masterys over life
Stuff we don't know atall
Till soultugs start
Yanking on your vitals
Slowly start to take you apart
Mainline to your mind
Eye of the mind
Crown of a king
Style of a soul
Double edged sword
Thorns near your heart
Black opium of strange arts
Yoke on your self-image
Good mirror
Or a bad self-image
Eye of his will from his imaginations
Not really real
But could come true too soon
Powerful pearls of wisdom
Or just spoons of dust?!?
Won't know till you take it
Won't know till you taste it
Won't know till you've taken the bait
Whether they've faked it
Sharp sword or a rusted article
Searing of the soul
Souls goes taring-up
Eyes all tearing up
Signs something happened
Savages inside a soul
Souls full of deeper instincts
Society can't really control it
Soul can't easily control itself
Soul dosn't always know it
Soul always knows what its master cannot
Soul always has what its mistress does not
Soul master senses what you do not know
Your basic drives
Your baser self to control
Where you paying attention
To what was leaking out?!?
Instinct of survival
Pushing on insistence
Powers aganist resistance
Chains you to a throne
Cuts you to the bone
Soul always knows what it needs
Soul already feels what it seeks
Soul already feeds off of dreams
Souls who know more than we can ever see
Sobbing & throbbing of a soul
Soul sent thrashing away
Rage greif pain surround this seat
Aspects of denied self holding sway
Souls searching over the whole world
Trying to find what they must know
Soul questing-needed inputs
Kept out of reach-realitys we seek
Masters seek to steal what we seek
Mistresses of cruel seek to drain the cup of life
Use you as a tool
Hand the cup back empty
Soul bonds
Soul bondage
Soul tides
Soul ties
Souls unseen
Souls on a line
Souls on a leash
Souls trapped in time
Better bondage is what you seek
A better bandage to hold the bleed
A better bastard to hold your dreams
A stronger framework for the portraits
A framework that won't lie
Souls not yet properly dreamed
Souls full of savage desires
Souls full of demands
Souls having a life of their own
Souls seeking out what's theirs
Souls know-somewhere
Souls seeking refuge
Souls seeking out sustinance
Souls that can feel what life dosn't show
Souls hidden mostly to this world
Souls hidden in the darkness
Wrapped inside characters
Trapped inside nightmares
Wrapped inside weird social roles
Trapped inside strange storys
Wrapped up in strange societys
Wrapped up in cultish circles of art
Told us in peices of tribal historys
Toll on strange circles
Perverted mechanics
Controlled hysterics
Characters of mystique
Characters so strange
Characters so deep in mystical bondage
World view to God knows what it is
Cut you up like a sausage
Stir fry you into the life pan
Force feed you the life pain
Bondage to mythical horrors
Bandages to mythical wounds
Bastardised to older wars
Never seen-never known
Never known-never seen
Slivers of a longer dream
Outside of the mind
Dark souls-kept outside of society's
Dark souls-kept from realitys
Dark souls-kept outside time itself
Dark souls-dangerous
Dark wells of souls-dangerous to the touch
Dark wells of the mind-dangerous to the body
Kept locked away-unknown to this age
By this society-nothing with meaning
Kept veiled-kept concealed by their own society's
Mystique so intense your not meant to touch on it
Magicks so intent-intense focus
Magicks so intense you could die from it
Majesty's so vivid you could die without it
Burning vessels of the heart
Binding signs behind the starts
Blinking stars behind the signs
Souls that can know each other
Souls that can touch each other
Souls that can't seperate for ever
Souls that knock & bump together
Souls that only touch at dreams
Souls like ships passing
Souls who never see each other in this life
Soul bonds in this lifetime
Souls who knew each other in another life
From somewhere as yet unknown
Feels like knowing from the other side
Feels like chains from a living lie
Feels like scenes from another realm
Feels like pictures from a book you've seen
People who've never seen each other
People who can never know each other
People who were blind to each other
People who've never met each other
Over thousands of miles
The souls burn with hidden aspects
But their not now known by sight
Wouldn't know of you
Dead or alive
Can't conceive of you in this life
Can't care for you in this life
Can't see beyond the decider
Can't think for yourself
Society's divides keep you apart
A doomsday of souls
Denial from the start
Distraction from the start
Can't see them any more
Taking down of the mind
Tearing down of the mind
Taring down of the spirit
Fibres of your soul
Fibres of your mind
Fibres of your spirit
Reacting to something that you can't see
Another world-another persons soul
Coming on in-in timelines
Awareness of other realms
Not always gentle-sometimes feirce
Barriers between realitys
Barriers between society's
Barriers between time
Being broken down
Sometimes gods get awakened
Sometimes sleeping gods come roaring to life
Sometimes Angels can see what humans don't know
Aching from deep inside the soul
Unnamed desires
Untamed needs
Unknown designs
The soul kept in chains
History's have horrible stains
History's have horrible plains
History's have horrible pains
The soul can't see in this life
But sometimes the wheel turns
Sometimes the wheel turns back
Sometimes soul bonds turn the wheel
Or turn the tides back around
So we can try to feel
So we can try to see
What the older soul knew of before now
The terrors
The rigours
The regimes
Torn down souls
Twisted up places in time
Soul bondage from across the world
Land of dark savages from another realm
Bastard kings of ravages
Bone seats of the world
Lawless lordships
King of kings-crown of bones & leather
Globe of the world in a bony hand
Whip of pain in a master's hand
Fist of impact over the land
Can she take the pain
Can she take the blame
Can she feel his stain
Can she feel his urges
Can she feel him hot or cold
Can she sense it's him & not another
Can she know his harder seal
Can she take his harder seat
Crown of thorns
Or crown of bones
Crown of jewels
Or crown of blooms
Crown of jewels or sprays of high red
Can she take the blame
Can she hold his seat
Can she take the pain
Can she touch his crown
Can she feel his bloodlines
Can she see his lines
Can she read his mind
Can she feel his eye upon her mind
Can she feel his eye between her legs
Taring of his mind upon a human soul
With her driven mind
With her darker heart
With her bleeding lines
With her history of hurt
Try to touch his bastard soul
Try to find his wicked heart
Try to find his hotpoint start
Soul as old as a dinosaur
He wreaks havoc on the walking
He reaps havoc's on the awake still
He can wreck your soul
He can reap your soul
Serve him well in hell
Bondage stave
Bondage soul
Bondage soul suck
Suck you into his giant black hole
Web of weird
Mask of stun
Cold sperm on his icey run
Circle of the turning wheel
Tributes to calm his bastard zeal
To defeat his hell on earth
All living hells from his seal
All living hells from his seat
All living hells from his deadlands heart
No heart for humanity
No heart for anybody
No heart of the living
No life from the dead
No beating heart inside
Just a dead peice of God knows what
The man who lives this life
No house of peace
No house of place
Peices of your mind
Broken bits of body's at his feet
Wells of darkness near his circles
No heart for tolerance living or dead
Bad webs
Enslavement to the beasts
Should she fail the quests
Can she stand the pain
A rod across your back
Soultag jerking you awake
Soultie jerking you into awareness
Soultug yanking on your loins
Strangeness of the loop
Rootag making you have crazy thoughts
Roots tag makes you want to spend
Rootyank pushed out a tribute
Petals being pulled
Milking of a snake
Making of a fool
Drinking dose of poison
Just to feel alive
To gain a purchase
On crazy lust
Oddness of a stranger soul
Perfect stanger-rigged to be perfect
Making of a tool from a born fool
Making of pain from pleasure
Making of pleasure from pain
Milking of the guilty to sustain the innocent
Taking mental pleasures from a complex web
Taking on emotives from a potent chain of death
Hard fiX
Hard fast
Hard knocks
Continue on
Counting on the pain
Dying by the clock
Soul equations
Soul trying to perfect it
Not yet over it
Perfect stranger from the past
Staying a stranger till the last
Soultug like a riptide
Pain to serve like a tide
Time has come & gone
While she's tried
He's come & gone
For so long
While she's privately died
Pushed back behind
Behind a veil
Silently greiving
Locked alone in hell
Sensing from afar
His throne of death & ice
Secret spasms in the night
Pink petals open for his might
Thinking of his teeth
White with his spitel
Sign of his drive
Sealed up tight
Trying to gain a foothold on your mind
Laps of sentence around your mind
Can you see the pains
Yoked to gods of crazy
Crazy paving of pain
Secret service
Silent sentence
Secret tributes
Silent hell
Unseen life
Sentence of coldest night
Trail of death
Unseen name
Dark sentence
Dark passage
Evil sentence from his name
Pain & bane
Soul pain
Soul hold
Soul bane
Wickedness from his name
Soul bond
Soul hold
Soul target
Pains burn across the lines
Fire burns along the markers
Angels singing in his name
White powder across a mirror
Glazed eyeballs across the distance
Respect the powers of deference
Respect the powers of decisive
Respect the powers of insideous
Respect the powers of the mind
When held by another kind
The powers of redemption from a prayer circle
The circus of life cut into slices of hell
Mentalitys of hell masters
Demonical bleeders
Demonical breeders
Servitude to older colder gods
Sentences claimed from others hells
Weirdness from his face
Wiredness from his reactives
Weirdness from his place
Keeping the world as it ever was
Brutalist bastards holding leashes
Sentence of the older darker gods
Keeping servants stolen souls
In their forced on place
Pain of stations-pain of place
Pain of palace-pain of circle
Pain of face-pain of menaces
Pain of rule-change of pace......💀

