I remember one time when I was seeing this girl. No namedroppings necessary. Anyway, she was sorta the romantic type y'know, into finding that one love and that kind of shit. As you've probably already figured out, I'm a prime example of the exact opposite.
Something odd happened - it was my birthday the 12th of december. She came home to me and sat on the edge of my bed, she pulled a little pack out from her pocket and gave it to me. It was a present.
I'd experienced a lot of wierd shit but nothing had ever paralysed me more than that. Why would she do such a thing?
I didn't know how to react, I just stood there and looked at her.
She was from a completely different world than the one I grew up in.
So I left her, she was too good for me.
I guess that the things that shock you the most, are the things you are not used to seeing.
I was shocked because somebody cared.
Death, torment, despair, hatred, sorrow - you can get so used to it that you just accept it. And then it begins to consume you, change you. Until you know nothing else, because you've forgotten what it means to love or care.
On that day I realized that it was exactly what had happened to me, so I let her go. 'Cause when you finally realize that you're the bad guy on your way to hell, the least thing you can do is make sure you dont drag anyone down with ya.