To Heretic: the man with a short fuse:
Since you have blocked both of my profiles. Kinda childish don't you think and since you initiated the conversation with an elderly woman obviously because you didn't like my post. I personally think Jonathon Sharkey is forgettable.
My response:
Sir, what makes you say I assumed this. I met him years before you were ever interested in this man. I'm 67 and have been around for awhile. Don't assume I am meaning anything. He started a Yahoogroup that dealt with a proposed political group for vampires, otherkin and etc. Why are you so worked up over this guy? What's he to you? He is a known looney but Wikipedia is not a private detective site. They gather the information that is at hand from the individual or bios written about him. They are not going to accuse him of lying. The reason is they can be sued for libel. And this man would do it too. I firmly believe that. He has sort of gone into obscurity so I don't understand the interest. He stated verbally to me he had these degrees and until otherwise proven not true I could care less. Besides all I said was he had degrees and that was according to him and all his cronies. But his stories started to smell and he got into legal trouble and most in the community steered clear of the man including me. No, whether he has a PhD or he doesn't is of no consequence to me. You are going from websites that are more than likely bogus information but he is considered an actor/film maker too by some so he can use whatever name he so chooses and make whatever claims he wants...they have been doing it for years. His private life appears to be shameful but that is what it is, private life that has been dragged onto the internet by the media. He is an attention seeker and drawing more attention just fuels his fire in my opinion. Discussing him is fine and debating but getting all worked up about him and differences of opinions is really out there.
Why so much animosity...dang you call me disagreeable, LOL.
I in no way was trying to be insulting since I don't know you from Adam. You wrote to me and I answered and you answered back and that is all it was. I never tried to make it personal other than wondering why such an interest in someone most know is a nutcase. Curiosity got the best of me but you, I have no reason to make it a personal attack because you seem very intense over this man and that's your prerogative, but it is also mine to say what I think and expect the person is adult enough they won't take it as a personal attack, which obviously is the case. This man is a sore subject for me too, even though it may not look like it, but bashing me because I responded with my true opinion is wrong.
I'm not a youngster on here so the best thing is to agree to disagree. Geesh, I don't even know you. I will admit I am opinionated but many times it is because of direct personal experience that I am this way. I apologize if your feelings were hurt. I can do nothing more than that. I really don't care about the blocks because I consider this one on both to be a tad childish...sorry that is my only personal attack if you want to call it that. You should curb your anger when on a website with so many people. I just didn't see why you were on such a crusade over a very insignificant person. Sorry.