www.ProtectMyWork.com ©KNOX SCARLETTE BANE💀🗝️🌹




💀 Winter Solstice ♑ SW/T FM/T 💀WAYS OF THE WICKED🌶ï¸ðŸŒ¶ï¸

20:27 Dec 21 2022
Times Read: 764


Lifetime of being locked into a living curse
Lifetime of being caught in the jaws of death
Lifetime of being trapped in a dark web of lies
Lifetime of prayers needing to get freed
Lifetime of born enemy's taking it's time
Bondage to enemy's taking it's toll
Sentence of curses long ago grown old
Lies pain suffering darkness death
Suffering dispair greifs not over yet
Darker desires been brutally misplaced
Devils bondage takes its place
This hearth has no fire-ashes from the start!!
This crown has no jewels-stolen from the start
Angel of the lord turned into lawless works
Angel of death secretly stalking
Angel of disease upon the world
Angels at war with God
Humans get entangled
Targets getting emeshed
Humans get engaged
Bad cultures
Wrong elements
Troubles on the loose
Mankind sometimes in the noose
Lovers suddenly not in the mood
Heart full of bad darkness
Not getting any better news
Because of ancient curses getting loose
Because of lying spirits obscuring the truth
Because of pestilence from evil roots
Because of angry serpents
Lying spirits-unkind spirits on the loose
Freaky-ass shadows
Untold evils on the loose
Curses from poor bloodlines
Karmic terrors on the loose
Someone who was thought of as a lover
Could be embraced-could be a friend
Roots from distant past-not turning up good
Coming into the picture-about to cause havocs
Crazy historys-teens not understanding life
Someone seen as a partner for marriage
Blinded by designs when there's nothing in it
But wasn't anywhere near to love atall
But desire for love-can be blinding when your young
But it was mistaken for a gift coming into life
But it was some very old curses about to escape
Someone who was seen as a friend
But being kept deceived-kept in the darkness
Lawless decades already in place
Lawless fervours already there
Like you were never born-crossed condition
Dire from the start off
But wasn't an alliance to be trusted
But was an ancient enemy in disquise
But was the devils walker kept in disquise
But not for earthly pleasures of mankind
Bad news for those who were patient for so long)
But not in a good way-in the worst kind of ways
But here to steal-to deny everything
Denying works tearing life apart
Deadly alliances
Torn apart chances
Bad devils root
Bad mojos
Poor equalitys from the start
Evil weapons from the start
Human desires used as a weapon
Your self used aganist your self
Your instincts used as weapons
Your designs used to control you
Instincts diverted into horrible uses
Masters disquise
Peverts all courses of justice
Self against self
Pain taken-used as wealth
Perverted principals-punish the innocent
Push against the loyal-never pay back
Base deceiver-no capacitys for love
Deny all devotions-stealing objects
Never wanted-never loved
Never loved anyone living or dead
Kept wrapped up-wreath of bloody lies
Only loved evils-pain till your dead!!
Dark desires aganist dark envys
Devils vessel from the very start
Devils knotworks-ties from hell
Devils contempt & disqust for the world
Devils disasters-ways without end
Devils targets-those he could never own
Devils tensions-those he cannot tame
Devils temptations-to try to gain those not his
Devil's torments-for those who said no
Devils torments-attacking all known dignitys
Born to be broken-a shell of yourself
Misuse of works-misuse of lifeworks
Misuse of walkers-never wanted in the first place
Someone taken from another place
Stolen-property from another race
Sentence of bad bondage-stealing from a face
Working away to loosen the bonds of trust
Working wayward against gods arts
Wayward use of ways
Walking with spirit curses
Mind body & spirit diseases
Wrecking all the relevance
Wrecking others dreams
Sucking away others trust
Vampiric attacker
Human no more-liberty taker
Lawless to the bone
Lawless leverages lasting
Lawless whoreson
Feeding off human reactives
Lawless spirits hacking circles
No consent-no concern
Not receiving-its just taking
Not real receiving-youve already been cheated
What your getting is what he wants to give
One-sided love-one sided lust
It's just stealing in his name
Walking wounded
Ways of human society tilted
Lawless factions
Lifeless factors
Like a rose that's gone wilted
Sickness in all ways
Sourness at societys
Straight up from helllands
Works of the lawless one
Wayward ways of the wicked
Weighed down with conceits
With the righteous kept chained on up
Walking through life with a ball & chain dragging behind
Ways to keep them blinded to the world
Ways to keep you dead without the words
Ways of the wicked-sickness in the world
Wayward walks of darkness
Stifling life's progress
Stealing understanding life
Stopping wheels progress
Blinded desires & chained up lusts
Angels braking all the covenants with gods
Ancient rivalrys braking out the seals
Angels from so many wars
Angels have rivalrys humans pushed aside
Angelicals now twisted driven by revenge
Desires overshadowed by deceit & death
Designs kept corrupted-meanings kept covered up
Devouring dark angel tainted by blinded lusts
Deceitful angel lying to everyone he knows
Deceiving angel working aganist all of humanitys
Denying dark angel hates everyone inside
Dividing angel conquerer of the arts of God
Distressing with divisions stabbing right through the heart
Desperate angel at war with his own nature enemy of his own heart
Destroying dark angel hates himself & all his works
Depths of darkness gonna make everyone hurt
Denys himself & destroys his own arts
Desperation divisionism protector
So very far from any divine protections now
Destroying angel hates the whole world
Dark angel was carrier of darker pleasures
Dark angel-love & passion of the darker walkers
Destroyed by contempt & disqust of the world
Discracefull angel-denying all of godly works
Charged by the divine-to give great pleasures to lovers
But got controlled-reduced to desperate measures
But got stolen-raised up for playing the part
But got taken over-controlled by a puppet master
Monster of the ghetto lands-made his lawless mark
Worst controller-stolen privacys
Now all he can actually do is tare you apart
Acting like a man who can love-but chained up by the devil
Nieve humans getting caught in his traps
Wanted some love
Wanted some lust
Wanted some luck
Hungry for romance
Looking for a partner
Kept in isolations
Social nieve from the very start
Sucker trapped
Social maps
Sworded traps
Sickened nets
Nothing doing
Nothing true
Going nowhere fast
Nothing like that
Nothing like romance
Ruthless hates
Resentfull lusts
Riveted envys
Conquering wills
Lust for war
Lust for conflict
Lust for control
No chance at love
Resented independence
Resented strength
Resentfull of power
Sour loser
Sore loser
Bad ego-bruised ego
From the start
She was born strong
But still no chance
Sick rivalrys from the start
Born enemy's
Born into rivalrys
Already been pushed apart
Kept divided
No chance from the start
Too many essential facts missing
Lured in by deaths face
Counting out your fate
Truths not being told
Nothing like near it
So far from the bases
Love all in vain
Already not free
Not able to care
Still put you through it
Letting out untold hells
Belongs to some man out there
Ghetto-webs spun in the dark
Don't be fooled by his stance
He's no lover man
He's no friend
Sell you to sentence before all the end
Don't get poisoned by his dark arrows
Don't get tricked in by his arts
Don't get drunk on his his sins or you'll sink
Don't get seduced by his working ways
He's working it-enjoys using it
Enjoys working you-through & through
Secret devils smile-highs from his hateworks
His lifeworks-hateworks
To wolf through your arts
Now you know how it all works
As far from marriage as a pig from the moon
Deceiver of the ages-no love for books from sages
Lusting in all ways to destroy the world
Lurking to use his ways to control other walkers
Lying in all works to destroy the ways made for all
Angels of disease-bad workers from the start
Angels of the liar-with him from the start
Angels of the slavers-lawless from all parts
Lawless walkers-missguiding from the path
Angels lying to mankind-loving only themselves
Angels of self glorys-vanitys made your mark
Angels were charged to bring us closer to God
Now they just mislay you-now they lie
Role models using the advantages
Pulling you from the pathways
Controlled by devil masters
Can't beleive in his works
Can't beleive in his words
Can't trust in his ways
Really no longer part of this world
Left it far behind-long time ago
All foundations to be destroyed
Humanity to be turned into fires & ashes
Secret circles burning with distain
Secret cycles forcing on the blame
Enemy of all love & desires from the start
Hatreds of others down to the core
Dark loverman uses others
Dark loverman death traps
Dark loverman death between his legs
Root of all evils
In another's name
To even up his scores
To chalk up his wars
Never lusted for you-never even wanted you
Never was for you-anywayz
Just lusted after powers-to control
Just lusted after lawless honours
Justified agonys from his plunders
Desire-never desired you
Desire-all in another's name
Desires-all from others pain
Desires-all from another's gains
Desired to gain propertys-to use as his will
Desire-never desired you
Desired to dominate blindly
Destroy-as is his childish will
Deny from his own spoilt wills
Dosnt really know you
Dosnt have to care
Dosnt need to know you to use you
Dosnt have to carry you in life
Can dump you whenever he wants
Whenever your in need-hes already gone
Control is like a loaded gun
Love is like a spearing gun
Lecherous for fun
Liars-out to stun
However he wants
Whatever he wants
Spoilt brat-controls all circles
Son nobody wanted-used to hold depts
Bad pillars-weak from inside out
Being used himself-dosnt know what life's about
It's all from lies-evil agency in disquise
Propositions of loaded agendas
Lost all desires to do gods works
Lost all desires for this world
Lost all feelings for desire & romance
Lost all rational feelings for this world
Now others-strangers
Everyone he knows-becomes a stranger
So convieniant
When he's had his time
Contains you-controls you
Won't want you-after he's used you
Bound into bondage
Bullying marriage
Pushed into marriage
Damned if you do
Damned if you don't
Damned if you try to get free
Bad dynamics
Not knowing anything
Expected to pay his price
Doing his work for him
Not understanding him
Not understanding what he is
Warlords who steal
Dealers who deal
Liars-who kill you all inside
Lovers using it like a kill
Fast tracking all disasters
Stealing of time & stealing of life
The devil is a liar
It was written long ago
By one who knew his ways
To know him by his works
His works are in this world
His is of this world-to bring about hell on earth
He is as they called him
He is as his father was
Father of all lies
The way they said he his
Wish it wasn't true
The liar as the devil
Ruling in this world
Profanitys immoralitys
Ugly territorys
Divide & conquere
Social barriers-social squalors
They call him the lawless one
His hatred of humans is boundless
Turned out to be true
Turned his own soldiers into himself
Turned over into conquest & empty controls
Turned over into blind bondage
Turned over into blinded vengeance
Forced to comply-from pressures outside
Giving over-controls of his life to strangers
Acting like a lover-plays the part well
But that's all it is acting-taking up space
Hollow actor
Wooden all inside
Wood eaten by termites
Wood of faithless pews
Faithless soul
Worst of hell
Bad provenance
Mean soul
Mean man
Mean attitudes
Sick in his core
Sour to his lovers
Suffering all his scores
Sick soul
Sour bloods
Don't beleive a word
Don't mean shit
Don't knock on wood
It's not enough
In this life or the neXt
To protect you-from contempt in his bloods
Faithless marriage-useless arts
Lying front-used from the start
Web of ugly lies-keeps many others
Whoremaster-breeding keeping human slaves
Dosnt care for others
Dosn't care what they feel-what they need
One sided relationship-kept in the dark
Kept as property-reality is stark
Kept as slaves-reality is dark
Never considered others
Not understanding choices
Not offered any chances anywayz
Not understanding the conteXt
Beleiving in all bastard lies
Born to control others
Brutal beleifs-circle of lies
Sick connections ring the truth
Social contracts-controlled by role players
Kept by cold blooded masters-no interests in others
Social contracts-control & coercives
Then you know your controlled by curses
Poison running right through it
Poisoned master-pulling on strings
People hurt him then-hes driven by vengeance now
Nobody cared about him-nobody cares about him now
Dosn't care about his lovers-dosnt care about love
Seeking blinded angels-to sacrifice for his causes
Cursing those who tried to love him-with his curses
Suckered into a shit deal-too young to understand life
Nobody told the truth-finding out by chance
Better educated media-better knowledge of law
Better educated society-than back in the marriage years
He tastes bad now-he tastes like poisons
He takes revenge through people who are loyal
He uses up women-he uses up chances
Ending up submiting-instead of being offered
Pull whoever you like-plough your way through
Lie through your teeth-been elsewhere already
Like in says in the old book-there will be troubles
There will be tribulations
There will be wolves in sheep's clothing
Beautifull flowers-hiding poison
Love that is just profane rubbish
Love based on a bedrock of lies
A cup overflowing with constant fears
Cup of loving life
Turned into deadly signs
A loving cup turned into a world of living lies
That's keeps a hold over a lifetime
Life is in bondage to older curses
Life is a ball & chain
Life is a deep ink stain
Life is like sentence in cages of pain
Lifetime of keeping scratched up old records
Old photos from better days
Locks of hair
Bits of burning sentiment
Bits of old ribbon
Bits of old times
Better place to hold on too
Better place to beleive in
Better place to be from
Love of God
Love of divinity's
Love of angels
Sentimental times
Wishes & desires from more nieve times
Teenaged dreams
Teenaged desires
Teenaged hopes of love
Beleif in love as redemption
Redemption from all evils by divine angels
What it should have been
A blessing in life
Protection from God
From all bad works of sin
Love protecting
From all known hostilitys
Gals kept in ignorance of romantic realitys
Groomed into beleiving bullshit
Guided by matriarchal controllers
Goals imposed from those from better society's
Better situations
Bully for them-dont have a clue
Brought into a better world
Buying into popularist horseshit
Don't want to know-dont care either
Don't get that it could be their daughters one day
Don't try coming to me when you fall
Don't get the gross povertys
The lawless prescence
The born supremacy's
The lawless streets outside
Ghetto laws
Godamned realitys
Harder side of the line
Fragmented family's
Broken ass society's
Didnt care enough
Didn't care to tell me what I needed to know
Till the realisations come on through
Then the pain just tares you all apart
Target of dishonesty a from the start
Been buying into bullshit unwittingly
Been kept in the dark
Been lied to from the start
Gonna find out when your older
You've wasted all your life
Trying to love a bastard stranger
Struggling with trying to reach him
All your life fighting the pain
But he was unconcerned from the start
Well before the contract
Not worth the wretched workings
Not worth the wait
Not worth the weight-its not gold
It's just ruthless warlords-its just cold
Pointless exercise-rootless from the start
Beleiving in romantic fantasys
When there wasn't even any love anywayz
Memorys are a killer sometimes
Time isn't always able to heal
Just because
Memory's can devour you
Memorys are a chiller sometimes
Sadistical asides can cut deep
If your not carefull to control
Where your mind will go
Where your life will trend
Time dosnt always heal
Time can be a killer
When someone's round the bend
Bad romance is a chiller
Bad romance could become a killer
Bad romance from a crooked curse
Keeps you in constant turmoils
Churning up like a river over rocks
Torn about by the tides
Kept frozen in time
Kept frozen in myself
Kept back from the pain
Kept locked out of myself
Kept locked out of time
Kept back from realitys too crippling
Kept back from knowledge too shattering
Shattered innocence
Shattered time lines
Constant curses-following the lines
Unmitigated disasters
Malingering death
Disturbing memorys
Deathlike trances
Darkened history's
Deadend chances
Bad ended romances
Bad chapters
Base advances
Base controller
Ruthless heartbreaker
Ruthless controller
Ruthless warlord
Ruthless undertaker
Rash self promoter
Ruining stake holder
Cursed romances
Stolen chances
Not a chance
Not a chance in hell
Not a chance to know a life
To know a life I could control
Working crooked
Ways of the lawless one
Walking wonky
Not caring what he looks like
To others
Self righteous angrys
Dark stew
Dark slew
Dark slugs
Bad energy's
Warning from the gods
Cloudy aura-bad attitude
Darkness polluted-poisoned
By broken magicks-bad spells
Carrying bad vibes everywhere he goes
Just gets angry if you even see it
Can't not notice
That his whole life is cursed
That his whole life is in reverse
Life based on a tissue of lies
Memorys of romance
Looking tragical
Not looking magickal
Looking more sinister now
Looking like meaningful encounters then
Looking more meaningless now
Looking like a born player now
Looking like a born fixer now
Didn't see it-didnt know it
Keep dumb blind & stupid
Thought it was for me
But he never even knew me
Generic romance
but it's the same for all of them
All duplicated
All tricked out
All trapped out
All nailed down
All the gals you've played
All the whores you've nailed
Thought it was a gift from God
But it was all from a bad sign
Got it all so dead wrong
So wrong I could've died from it
Deadend book of romance hooks
Bad curses-with good looks
Bad purses
Bad hooks
Wrong provenances
Wrong person
Wrong eXpectations
Wrong presence
Evils always getting in
Thought it was dark angels
But it was the devil's works
Because it wasn't divinity's
Bastard devilrys
Bloody artworks
Because you deny everything in his name
See you now
Son of the lawless one
King in his name
Warlords for wicked works
Father of all lies
All too good to be true
All human equalitys-die in his eyes
See your bizzare ways
As more sinister now
A match made in hell
Your talking in tongues
Twisted loops of shit
Twisted troops of hits
It's all born envys
We were born as blood-enemys
Satanical blood-match
Marriage full of lies
Forced on by bondage ties
Triumphal through all thefts
Based on bullying frauds
Lying through all the pains
Thought it was love
But it was all just lust tied up in depts
Death tied up in brute bondage
Fake marriage
Unwanted romance
Just means to an end
Bloody bastard liar
Or was it all just a fiX?!?
Did I dream a lie
Because I wasn't ready for the nightmares?!?
Memorys kept clouded
Timelines kept shattered
Chains kept with broken links
Drip fed poisons to keep me meek
Empress of mass society
Empress of outdated loyaltys
Empress of shit tinged realitys
Born into a world of blinded violence
Empress of mass religion drip feeding me shit
Films books religions full of fantastical lies
Don't really know how to work it
Deep fried bullshit
Drip feeding fantasys
Deep phantom romances
Dark treacherous alliances
Damaged record still getting stuck
Keeps on getting stuck
Loyaltys all getting wasted
Broken loyalty stuck in a bad rut
Bad loyaltys stuck in a deep soul pit
Bad totalitys stuck in a world of shit
Cut down by your sins
Cut down held back by your shit
Always waiting for the cuts
The daggers to come
Deep dark cuts ruin the song
Deadend stuck record
Deeply stuck in a rut
Deep end of unkind cuts
Deep end of bad soul loops
Broken hearted roadblocks
Warlord seeking conquests
Warlord seeking contestations
Warlord seeking dominations
Warlord intent on denying all other gods
Warlord intent on triumphing through all bad bloods
Warlord intent on killing off other gods
Devil worshippers trophy
Devil worshippers tool
Devil worshippers toy
Denied true consent
Waters made murky
Should have stayed back
Looked for more evidence
Trust given up too fast
Deceived from the start
Destined to be devoured
Just pressed into giving
Just pushed into favours
Just pressured into going further
Wasn't really ready
When you really understand
You've been robbed by a warlord
Of everything you had to give
To get taken by coercion & control
Twisting your arm all along
Pain beyond all understandings
This world will betray you
Like it says in historys
God is all you have left of yourself
Truer life memory's through him still
Still so some light in the dark
Some understandings
Wastelands of power tripping
Wastelands of vain glorys
Wastelands of ego tripping
Wastelands of greedy trophys
Vulture waiting to benefit from the killing feilds
Noone else cares to despose of the mess
Warlord drinking from trophy skulls
Warmonger drunk on bloody conquests
Drunk on sickened sins all night
Drunk on sin
Blind to death
Hungry for all cuts
Hungry for all kills
Hungry for the hunt
Trophy hunting
Ball busting
Back biting
Blind siding
Back sliding
Back stabbing
Sliding doors
Moving walls
Keeping scores
Conquest for blind controls
Caste back aside
Plus the deadness
Plus all living hells
Plus the downers from hell
Horrible recorded voice
Horrible loops from hell
Hell loops in my head
Didn't get new ones cause the rest still plays
Didn't get out of the rut cause my soul is still stuck
Deep resentments from your roots
I see it moving around in you
Giant snake God
Fears of God
Deep root resentments
Fear of all magicks
Open-ended wars
Social warfares
Social controls
Social tactics
War of all wars
This eternal nightmare
War against genders
War aganist leaders
Wars against thrones
Wars against alliances
Head wanted on a silver platter
Contradict your lawfull fates
Fates warning
I'll always turn up late
Try to get my head
Try & try again
Denial of my gods
Never ending pain
But you won't face it
You won't face me
Holding it down
Holding it back for laters
Fear hate
Envy lust
Killing eye
Murderous heart
Coming out again
Back behind the lines
Back behind with plots
Automatic refleX
The killing Fields of time
With hells portals
Popping open from behind
Sinister religions
Stranger races
Behind the lines
Hidden agendas
Behind the mundane...... To be continued 💀🌶️🌶️
Copyright-Filed 💀🗝️ www.ProtectMyWork.com





01:29 Dec 03 2022
Times Read: 1,393


Bitten off-too much
Beast too big
Bastard too monstrous
More than we can chew
Bitten off too much
Crystal ball filling with red
Struggling with the views
Sentences passed just from the viewing
Sinister surges
Surging in the veins
Faster than you can come to
Faster than you can choke
Faster than you can pray
Faster than the speed of light
Faster than you can die
Faster than the eye can see
Faster than the eye of a needle
Eyes just streaming
Primative godlife
Darkness provenance unshown
Museum of previous life
Blackened woods sink down
Turns into black jet
The mourning stone
Necessary evil come to pass
Warnings of death to come
Memory's of previous works
Mentalism from previous depts?!?
Museum of strange creatures
Living dinosaur man
Like the crocodile God
Primative monster
Turned into a human man
Turned back into darkness again
Strange provenance
Evidence unshown
Full of old signs
Dinosaur master
Linking back to history's
Lawless foundations
Leading back to mysterys
Dragon eyes
Dragon eyes
Before the deadly strike
Twist you around before you die
Thrash you
Trying to brake peices off
Predators progress
Powerfull progressor
Happened super-fast
Super vicious stranger
Super aggressive entrance
Speed of light agonys
Speed of light contact
Speed to light impact
Speed of light connectors
Burning comet in the skys
Furious figurehead
Bastardised figure of fears
Beastly composer
Brutalist opposer
Headfucking controller
Death strike
Death hold
Death choke
Death yoke
Death hold
Black roses opening
Icey planes
Beauty in badness
Beauty in brutalitys
Sacred to powers of ice
Bastardised whoreson
Bitch in a bad man
Beautys in madness
Starkness sinister
Beautys in a black son
Sacred pain
Sacred ice
Bases inflicted on everyone
Bruises on your throat
Pressures behind the eyes
Hidden damages kept inside
Stranger sinister
Black's & whites
Sacred to ice gods
Purple roses
Purple bruises
Purple hearts
Gracious weapons of angels
Vicious weapons of demons
Bruises on your soul
Brutal insights
Brutalist conventions
Deadly intervention
Deadly intentions
Deadly inventions
Sudden shockwaves
Sudden intensitys
Significant impacts
Soul connectors
Since first sight
Since first strike
Since first bite
Since first contact
Since first fall
So since first capture
Since nice 1st enrapture
Since first enthrall
Since 1st awareness
Apple of his eye
Of his eXistance
Rather shocking
Strangers soul
Forbidden fruit
Stranger stark
Stranger to conventions💀

