Holy freak I'm so... I don't know what to say. Their's really no discribing what i feel right now. My aunt and my mom got into fist fights all day today and my grandma hit my moms car. I love all three of them but what the hell are they doing and thinking? Each of them says they love me and yet they pull this shit. My aunt tries to steal my moms car and she tells me a lie to try and get me to help her? What the fuck is that? How can she do something like that then say that she loves me so much? I really want to cry but I can't because I'm so confused. Everyones hurting around me and saying all this different stuff to me and I don't know what to say or think. All I know is that I love them all so much and it really hurts me when they do this and for my aunt to try and use me like that really hurts. And when she calls me telling me she loves me and stuff like that I don't know what to say or do. Do I forgive her? She's family and she's blood and I want to forgive her but should I? She fought with my mom and she tried using me. I don't know. I'm sorry for even typing this. I'm just really sad and confused right now...
01:20 Jun 03 2009
wow thats really f**ked up loves