I finally finished one of my novels. The way I ended it caused me to cry. I had to have one of the characters die and I really didn't want it to be that way but it was the only way to make the story work for me. It's not a horror story but a paranormal romance. The whole series is but I finished the one that was easiest for some reason for me to write. There are roundabout similarities in my stories since they follow the same general storyline. The last novel will really conclude things but now I can put in grandkids, etc. This is going to be fun. This last one has something like 101,400 words or so and 303 pages. in word. I hated for the story to end but at least now I can move on and finish the first and fifth stories. I'll let this story lie and after awhile read it from start to finish and make revisions but for now...I'm done. Never thought a book would cause me to have an emotional reaction.
For the longest time I didn't put up a portfolio even though I have had them in the past on older profiles I no longer have. I didn't see the point really. I don't understand how people can rate someones photos and other things they might put up and especially rate them down. What's the criteria? I give everyone a 10 that I look at because I mean, it simply is not a profile but just a little piece of someone's life that they are showing such as photos, drawings, graphics and the like. I have my House logo showing and it isn't from any other graphic. It was drawn by someone who was a programmer among his many other talents and had this electronic drawing board and created it for me. He was a roommate at that time. He and my son worked on it because I wanted it to be like something describe via a channeling. That is where it came from and the name of the House was my choice but it is an information site. I don't have members because I consider myself now too old to do anything like that anymore. There are so many now that I just have mine for my views and FYI and nothing more. I'm not that big on organizations even though I belong to some. The second one is something that I'm connected to that is an organization of a lady from Louisiana I have known for years in the Vampire community. Other than that I don't want to go into it. Since I am interested in the paranormal I like putting up the photos from a few years ago when we went to the Whaley House. I actually don't take many photos. I'm lucky to have any really. I don't care to be truthful about the ratings but it is sort of a curiosity here.