Now we're gonna struggle
Now we're gonna choke
Now we're gonna die
Pay price for redemptions
High price for morbid temptations!!
Heavy yoke for curious eyes
Heavy choke for curious minds
Sinister penetrations
Stark convergence
Sinister conventions
Seen too much in this lifetime
Seen too much in you
Seen too much death
Seen too much evil in this life already!!
Just another day
Just another session
Just another season
Just another portrait
Just another corner
Just another gallery
Just another look around
Till everything changes
Sudden impact
Stranger portrait
Sinister strains
Stark feel
Dark portrait
Dark vessel
Death essence
Lawless feeling
Lurking spirits
Loaded prescence
Lawless influence
Pluto's coldest regions
Coldest parts of hell
No chance out
No choice in
No life born
Cold planet of rocks & ice
Unconcious mind activated
Shadow on the brain
Black roses start their strain
Dark side of the brain
Didn't see stuff
Didn't feel stuff either
Didn't get a grasp
Happened too fast
Cut outs from the pack
Hidden library's out the back
Cut outside from the pack
A different card in me
Made to find you then
Born to love you back then
Mad rush of fire
Everything full
Everything already there
Cup full of trippy potions
Super mentalist notions
Learning to know you better now
Language of another race
Lessons from a different face
The terror of your motions
Darkness of your nature
Casket of secrets since then
Learning to grate in you now
Linked into the graveyard now
Learning weirdness in you now
Leaning to give in you some now
Hate is a hidden thing somewhere
Born to mate you somewhere else
Brace for dangerous impact
Born to meet you in another life
Bared to you in some life
Born elsewhere in another life
Born again before it
Realitys slowly revealed
Brutalitys barely concealed
Fatalitys slowly peeled
Fruitfull evils
Taboo sentence
Necessary evils
Evils baring fruit of arts
Artfull artifice
Artfull intergrations
Alligators breath
Agony's of artfull death
Inner self kept contracted
My inner sins being revealed
My inner designs kept concealed
My inner contracts being spinned
Time outside of time
Place outside of place
Dark mirrors
Darker glimpses
Hidden seams
Horror screams
Frightfull visions
Unmet dreams
Melting black candles
Slippery seams
Untasted dreams
Untold dimensions
Salty blood
salty lies
Salty lines
Salty cuts
Salted faith
Bastardised dreams
Brutalised seams
Brutalist master
Brutalist visions
Brutalist dreams

Powers of a much darker soul
A much starker world
Monochrome realitys
Starkness of the bitter soul
Solid ice around his realms
Icey shards inside his blood
Ice cold heart
Hammer of his senses
Intense rivalrys
Torn betrayers
Terrible tales
Tension rivers
Pulling you on in
Pushing on back
Trying to stay back
Against all reason
Caught for all seasons
Bound against reasons
Lawless interventions
Lawless intents
Hellbound influence
Huge black snake
Huge black magnet
Huge massive headfuck
Soul rending suspense
Soul convergence
Internal resergence
Massive mentalist orgasm
Orgasm of the mind-sent spinning
Overtones of light-going blinding
Overwhelmed by perceptions
Other religions getting mired
Other religions losing their minds
Other styles curious of his kind
Bad magnet to this world
Powers to destroy the mind
Internal intrigues
Bone of contentions
Internal dialogues
Dominant kind of styles
Dangerous inventions
Spellbound interventions
A terrible man
A terrorist mind
A terrible mind set
Crocodile eyeline
Dark mastermind
Of an unknown kind
Abundance of hidden hells
Have to be dead already not to notice
Have to be headless already not to see it
Ghostly prescence
Arousing emergance
Wary observance
Dark suspense
Deadly magnets
Deadly aspects of a curious kind
Deadly kind of intrigues
Twisted kinds of sin!!! 🌹🤍🌹
Twisted types of shit
Of dubious styles
Pushing onwards
Hauling on back
Bastard soul burning
Begging for release
Black roses bursting out
Purple opium poppies
Opium of the morbid soul
Seeking it's sentence
Needle threading through the eye
Widows veil
White candles
White pain pills
White death prayers
Stolen life turned back into arts
Stolen chances turned back into arts
Stolen aspects turned back into seams
Strange goddess
Unknown focus
Hidden Starbursts
Erotical madness
Manical soulbursts
Bleeding rose
Cursed from the very start
Worst from before this life
Deeply moving
Morbidly arousing
Curiositys burning up
Sapiosexual student
Sapiosexual stimulations
Troublingly studys
Terrible troubling
Deeply unnerving
Deeply probing
Bastard ebbs & tows
Enemy's bastard son
Black Emporer of diabolicals
Diabolical creations
Darker stations
Hidden intrigues
Hidden heavys
Heaving mysterys
Blinding with hidden intrigues
Heavy duty soul
From the other side
Kill you to touch it
Burn you to know it
Soul you could never lift it
Born so strong
Dark primatives from another start
Darker tribes from some other
Not our all mother
Not from ours
Not from our armys
Outside society for a reason
Endless mysterys
Forbidden society
Forbidden realitys
Dangerous seasons
Diabolical reasons
Dastardly sentences
Backlayered studys
Hidden scenes down back alleys
Living through the layers
Black hell portraits
Black ends of ghetto lands
Black portals
Its been years
Since first sight
Still high shock levels
1st Sins & aftershock
Still got drops black poison
Dripping on through
Dark fires burning on through💀
See stuff through you
Soul onions of a whoreson
Strange layers tightly packed
Sudden explosion in unexpected artwork
Sudden impositions
Sudden intrusions
Sudden startling changes
Sudden unknown influences
Striking temple of gods
Striking deep inside
Poison of the gods
Dripping down inside
Enlightenment or death
From the sleeping coil
Soul stops sleeping
Eyes stop blinking
Dark soul devourers
Quaking through your bones
Raking through your mind
Singing in your blood
Tugging on your vitals
Older gods influences
Primal gods
Gods before the gods
Stuff we can't see yet
Stuff better off not seen
A brutalist side of hell
A dualists dream
CompleX mysterys
Hidden masters
Brutalist realitys
Dark portrait dreams
See him in oval portraits
Love & hate
Lust & pain
Fear & death
Envy & desire
Lust & hate
Blindness & bleeding
Blindness & seeing
It's all too late
It's all been done now
It's all been set as a template
So suddenly
Stunningly scary
Stranger turning over time
Worm turning over
Vivid experience
Like being struck by lightning
Like a record stuck with a scratch
No erasing that now
Can't smooth over the pits
Portrait picture has got stuck
The visions dig in deep
The questions never end-never will
Vampire fangs of deep dreaming
Don't know what I'm seeing
Like thinking while your dreaming
Like moving when your sitting down
Things keep moving
Thoughts in streams
Through the portrait
Feels like I'm sinking
Feels like I'm drinking blood
Feels like the pain is good
Feels like the pain is in God?!?
Can't be undone
Can't be unseen
Can't be unfelt
Can't be unknown
Can't be undreamed
Can't be easily unmade
Takes a lifetime to know it
Takes painfull eXperience
Takes weird sacrifice to show it
Takes sins to try to reveal it!!
Crossing over the void
Huge icey landscapes
Huge black tunnels
No easy target💀

Goddess won't let go
Dosn't understand
Turns us back around
Back towards the portrait again
Wrong romances
Wrong influences
Wrong circles
Wrong cards out
Wrong life time
Keeps on putting us back
Back again in time
Back towards beginning
Being lured back to see
Back to the mystery's presented
Back towards the frame again
Back inside the portrait again
Towards temple of hell
Templates of temptations
Trapped inside the frame
Tortures of the mind body spirit
Tempt towards the frame again
Look at the portrait
Look too much and your inside it again
Instead of outside
Frame of artistic ideas
Come to life inside the viewer
Desires not making sense
Natural drives burn
Then get stuck
Useless culture
Vicious stunner
Cunting bummer
Crueltys web
Dangerous number
He's a downer
He's a dangerous card
Shouldn't be there
We sure shouldn't have
But shit happens
Can't be here like this
Even looking
But we've gotten trapped
Not fair
Didn't know it was even there💀

Souls get sucked on in
Whatever we've said
Nobody heard us
For gods sake
Emporers son here
He's served
He's very loyal
But so much for that
Facts can get stolen
God dosn't care
Gods been greedy
Just enjoys the process
Watches me work away
Knows I will surcumb
One way or another
To the works of men
From my private seat
Perverse designs unseen
Too greedy to be objective
Hungry eye takes it all in
When pupils enlarge
When the seed spurts out
When the sweat drips down
When the blood has pin-drops
Red pins on a map
Wet dreams
Rain drops on the window pane
Bullets burning through flesh
Worms turning the earth
When the pain is burning
It's all energy's evaporating
Poets powers churning
Inner fires burning
Old aXes grinding

Dark God takes his dues
Red God taps the veins
Forces the beat
Cold God stops time
Turns my head & heart to ice
So I can write clearly & coldly
Hidden shadow behind us
The living life dues taken
Dark gods steal from the light
Dark fires steal from the sun walkers
God eats his goddess
From the hungry eye
Everything comes in
Everything goes out
Tides of blood
Tides of time
Dark eye getting inside
Can't keep it out
Perverse aspects
Greedy for men's ways
Greedy for men's designs
Greedy for men's seed
Draining with sins in hand
Stealing with sins in mind
Evils taken hold
Death has got a grip
Hold too tight
Balance has been tipped
Fangs have already sunken in
Forbidden cup of arts been sipped
Can't be deleted from memorys
Or you'll just somehow die
Kept inside
Portrait outside self
Has gone inside the self
Scored sense of self
Scarred from the inside out
Scared of what's about
Souls been scored
Living on or dead
Retained in the living soul
Portraits taken hold
Portraits got influences
Portals been opened
What I've seen-ive seen
What I've dreamed-ive dreamed💀

