They showed a documentary of the Concert for NYC about a month after 9/11. Most of it was about Paul McCartney who organized the whole thing. What I find interesting is in everyday life young people don't mix well or like to with people much older but will come to a concert with all ages and the place will be packed. The groups playing are all my age or nearly, lol.
Paul is about five years older than I am. I was never a big Beatles fan. I liked them and I was 16 or 17 when they came to the US in 1964. I was die hard Rolling Stones at the time. I remember going to San Bernardino to the Swing Auditorium (not there anymore) and seeing them in 1964. I sat in the fifth row from the stage and paid only $3.50 to see them. I still have the ticket stub somewhere. About a year later they had gained popularity and I went back there and wasn't so close to the stage and had to pay $7.00 I think it was that time. I went to concerts but not a lot of them with big names until the 70s.
I liked English groups but the Beatles just weren't that high on my list. I thought they were ok. I never cared for John Lennon. I thought he was a pompous ass...sorry. I liked a few of their songs though and I didn't dislike their band but like others better such as the Dave Clark Five and Gerry and the Pacemakers but mostly I was a Rolling Stones fan. I liked a lot of American music as well. I was listening to a lot of odd things like Jose Feliciano and as I have posted in the past, Brazilian music. I was into Haiku poetry and a lot of crazy things probably because we thought it cool then. But then I was never an Elvis fan until after he died. Saw his movies though.
I just find it interesting how these elderly people bring the crowds out for the concerts. I wonder if Paul will still be performing in his 70s. He is only one year off. I liked their music, don't get me wrong but I wasn't one of the screaming teens. When their little black and white movie came out everyone screamed in the theater. I sat there laughing but my best friend says I was screaming but I never did. She isn't remembering right. My favorite had been George. I saw their hallmark appearance on the Ed Sullivan show like I saw the Doors when they were on there. I was never a big Doors fan either, lol. I liked individual songs.
I use to watch Ed Sullivan to see Topo Gigio. He is mentioned in the first Santa Claus movie when they try to find out who he is. I laughed because I figured most had no clue what was being referred to. I knew right away. He was an Italian mouse. I never knew how it worked. I guess it was a Marionette but I don't know.
If interested read here at the Blue Moon Manor: