Some get this word "Anuna" mixed up with the Sumerian word Anunna. There should be an accent over the u which I cannot place. It is a sanskrit name usually given to a boy. It has nothing to do with the Anunnaki. There is an Irish choral group that uses that name. The group is all right but like so many it's obvious none of them ever studied Latin. They mispronounce the letter v, c and g. In later years, the Catholic church Italianized it but if you are saying you are singing a very old song you don't sing it Italianized. Italian is one language and Latin another.
I was always an egghead as they called it back then. We didn't use words like geek and nerd, lol. I had two years of Latin. V is like a W and C is like a K and a g in Latin is never pronounced like a J it is always a hard g. Scientists mispronounce it as well, lol. They don't usually study the language because it's dead. For instance, fungi is not funji but fungi with a hard g. I was going on about some of the names people were using to name their organizations over in Facebook a few years ago and Elizabeth Miller posted and backed me up, lol. Even though she is an expert in regard to the book Dracula and associated things, she taught Latin for nine years. Everyone stopped talking about it. It's written similarly to Spanish with the verb at the end, etc and most mispronounce the words. I had four years of Spanish because they made me take it due to accelerated classes but back then, unlike southern CA at the moment, I didn't have anyone I could speak with in Spanish. I was taught the Mexican dialect because there are differences in pronunciations and some words between the various countries. In Spain, the double L is pronounced like a soft J but in Mexico it is pronounced like a Yuh sound. Usually teachers are allowed to teach the type they know.