Bitten off too much in you
More than I can chew
Meats made too tough
More than can get swallowed
Gonna stay stuck-slow chewing
Till I'm choking
No swallow-
No way back out
No choke
No way back out
Treading water
Found too much in you
Found shedloads in you
Whole bloody keyline
Whole bloody lifetime
Everything's there
And nothings there
Everything & nothing
Wordsmiths brain strain
Full to the brim & empty
Cup of dreams & nightmares
Revolving door of hitches
Serial click of glitches
Poets circle itches
Can't get digested right
Can't get properly focused
Can't get sagas right
Can't sit right
Can't sit tight
Can't find the centre
Can't keep the hold
Can't hold through the pain
Can't find the bloody pain anyway
Can't find the way
Working hard on it
Trying to see through it
History's dark glass
Mind on tenderhooks
Grasping in the dark
Mind on painfull hooks
Bleeding in the dark
Praying in my sleep
Twitching as dreams get lost💀
Dieing inside trying to get through
Soul threading trying to get through
Sacrifice to get through the blocks
Karma is being played out
But it's not enough
Not now
Not in this life
Not when society is so sour
Grapes of wrath
Strewn all about
Death traps all about
Twisted templates
Resentful roots
Bad cards
Displaced revenges
Sour avengers
Crowd out the spaces
Stealing from others faces
God demands sacrifices below
Goddess stays steady above
Empress has her own gallery
Portraits of God-kings
History is a crown hall of kings
Rock music is crowned king
Love at 1st sight
Everything grows strained
When they don't not understand
Because society is sick
Bad cards from the back
Everybody fights
Gods great gift of music
Thrown aside
Music was for everyone
And so was other art
Until society's split apart
Music was to unify mankind
For a time at least
To unify strangers
But now dark strangers hold the circles
Strangers underhand
Karma is a bitch
Snake pit up ahead
Hell queen at hand
She knows karmic drag
Crone hag witch knows the score
Karma is a bitch
Bone goddess won't let go
Knawing through the bones of life
Angers cause she knows
Hidden storys
There are some bad knots
Bad black knotworks
Fear envy hate
Bad roots
Bad blocks
Bad books
Back on the wheel again
Karma is a bitch
Quite rightly
Wants revenge on life
Got some seeds to sew
Itchy soul
Restless life
Soul full of axe works
Dragging on ball & chain
Hooks on the soul
Chains on the brain
Before I leave this world
Got me some wheel works
Sun goddess loves men of music's
Older goddess loves men of art
Dark God loves men of magicks
But in denial of all hells
What happens to some humans
All the works
Works for the gods
Clearing off karma backlogs
Sacrifice of self
From the works
Delving into sins hidden libarys
Shadowside self
Made into strange mirrors
Dark library of depts & dreams
Dark closet of fantasy's & sins
Karma is a bitch
Earthbound just about
Mind body & spirit
Great adjustments
In me just to peel back the scenes
Just to lick on salty dreams
Don't want to do it
Getting fearfull of it
Forgot the conditions
Path gets rocky
Said I'd do it
Cognitive splitting
Reality of horrors
Real life masters
Extra challenges all around
Forgot my covenant with God
Feeling like a cunt
Forgetting to work it out
Worm going towards a hook
Never good enough
Turning all callow
Turning all green
I just want to run
I just want to come & run
I just want to come again & give up
But I know it won't work
Karma is a bitch
Wheel never ends
Writers contract with hell(s)
Here on earth
Can't get passed it
Soul bane
Masters mark
Working around it
Brutal task
No way out of it💀

Hell life
Spent life
Wasted life
Writers bane
Writers bones ache
Where's the fucking storys?!?
Where's the wheat among the chaff
Wheel still rotating
Male whore still going around
Stark handsome
Icey in white
Chalk white face
That's one mean kind of base
Bitch has taken up the pedastool
Can't get him off it
Put there by the mind
King of the circle
Cycle of the undead
Taken up his face
Taken up his place
Till he dies down again
All in the mind
All living inside the brain
Orgasmic undertones
Dark undertow
Strange inner glow
Strangely fufilling
Bad worm eating apple of life
License for inner strife
Heartless whoreson
Brutal pedastool
No love for life in him
No life of love in him
Born without a living heart
Black mane down his back
Proud of his powers
Pedastool of ugly pride
Pedastool of sinfull stride
He will eat you up from the inside
Or eat through your mind
One bad apple
One worm at a time
Black Emporers son
Handsome beast
Hardened tool
Hardened soldier
Horror worker
Of the emporer
Aggressive preist
Angles from a pedastool
Angers can't catch it
Angst off the scale
Aganist all others
Angers aplenty
Aggressor of mankind
World contester
Here to make whores of us all
Born to be that one
Born to be the beast
Born to be the silent preist
War against all living fears
Mindfull arts holding
Mindless beast potraying
Master of all horrors
Still keeping seperation
Trying to take you apart
But he can't take us yet💀

Lust just slips off the line
Lust trys to embrace it
Lust just can't hold it
Pain-cant grasp it
Fear can blind everything
Losing the plots
Where are my sagas?!?
Where is my soul
Soul all slipped away
Slow pain of ages
Still being stolen
Life before now
Your prefixed now
Your bullshit now
Your not enough
Seeing you now
Where were you before?!?
You've been around long before
You were there somewhere
We all just know it
Feel it in our hearts
Know it in our souls
Can't find the damned keys though!!!
Past life repeat?!?
Someone we met but forgot?!?
Memorys stuck on repeat
Real centres so far off
It's stimulating
Its riveting
Its agonising
Its terrifying
Territorys of hell
All in a man
Person of interest
Just cold flesh & blood
Only just about real
Only just about feel
That's a bastardised bloodline
That's one son of a bitch
Hard hooker
Gotta bleed for it
Cold man born
Not cold man made
Born into the grave
Emporers son
Death is above in him
In plain sight
Can't unmask the mask
Colder than the nights on K2
Colder than the stars above that
Colder than a meat locker
Colder than Pluto's end reaches
Colder than his loveless heart
Okay so-whats next
Where's the rest?!?
So much more than this
Don't mean shit
Just frozen
Denied me-all my glorys
Challenging theatres of pain
Riveting intrigue
Glorys of crazy pains
Agonys of unwashed stains
Strange places in the brain
Brainiacs heartbrake 💌
Not revealing more
Evasive realitys
Elusive storys
Massive loss of memorys
Beach wood
Seeing isn't beleiving always
Seeing is dividing opinions
Eyes are seeding the mind
Blind leading the blind
Eyes quite dead brown
Liquid dead brown
Worrying trend
Dead looking eyes
Dead pool eyes
Dark eyes
Not deep-no wisdom
Not seeing anything
Working eyes outside
Brutalist soldier from the start
See what a predator wants to see
Dead soul inside him
Everyone sinking in📍📍💀


Human artical seeding the eyes
Human carcass seeding the loins
Loins confusing the soul
Lies all around the circle
Left to work double all the time
Largely unknown society
Large black slate ahead
Huge mysterys
Takes mastery
Or easily go insane
Tipped off balance
By all living fears
Terrible foes
Takes cold reserve
Or the hellish fires will blame
All the devils arts in him
After the portrait gallery
All lovely party time
Comes cold time after
Hells gate
After the fires warmth
All blazing glorys
All star status
Black gutter star blazing up
Black arts of seduction
Beauty in fires of dissent
Beauty in death in desires
Beauty of death in designs
Brutal cruX of weirdness
Dead cold ghoul after
Black fires of artworks warm you
Cold dead grate in the morning
Hell gate
Iron gateway
Going nowhere
Held hard & fast
Human artwork
Prostitute of hell
Black soldier
Whoreson black
Devil's purchase
Stolen son
Stark artist
Styles of blackness
Come into our circle
Come closer we intreat you
Come in & ghost our circle
Come in & grace us with your face
Place us with the pain
Pace us with the stain
Don't let life be in vain
Your vain glorys
We split it into strains
Come & ghost this circle
Come & host our circle
Then we know it's in you
Not some other
Soul signature is his alone
His hellish horrors
Not some other
Grace us like glass hearts
You have the hammer
We have some keys
You have pain to bring us
Gift of unseen gates?!?)
The mentalists weird ways
Keys inside
Keys without
Get it wrong
Go loco wrong way around)
Without you
We can't see the eye
We cannot see the way
Poets lust for life
Well bind you in
Well bleed you in
Well seek in you
Well suck in you
Well seed in you
Well steal in you
Some life
These probing urges
To see it come alive
Seeding us into the circle
Secrets of life & death
Forbidden Emporers side
We hàve all sinned
Drunk from forbidden cups
Held onto a stranger
Held onto a dead son
Held on too long
Pale ghost man
Dark blood man
Tell us some tales
Tell us more
Tell us some awfull
Tell us some more
Tell us some more grim
Give us some more
Charmed by the bastard
Ice growing in my soul through you
We are all hungry in you
We are all morbid in you
We are all threaded through the eye
We are all sinning in you
We are all straining in you
We are all rebelling in you
But can't see it yet
The portrait in this world
Was a key to another gallery
Gallery of all hells
Hungers of knowledge
Have no mercy
We should wait
For the eye
Give us more
Or well go steal it
We'll go seed it
Pull it through
Super stark mind
Threads of silver
In you
Troubled lifetime
Hellish lifelines
Horror life sideline
Brutal timelines
Ghetto helltimes
Streetlife bad lands
Beautifull evils
Stark side of handsome
Dark side of handsome
Grave side of handsome
He's dead serious
Gonna lose a life
Wretched devil
You've bewitched us
Poet's circle
Ghoulside narrator
Grapples with you
Ghoulside writer
Threads through the eye in you
Graveside thirstier
Graveside stager
Hungers in you to reveal aspects
Terrible reveals
Tell us everything
Torture us some more
Tell us some more💀

Slow stew in you
Eye of the storm
Brown liquid eyes
Dead brown river eyes
Sluggish soul
Brown & cold
Out there somewhere
Brown & sinister
Bad streets somewhere
Blown off course
Works in slow process
All around the poet's circle
Come across-by accident
Come over-to us
Come over-via unconcious
Right from the start
Intrusive & vivid
Penetrating & stark
Alarming & dark
Go to town with the arts
Dark prostitute of the wayward arts
Dark portrait king
Reveling in all sins
Sins in all things
All pushing
All the time
See it's in you
Know it's in you
Where in you?!?
Where in time
Fucking headfuck
Maybe it's in me?!?
Maybe it's in others too💀

Poet's circle of passions
Just out of reach
Your just out there
Your just the links
Your tempting tendencies
Your turning templates
Your terrible links
Turning me around
Turn me on
Turn me off
Turning me around again
Hidden keys in my soul
Perceptive wheel
Eye in the centre
I'm just stuck inside here
Hermits circle
Sharers circle
Bastard life circle
Poets circle
Bleed out your life
Strange secluded life
Sometimes poets converge
Sometimes souls submerge
And then seperate again
Writers have to struggle
Inward journeys
Agonists cycles
Self sufficancys
Fishing around
To find the keys
Delving near my soul
Just can't reach it yet
Soul in tortures
Like a snake going curling
Loss of soul
Slipping self
Slippery eyes
Difficult seals
Maybe we never will
Perfect arts in him
Hold it
Catch it
Enrapture it
Control it
Self tortures
To pull out saga stages
Curiositys like an owl
Hungers like vultures
Angers like a hot star
We do wait
To milk it out
Snakes venom
But really can't stand it💀🌶️

Like willing a corpse to talk
Like willing a ghost to talk
Please God tell us stuff
Nothing but deadended hopes
Weak in the light now
Touching a frozen hand
Tapping on cold
Tell us mr
Tell us which way to go
Taking us nowhere
Tank of white flesh
Breathless slab
Lifeless carcass
Useless lab
No preference
No reference
Cold man's hand
Dead men's works
Waxwork in waiting
Giant slab of dead meat
Cold holding in nowhere
Just lying in there
All my dreams kept frozen
Feel it inside me
Cold case
Collapsed dreams
Is it inside god's will?!?
There are portrait gallery's
Where lost daughters roam
There are portraits in gallery's
There are clues to other works
There are pictures keys to other worlds
There are strange hooks inside art
There are some vicious points
There are some bent ways
There are some strange characters
Hidden inside arts
There are other colours hidden under the layers
Time behind time
Scrape at the layers
Oils hide behind oils
Other history's underneath what's there now
Other reasons
Other seasons
Lies hide behind lies
Before what you see got made
This time around💀

Don't want to need it in you
Don't want to see it in you
Don't want to feel it in you
Don't want to bleed it in you
Don't want to feed off it in you
Don't want to bare it
Don't want to open to you
Don't want a hard collar
Don't want hard dreams
Don't want a choke hold
Don't press manly fingers on my neck
Don't want a neck stroke
Don't want a stolen kiss
Don't want to take it in you
Don't want to taste sin in you
Don't I bloody well know it
Strange quirks of the goddess
Strange arts of the gods
Selfish urges
Animal magicks
Sinful logistics
Peices of a fetishicistic jigsaw
Coveting sins in some men
Covering sins in some men
Feast from the selfish urges
Stolen gifts
Should have been given
Blocking everything in others

Gods shown me to know it
Poets circle all struggling
Poets wheel of works
Poetical wheel of arts
Circle wheel not revealing enough
Just a tool to see things with
Just to tantalise us with
Just a toy of the mind
Just a cruel teaser
Just a tester
Just a man ghost
In the circle to drive poets crazy
Crystal ball in the centre
Gods hungry eye burning on through
Thin line between fact & fantasy
Thin line between dreams & reality
Thin line between realitys & reason
Thin line between sanitys & sorcererys
Thin line between genius & trajedys
Artists walk the thin line
Artists feel the thin wire
Testing their inner resolutions
Trying to hold on to focus
Playing with their own minds
Some folks have the thick line
Don't turn around much
Don't see altered perceptions
Don't see in crazy cause the lines too thick
Lucky for them-thick as a mud pie
Born more grounded-not souring into the skys
Dark eye comes soon
A breaker of resolve
A poets whirlpool
A poets cross
A poetical license to kill
A victory of sorts
A liberty of thoughts
A torment of the human mind
Showing scenes
But still concealing it
Been here before
Been caught by a soul tug before
Been with my balls on hooks before
Same guy sometimes
Or someone else
God knows better than eye do
Just know it
Hidden echoes
Waves of emotives
Journey was once taken before
By others like me
Feel it in my soul
Roots are tugging
There was a connection from the past
Been kept buried well
Gods roots should show it
Red roots might know it
Times that are lost
Dreams now off centre
Grip now slipped down the line
Peices broken off
Missing pages been torn out
Whole books missing
Why did he tell us it?!?
Better off to not remember it)
Lost from another life
Lost from another line
Lost in another war line
Lost from the hook lines💀

Strange pains
Strange times
Stranger feelings
Stranger leanings
Love on a loop
Angers on a twister
Dropping back into hates
FiXation on a complete circle
Blacker than a dead nightime
Can't bear it
Terrible things
God of forbidden arts
Showing us terrible storys
Seen in dreams
Seen in infra-red
Soul bondage
Soul tapping
Soul trapping
Faces from places
Stages from sagas
Hell masters workshop of forbidden arts
His workplace of stolen souls
His skull pyramid
His blood pyramid
Bone towers
Human equitys
Repulsive works
Repulsive soul
Repulsing attitudes
Repellant habituals
Learnt other ways
A long time ago
Scary grip on rituals
Base driven
Basic drives
A soul killer
Deadheads piled upon dead
Deadheads knowledge
Dead-on killer instincts
Drop dead-stark insights
Dead or alive
Dial around the clock of grim savages
Round the clock wrapping
Your tapping my soul
Your trapping my soul
Your the worm inside my skull
Lead on a line
Slowly turning
Slowly burning
Turning me around
Dragging me down💀

Just want a turnaround
Just want to drain you out
Just have a rule change
A sudden coin flip
Just want to drain you down
Empty out your balls into a dry husk
Just want to slowly suck you dry
Till you've gone bloodless
Nothing red inside you
All blood inside me instead
Bloody good to be in the red
This time my god didn't wait
Blood on my lips
Limp in my arms
Free from harms
Peace at last
I'm full-your emptied
Your pale & bloodless
Your gutless trunk
While I'm full I'm glutted
Full to the gills
From the kill
See you all white & faint
Cold looking in the light
Pass you back into the night
Where nobody goes
No more bloodline
No more bloodlife
No more life supply
Nothing to power the wicked heart
Nothing for the blood vessels
Nothing red left inside
Just an empty shell
A bloodless corpse
Show you in a better light💀

Given a better life again
Given back a better chance
Don't want to know you
Didn't ever know you
Don't grin & bare it
Don't have to take it
Better life chest-unlock it's secrets
Wish I'd never seen you alive
Wish I'd never heard your voice
Don't want to touch your places
Don't want to touch your soul
Don't want complications from the arts
Don't want strangers from the start
Stranger characters
Some way around to see
Never worth it
Never worthy
Never worth the pain
All the pleasures given
Been paid back over already
From the pain you take
Taking everything back again
That you have out already
And then some more
Quickly equates back down to nothing
Some arts are the devil's works
Humanitys were excluded when the works were made
Bad bastard has a black cross
Negative equity's all round
Can you stomach it
Can you take the pain of arts
Is it usefull to survive?!?
Or it just tares your soul apart
Gonna suffer in this life-carried across
Getting into bloody arts
Getting hard-ons the harder ways
Getting hurt
Getting used
Getting drained
Getting used for someone's prestige
Getting used for some guys lust
Getting nailed up on the black cross
Getting fucked in some places
Close up your body after
But your soul has been strained
But your minds already been opened
Been tampered with
By dead cold guys from lust💀

Just for the love of arts
Those who love art getting in a mess
Those of liberal arts getting caught up
Being too liberal
Born too righteous
Born rejected for making choices
Bad being different
Deprivation populace
Lawless presidence
Revelling in all lawless arts
Sickens society's in the end
Kept reveling in ignorance
Killing each other from arrogance
Stereotypes weren't just prejudice
Popular images had a relevance
Social issues were real
Drain on life was a steal
Lack of respect is a killer
Shit role models erode sanitys
Killing your safe places
Stereotypes are there templates
Brutalist backwards
Are their temples
Archetypes perverted
Peer pressures
All fears were justified
Sociology's avoided
Youth bound mistakes
Just a given warning
Fear was grounded
Bad image now granted
More generous souls
More romantic
More measured souls
Getting pushed aside
More members as brute killers
Caught on sharp fishooks
Pains just start with a prick from a sharp point
Cold hard steel-so shiny
Slices through perceptions
Hooks of the body & mind
Chains on the spirit
Portraits of perverse hellmasters
Hells born bastards
Hells ghetto handlers
Hells ravenous masters
Raised in the ghettos
Wells of social sickness
Arts of terminal decays
Trapped into more hell-wheels
Taught in hidden circles
Keep near to a grating gutter
Gonna need it for the blood lettings
Evil historys
Evil circles
Messed with by others
Till all the tortures
Tell who's a master
And who's a servant💀

Not intending on rising above
Not caring about other ways
No other levels
No other lives
No better avatars
No better culture
No other educations
No better inventions
No other way
Closed in circles
Cloaked in shadows
Closed in-taut defences
Closeted titles
Closest rivals
Contested survivals
Hells pyramid only
Claw your way on up
Crawl up hells black pyramid
Staring at skulls
Talking in tongues
Till your hells horrible master
Take another turn I'd never know of you
In another life
Not that doorway
Never seen you-never cared
In this life-someone else
Somewhere else-some other side
You & your stranger shit
You'd be a bastard stranger
You'd be an erased relapse
You'd be still unknown
You'd still be an unknown quantity
Your another side of hidden society
Your everything forbidden to me
Your everything denied to me
Your from a world I'm not intended for
Your from a world that negates people like me
Your from a strange world of negatives
Your the picture portraits denied to me by God
Your in me when I'm still angry at the gods
Your all the hidden windows I can't see in myself
Your dark portraits help me come to in myself
Our dark emporer has denied me
A male provider
Supposed to just suffer
Secret of the other side
I'd never know of it
All closed windows
A stopper in a bottle
Don't let out the spirits
Of darker desires
Pain has wings
Better that way
Without artistical tastes
Without strange photos
Wouldn't exist
Without a devils trap
Wouldn't take the bait
Wouldn't bite that leather
Wouldn't have head near your bollocks
Wouldn't have heard any lies
Never had thoughts of you in this way
In this life or ever
Sinister ghostlands
Spirits always leaking
Spirits always seeking
Skull head-living face
Images like layers
Faces looking like blank pages
Waiting for words
Pages moving by themselves💀

Don't know what happened
Don't know why everything's so sharp
Don't want to have to care
Don't want to have to come
Don't want to look to you
Don't want to crave just to look at you
Don't want to crawl down the mile
Don't want master's who stand on hands
Don't want master's in knee high boots
Don't want master's where you lick on their shit peice
Don't want to get told I'm nobody's son
When you've just used me to come
Using excuses to push us apart
Try to sit at the demon masters table
No way will that ever happen
Live off dry bread & salt as I just cry more salt
Die of thirsts outside the temple
He sits on my face just to keep me in my place
He manhandles me till I know there is a god
He presses his weight onto me till I struggle just to breath
He triggers off pain just to know I'm alive
Men live for control-men live through keeping control
Nothing you can do-let them have some measures
Some measures of it-calculate on instinct
These things these choices
Kept us alive-no shame in trying
For self preservations*
Walk through the valley of death
Sometimes it's a hardwired leaning
Sometimes were still just learning
About what pain is on all levels
Trying to lean on the blacker cross
Relief from sins
Heavy burdens to carry in this life
They don't give a shit
Just for their ego fiX
God of men is a cruel god
God of hard riders is a blood god
God of lust for men is a whoremaster
Son of a bastard maker
A sin squeezer
A hand on your balls all your life
A bastard calculator
A hot hard stroker-touching your sin
A cold white hand-touching your forbidden dreams
Guys act like strangers
After you've been used
Faces looking in
Shadow behind you
Leeching off your seams
Don't want to have to hold on
Rather fling the chains off
Rather rip your face off
So many others-it don't mean shit
So many slaves-treated like cunts
Cold as snow-lost in the drifts
Chains of mentalitys
No easy way out from under
No easy way from a birth of plunder
Strange provenance-lost in the mists💀

Don't need everything going wrong
Don't need a life full of broken time
Don't want a life full of hard knocks
Don't need heart full of echoes
Don't need records from the past
Don't need old songs full of scratches
Don't need ghosts I can't catch
Don't need thrones I can't reach
Don't need works I can't read
Don't need past I can't see properly
Don't need brain damage
Don't need lost causes
Don't need blood loss
Don't need an angry cross
Don't need a laughing master
Don't need soul bondage
Don't need a hard-on sat alone in hell
While you rule from a throne
Pushed to the limit
Pushing past ridiculous
Pop-ups out of nowhere
Pressures in my head
Pushed past all known limits
Strange tricks of the mind
Strange twists of the heart
Strange twists of the soul
Stranger hooks hiding in art
Bloody hooks hidden in art
Cold steel from hell-hooking you in
Strange visions from the eyes
From humans
Feeding into other eyes
Picture portraits from another world
Hidden arts of hell kept in a drawer
Hidden frames on the cutting room table
Hideous hells on the killing floor
Morbid images
Of what the hell?!?
From where is that exactly?!?
Somewhere in history
Something weird?!?
Kinda obscure
Dude your cracked
Images getting censored
Art too crude
Art too cruel
Art too coarse
Bad attitude
To put it bluntly
Gone too far
Too far gone?!?
To ever know it
Beauty & crueltys
Lustfull imaginations
Hardwired responses
Artworks & lunacys
Artfeilds & legacys
Leather & steel
Studs & steel
Cold cut dreams
Dead men's sperm in stolen places
Strange tattoos of unknown topics
Knocked out teeth
Spent bullet cases
Broken condoms in an alley
Brown beer bottles
Stolen faces
Put through your paces
Lost souls
Dead end places💀

Lurking predator
Legacy of brutal dominions
Heartless legacy's
Hell from others past misdeeds
Hell curves from others curses
Heart of the beast
Head full of cold places in hell
Hard-on hidden in the back row
Hidden heartbeat in dark glasses
Hidden desires cannot be shown
Hidden black heart
Hidden motives not on show
Hidden hatreds behind a throne
Hold-on from the past
Head-fuck from the strangelholds
Head full of power drives
Head of the pack
Harder than hard
Sadistical master
Sick hell joker
Sinister divides
Divisionist promoter
Brutalist fighter
Strange promoter
No way not to puke
No chance in hell now
Dread is a living ghost
Gone with the wrong guy now
Just fishooks as you scream
Just blood as my balls bleed now
Just peirce the vein
Just take your prize now
Just snap your neck
Just brake your balls
Your seeds all squished out
No hope left now
Just bleed out life
Just gorge on blood
Just feast on men
Just eat marrow from your bones
Just shit on all life💀🌹
From cold throne above


Just take your born rights
Just push your birth rights
Just go take everything
noone can stop you
Born too strong
Born from a bully
Right from the start
Selective breeding
Made a superman
Pushy bully beef
Born greedy
Hungry hunter
Right from the start
Just go breed on hell
Noone can block you
Noone can lock you
King of all hells
Known & unknown
Black gutter star
Bad bones in men
Coveted soul stealer
Covert soul dealer
Whoremaker of men
Braker of women
Breaker of bones
Black magick maker
Target of the male gods
Market of the Gothic houses
Some men just take another man while he's asleep
Some strange men slip into your seams
Some men brake your bones
Some men steal your wallet
Some men steal your car
Some men steal your wife
Some men kill your cat
Some men stomp on your pride
Some men laugh as you fall
He'll take your born life
Hell take your blood & bone life
Eat your flesh
Drain you of sanitys
Death wrap your soul
Gorge himself stupid
Absorb all your powers
Steal your soul
Trapped in his dark hell
Hell never let go
Nothing to give a master
To get out of hells open mouth
No way out
Eat you alive in his morbid eye
And everything you are
Dig out your marrow
Eat you in dark tunnels
Say goodbye to tommrow
Before he looks in your eyes
All your dreams blacked out
Man eats man
Cannibal tastes good
Eat other men like you should
Down to the bones
Tastes so good
Skin & blood
Flesh & bone
We know you do
Terrible God borrower
Titanic God botherer
Feast maker
Mens flesh stripper
Mens soul dipper
Big bone ripper
Red blood drinker
Life stealer
Shadow stealer
Dark dreamer
Demon kings
Never full
Always hollow
Hungry forever
Eternal hungers
Come back in the next life
Dark father
Dark elder
Dark artist
Dark master
Where are you leading mankind?!?
What have you done with the victims
That you hide in your mind
Being a man means you can scorn life
Being a man makes you see life
Being a man makes you bleed life
Being a man you could seed life
But he's a taker not a giver
He's a hater not a lover
He's a braker not a holder
One handsome guy to avoid
Don't see him in the wrong lights
Can't stop taking other life
Like it's his birthright
Got you in his sights
Your the apple of his eye
Till he's controlled you all inside
Till he's taken out your mind
And carved out your soul
And bitten out your eyes
He'll use your eyes
To see you with
King of crowns
Crown hunter
Apple of his eye
Till he hunts you down
Your getting him all hard
Gets hard thinking of conquests
Taking you out
Hardens him up
His sperm goes cold
Bloody in his cup
Hard all over blood & bone
Hard all over muscles & steel
He's a hardliner for a strange kind of life
He's a hardcore artist with sick kind of tastes
Your the apple of his eye
His pupils are engorged
He likes you too much
To ever give you up
Too greedy to gorge on others stolen stuff
Your near the black pyramid
Apex of his eye
Root of his born hungers
Other men's pride
Has to take you inhand
Has to take you deep inside
Deep inside himself
Dark father devourer
Dark magicks prowler
Cannibal desires
Cannibal hungers
Eats others guys
Sees you and his pupils grow
Dark designs
Lust for flesh is blind
You can't come back out
Your the apple of his eye
You had one life before
Now your on the other side
It's the wrong god this time
Through his desires
He's taking you over
Dark Father
Giving or taking away
The living life
Gods gave you the powers
When you were born
Licence to kill
Drum beat inside your brain
Drill you deep inside
Dark apex of his soul
Deny you all known rights
Desire to devour
Devourer of men
Detain to devour
Tearing through your limbs
Brake off like chicken
Succulent white flesh all inside
Rip off your man skins
Juiceyness within
Gristle & guts
Not just your sperm he took in dreams)
All of you this time
Taking all this time
He has carcass containment
He's got all night
To be with the apple of his eye
Blood sings in him
Bloody mess
Bits of carcasses from hunts
Bones been cleaned off
Bones getting sucked out
Stuffed with flesh
So primative
So hungry for all life
Cannibal soul
Animal powers
Rip right through you
Getting strength from all corners
No contest taking on all contestants
As he grunts in animal hungers
Blood smearing his jawline
Gets blood in his pipeline
Hard to the touch
Thinking of his bloodline
Too much power
No need to hold back
Blood pipeline
Blood lifeline
Bloody lifestyle
Carnivorous secrets
Gets hard knowing he can eat you
Predators hard-on
He's all pumped up
Man flesh
Bloody feast times
Apple of his eye
Knowing there are others he can eat too
Heart of evil never dies
As his seed jerks out
Your good dreams die
He's a living god
He's caught you in his eye
He's a killer of designs
He's a carnivore of other gods
Hes caught you by suprise
Wrong guy this time
Bad times godline
You cannot run & hide
As his seed pumps out
He groans in morbid lust
He comes from a focused rush
He emptys out your life
He's eaten all your trust
Dream devourer
Blood drainer
Flesh feaster
Bond faker
Bones broken
Veins sucked out
Bloodgod lurker
Dreams turned to dust
From carcass to a bloody mess
Mouth full of mush
Veins so rich
Blood pipeline
Human controller
Not hungry for too long
He's so hard thinking of who's next
Lives for the hunt
Lives on from the conquest
Pumping out hot spurts
As his cold reel runs
His heartless lie runs
On & on
His deadend legacy never done
Darkness never dies
Darkline drainer
Dark undertaker
Won't be patient with you
Down below
It gets bloody
Won't wait for time
To sustain his lies
Hes gotta take yah now
His brute body
His stark handsome
Magnetic eyeline
Kneads out your trust
Bleeds you to rust
Bursts on your balls
Eats them for snacks
Gives him more eyes
Social domination
Circle dominion
Predatory circuits
Thin red line
Useful keys
Social access
Vampire allure
Leads you on
To places
Where the dark predators won
The dark God has come first
All others overcome
Brute king
Bone snapper
Bone breaker
Bone hunter
Vein drainer
Messy mutilator
Messy undertaker
Bloody thirst maker
Men who've liked other men
Apple of his eye
Can't live on to regret it
He's benefiting from it
Trust taker
Better just forget it
Born to just take it
Selfish life
Sinful urges
Stealing on your life
Walking through the day
To find human targets
Feast throughout the night
Slowly gorging on man meat
Got a hardwired taste
Got an addiction to take it
Got the powers from his God
To trade in it
Guzzle his way through it
Man flesh
Don't get too close
When he's found it
Working through it
Stealing magicks
Grin through the bloody mess
Live off other men
Mouth full of blood
Men wanted to live
No chance now
Turning into a feast meal
Gonna eat you peice meal now
Dosn't waste anything
No prizes for peace
No more chances
Just good gorging
Cannibal king
Carnivorous beast
Born handsome
Born strong
Brute feasting
Won't take much to put you down
Makes getting pray easy
Won't take long to crack your corpse
Brake you open
Get into juicey
Predator of the blood
Pain territory
Takes other men
Carnivore of life
Once they were there
Now they are gone
He stole your place
He sucked out your face
Knuckles deep into a pulpy feast
Devourer them all
Soul drainer
Life deniar
Flesh eater
Eater of men
Born to devour
Life distainer
Cannibal controller
Sacrifice planner
Crown full of bones
Lost his mind from those he stole
All the skulls make up his walls
Make up his towers
Trophy blocks
Looks at them for hours
Nobody has faces anymore
Dark master of perverted insights
Dark master of bizzare images
Dark master of suggested tortures
Put the lid back on
Turn the record over
Put the light out
Pull the cover back over
Stay out of sight
Get out of my mind
Get out my life


All licenses revoked
All portraits are just portals into hell
Cold ice locker in hell now
Iced out soul
Strange circus of hells circuits
Hellbound evil
All black in provenance
All soured in substance
Machismo death hound
Always get his way
Poison menace
All in blacks
Frozen out of promise
Frozen out of favours
Frozen out of life
Frozen seed just dies
Pretending to be dead
Hoping it'll be over
Hell whoring out strangers now
Paranoid eyes boring in like drills
Bad eyes in the night
Bastard savage-caught by the hand
Brutal master-caught by the hand
Black arts master-taught by the pain
Brute master-controlled by the pains
Bad man-caught by the wheel
Tough teens-trapped in a web
Tough youth-caught in a vice
Tough gal-pushed aside
Adults too jealous
Adults too bitter
To let their kids do better
Stereotype dicks
Dominant thicks
Thick as a brick toilet
Hard as a steel door
Shackle lines
Born to be vicious just for kicks
Hard man-licks
Got a wavelength
Dead carpet full of maggots
Cops gonna call it💀

Cruelest master ever
Cold dead seed
Cold dead seals
Cold lifer from dead lands
Callous wheel
Cruel masters son
Cold calculated threats
Callous tricks
Collecting on cards won
Collateral damage
Continuos menance
Controlled societys
Cruel mob mentality
Cold hand on anarchys
Contorted realitys
Cold hearted artist
Cold hearted dicks
Cripple makers
Cross marker
Crucifying past sins
Collecting on fabricated depts
Strange game of darts
Keeps on repeating itself
From birth until death
Revolving door of hate crimes
Sick adults keep on threatening teens
Different faces
Difficult choices
Dodging death
Doged determinations
Denied all respites
Deny all escape routes
Dangerous souls escape into the night
Denied justice
Dusty lawbooks
Dragging lawyers
Dead end social justice makers
Death denys
Dodges all the odds
Decades of threats
Decades of myths
Deadended loops
Dangerous threads
Dancing with death
Ghost of a chance
Ghost of dreams slipping on past
Taking everything to keep control
Trying to trial on error
Trial by ordeals
Taking things personal
Tied up in ghettos
Trying too hard
Hurting too much
Hiding out last
Just contracts
Just contrasting values
Just insincere contacts
Just counting on tags
Just death threats unspoken
Hidden traps laid in back alleys
Bad thoughts along the airways
Attitudes of crazed manias
Deepest urges of revenge
Sick vengeance from another race
Nothing to do with my face
Don't know me from eve
Rages of the ages
Dosnt mean shit
Desperate measures
Dredges from ghetto past
Desperate figures trying to keep hold
Deadlocked phases
Deadend life wheel
Don't know me from Adam
Someone hell bent on revenge
Don't care who dies
Toxic motives
Bad magick reused
Been burnt in the past
Forgotten who's aced it
Sick-psycho relapse
Passing out emnitys
Passing on private problems
Pressing in on strangers
Spreading social diseases
Bad bloods around the wheel
Psychopathic phases
Evil trying to reach gods places
Moving behind the scenes
Trying to mow down faces
Seen & unseen
Spinning the wheel of death
Been so long
Keeps on missing me
Spinning the blade keeps on missing again
Dead man's hand losing its grip again
Stupid messages
Spitting out social hates
Moving you on
Not taking the blame
Hating on the ghetto kids
Weak load of horsehit
Weak recourse
Bullshit soldiers
Bad cards flutter to the floor
Bad burdens
Bad bones
Bad dreams
Broken bonds
Bad bondage
Bad brakes
Beastly fanactics
Bent reactives
Bullshit inventives
Nasty minded relations
Started off the sick shame
Started off the sour games
Relatives selling off trust like candy bars
Keys to life getting all rusted
Iron heart all rusty
Noone can be trusted💀

Heart attack
Hard dick
Hot rod
Hell guy portrait
Hot pin up
Hold up dreams
Hot hard images
Hot rock seams
Have you in a hold
Black hearts flutter
When he came in the door
Life the same no more
White mask
Evil blasts
Darker arts
Harder impact
Harder tasks
Deeper impact
Master of terrible arts
Stranger values
Stereotype hard man
Stereotype hideous man
Template monster guy
Teenaged scream dreams
Teenage dream cream
Teenage night dreams
Teenaged lost dreams💀

Love flew away fast when death came in the door
Love wasn't true
Love wasn't solid
Love was too soft
Love was bent down by the law
Love was weak from an iron bar
Broken plans
Bad faces hiding in the dark
Bad fortunes carrying on for so long
Teenaged years full of constant dangers
Psychosis in relatives
Barking like dogs
Brake on impact
Death dodging dreamer
Done it through music
Desperation societys
Destitution decades
Death plots keeps on moving
Spinning wheel keeps on missing
Strangers hand reaching out
Dead man's hand moving about
Strangers looking for strangers
Street tramps digging in
To others problems
Gangland hate mobs
Gangland crime circles
Getting bitter from early on
Graveland's full of strangers
Getting entangled
Getting embroiled
Looking for lovers
Finding mostly liars
Just betrayers
Jealous hearts
Stab you in the back
Weakened frienships
Dropping out of trust
Dropping down to bust💀

In this life
Or in death
Or in all living hells
Whish to god it had never started
But God has hidden half his face
Hells wheel turning
Wish I'd never seen your face
Wish I'd seen it coming
Wish I hadn't thought of you like that
Saw the hard guy
Saw the leather dude
All big arms & hard knocks
Didn't go figure on lack of trust
Didn't go figure on toXic lust
Typical stereotype stud
But no strangely displaced
Strange vampire type
But everything's missing
Seeing what I'm seeing
Still missing all the beats
He's too off-beat
Thought there was more
Thought it was grounded out
Heavy stereotype
Heavy guy
Heavy duty all over
Puts fire in your blood 🔥 🔥 🔥
Big fat mistake
All over evil past
Bad master
Vicious gangland dud
Got badlands in the blood
Seeking superior stances
Showing off
Sucker traps from hell
Too bad now-just bitter memorys
Every gal dreams of romance
Every servant wants a master
Every guy wants a chance
To have someone to hold
Someone to push back the bad
Hard sheild from the mobs
Nights so long-days so cold
Someone to lust over
Someone hard willed with a hard dick
Someone to pin up
Someone to tap on in-between daily habits
Everybody has a private fantasy
A strange jerk-off
Some other reality

Beauty in the eye of the darkest whirlpool
Beautys in the eye of the beholder
Handsome dick from a gruesome hell
Handsome dicks in the ghettos
Leave you with missing body parts
Don't trust them from the start
Beauty sometimes is just a veil
Beauty sometimes just concealing a monster
Could be a killer
Bone braker
Somebody's sister
Life turned sinister
Lurid influence
Dark ways can be a penalty
Bad master it's all punishments
Whips & chains
Manly ways can be godlyness
Or just brutalitys designed from hells gate
Hidden behind charming or handsome
Empty of all conscience
Dead of all human concerns
Above all the laws
Born without the righteous lord
Machismo should be read as dread
Machismo isn't a bad romance
Machismo is death on legs
Dead handsome
Dead good looking
Dead end soul
Dead from humiliations
Dead from brutilisations
Seeing daylight no more
Hanging on high
Somebody's dead son
Beaten from gangland
Somebody's gal been ravaged
Beauty scars
Beauty marks from hidden wars
Handsome hawks
Handsome mask
Hidden familys
Hotline circuits
Hellish tendencies
Highlander tactics
To those who value their life
Close the portals from hell
Hide the portraits in a draw
Watch out for dark artists
Past going into a twist
Plots going around in bits
Stop the clock
Hells no more
Want my face still
What's left of it now
Want my life here still
Want whatevers been left
Wish you were dead & buried
Gangland has left it's marks
Even without being there
More of a booklifer
Than a street lifer
Never liked it
But it's still got in
Still crossed over
Left it's scars
Bad souls
Sour hours
White teeth flashing in the dark
White masks staring in the dark
Somewhere hidden carcass as a mark💀

Just because of desire & designs
Just because of human lust
Dosnt give you the rights
So many gals been into rock & roll
So many dicks have a secret love
Been done before
No need for stiff judgments
Or uptight figures
The truth be told
Some preachers said it's the devil's music
Never believed them
Self propoganda from dwindling pews
Bit nieve shouldve took it from them
Sometimes the devil does work it
Fear for the masses
Keep them from living a full life
Keep them from knowing death from life
Keeps them blinded from culture
Keeps them locked out from dangers
Stepping over the line from preachers
From nice wooden pickets
To a harder ride
A more vivid style
Not a magick carpet ride
Prophets & peacemakers
To overkill & hellraisers
Heavy metal screamers
Prophets of punk
And poets of doom
Stranger cultures
Hidden dangers
Stereotypes of deprivations
Right on the mark!!!
Crossing over
Can give you a hard time
Bad marks
Trying to work it out
Strangle marks leave a red line
Strange candles flicker from some works
So how come
From corner to corner
From dusk till dawn
It's a murder mile
It's an unsolved crime
It's a salt circle tossed with lime
It's agony from time
It's a personal drop down
Faces who have dissapear
Behind the lines
If God meant it for others
Whoever heard it
Don't need no herders
Do know for myself
Driven by the drumbeat
Rebellion from the start
Brother to brother
Blood from a mother
Somewhere in the squalor
Can't see no other
Kingpins can't have any eyes
If music is for the world
To bring us together
Forged against systems
Forged from a steel wheel
Gods wicked life wheel
To rip your ears apart
From one ghetto to another
From one hellhouse to another
From one survivor to some other
Why be chains in the way
Bloodstains on the pavements
Cold lines on faces
Red flashes in the eyes
Jealous thrashing
Jealous knashing of teeth
From below
Cause stubborn bastards don't have no masters
Telling me I can't like musics
Want to be a stranger
Trying to be my enemy
Hard cold thoughts
Threats of harm
Want to degrade my body
Want to do damage on my style
Gods got eyes watching for his wise ones
Hidden in the crowds
Emporer of wise ways
Watching sons & daughters from above
Telling me I can't have music
Telling me a gal can't follow
Telling me a gal can't borrow)
From a hard dick in hell
Can't be no tommrow
It's all be done before
Gals likeing dicks
With tattoos & a twitch
Guys with wallet chains
Got chains for your neck next time around
Got problems round the back
Telling me no way
To cross the divide
To try the fences
To turn the wheel
To keep intact social divisions
From one music style to another
From one wicked style to another
From one grinding stone to another
Supposed to risk my life from one
Place to another
From one style to another
Not only hard men from hell
Some gods have some others
Not only satanic alliance
Dark style has some others
Rebel all the way around the wheel
Back to the record player
Your not stomping on my bones
Just for liking on a style
Just from one country to another
Just from one ghetto birthing to another
It's all angles & lines
It's all bastards unkind
It's all cold cuts from a butcher
Ain't meaning much other
Just some mother hawk
Who's a culture vulture
Crossing over styles
From the dividers
Been here long time
Bashing on my eardrums
Having all the albums
Queing in the lines
Travelling around
Singing all the lines
Since before teenaged
Been a long lifer
Taking on trials
Tasting on styles
Taking on a family
Down on my choices
Down on my style
Drowning out my resolutions
Down on my life
Harder styles
Better voices
Made by men
Tell me if I'm coming over
Your way around
There's a bad boss
Bad markers
Bad markets
Bad hands
Black cards
It don't mean nothing
Just liking on musics
Made from ganglands
Music's made from deadlands
Better stay back
My heads up high
From testing on your crown
Master slave culture
Gonna be a mean sight
Won't be coming back with much
Won't be coming back around
Without recourse to humiliations
Seen it all before
Men who get theirs highs
Cutting out scores
Looking like kings
From working over pawns
Walkers from other ways
Workers from other books
Ways from other looks
Music is not an art for murder
A pay for kill
A bad eye on the books
Music is for the rebel
Music is for art & culture
Music is for another adventure.....💀🧵



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