I don't know if this is the reason but I found out the CW which is the originator of this new Beauty and the Beast show is not offered on all Cable Networks. I tried to find out what the problem was about this channel but they air the shows on one of the other networks that is affiliated to it. So Beauty and the Beast is running right after the Vampire Diaries which is another CW show. So, the CW has an online site where you can watch many of the already aired shows. I decided to do that. I liked it but it isn't that original in concept as the other show was and I can't understand how they can say that it is based on Ron Koslow's 1987 show with Ron Perlman as Vincent.
The only thing I see that connects the two is the name of the show and the two main characters. Vincent in the first one was created by his father through alchemy. You don't find that out until later in the showing. He did something while his wife was pregnant with Vincent. Here it is a doctor who had been in the military and he volunteered for some experiment that went awry. So it is sort of like the Hulk meets Universal Soldier. Of course he is running and doesn't have full control of when he changes. He meets Catherine and saves her sisters life. Catherine is not with the DA's office but a police detective now. The actress used to be a major character on Smallville. The actor that is playing Vincent is from New Zealand and really cute. He is pretending to be an American and not his first time from what I understand. Doing a good job with the accent. It is pretty predictable but it isn't the worst series I have ever seen but nothing like the original whatsoever. It has gotten bad reviews because of comparisons. They should have named it something else and used different character names...it probably would be doing much better if they had.
They have another show called Cult, now that one was hard to watch. It is pretty brutal. This wacky nut is kidnapping people and there is a game connected to it called Cult but the group is a cult for sure. The antagonist sits eating talking to someone he kidnapped while that person has his hands nailed to the table. I'm afraid it might be a little over the top for me to watch. I recognize the actor who is playing the looney but I don't know his name...character actor like Ned Beatty was so not really a household name unless I look him up.
I went to good ol wiki and couldn't figure it out but this is the story line. "The series centers on a journalist blogger and a production assistant, who investigate a series of mysterious disappearances that are linked to a popular television series named Cult." I guess it originally was suppose to air on the WB but that network went under. So it is on the CW but in some places that network is not picked up so I am seeing them on one of the affiliated major networks, not a local but NBC or CBS, something like that.
Jessica Lucas who was in The Covenant and Cloverfield and other things is a main character in it and there is a character called Billy Grimm which I thought was odd since there is a series called Grimm. There is a show on another station called The Following that is about a cult as well. Must be the season for cults.
Next I'm going to watch Arrow to see what their superhero show is like...hmmm. I usually don't watch many primetime shows on the networks. It's not that I don't have a life but I'm retired so I can sit and watch things that I wouldn't have in the past.
I have been a movie junkie since I was little. I always liked to watch them over cartoons or sitcoms and things like that except a few. I watched the Wonderful World of Disney as a kid after Ed Sullivan but I would also watch Vampira. I loved watching all the old Mummy movies, Wolfman and every dang vampire movie I could watch that my parents didn't object to including many movies based on mythology. I liked all the Hercules movies with Steve Reeves.
I'm watching "Devil" which isn't a new movie but they are showing it again on HBO. I am waiting to see if they make the other movies that were suppose to go along with this one. The thing is I have watched so many movies I knew who the bad person was immediately by the actors. She is sort of typecast. I thought this was a good movie but I don't know how it did at the box office. I don't worry about that, just what I like. They have been showing "I, Robot" again too which is another I like as well and when I go a long time and haven't seen a movie I forget the details.
But I do watch the series things on HBO, some of them. I like True Blood but it is starting to get old now and I don't like the way they have their fangs click back up. It's a little cheesy to me. I'm waiting to see Game of Thrones although not my favorite since there is too much blood and guts to it and not enough character development really. I am interested in the lady with the dragons (Daenerys Targaryen) and the actor who plays Tyrion, Peter Dinkledge he to me, makes the show.
George R. R. Martin is one of my favorite writers even though I don't think I have read any of his books, can't remember. I remember him from the original TV series of Beauty and the Beast. He was a big influence with that show. I have all the episodes and collectibles dealing with that show. I loved it and it still has a following and conventions believe it or not. I don't go to any because they are put on by fans and are expensive and usually not close to where I live. I even wrote to the station that was premiering a new version of the show and told them if they went to far away from the original with the fan base it still has from the previous incarnation it would flop. I think it did because I never hear about it now. Am I laughing...yep.
Since the Twilight Saga came out people drew lines about it. Before that it was Harry Potter. I read all this stuff about corrupting our youth and they will get interested in witchcraft, yada, yada, yada. I'm a senior and remember Star Wars? People went overboard with those movies as well. It is not the fault of the movie or the actors. It doesn't mean the movies are bad because someone is fixated on them or many people.
I love the Twilight movies...all of them but some more than others. They were not bad movies at all but not what most expected. Most wanted the stereotypcial Victorian Eastern European view of the vampire. These movies were about an enduring romance and some of those involved happened to be vampires. Some were shapeshifters. I liked the way they were combined.
I watched the last movie today and I wasn't bored at all. I found some of it humorous and some sad. It wasn't a bad movie and especially NOT the worst ever made. It didn't warrant Razzie awards. I know why they did that, to get attention and publicity. It was done arbitrarily. I have seen some really bad movies and these do not fit the bill. Some of them have been really cheesy vampire movies as well. This author took a different path and good for her. She didn't follow the line of reasoning of everyone else. All the going on about the skin sparlkling was highly over rated and wasn't a major part of the stories. It was no different than vampires cast no reflection in a mirror which was a stupid idea to begin with. If they are solid and can be touched they have a reflection and they usually show shadows in all the movies to boot.
Stoker's vampire was not based on Vlad Tepes. They have his notes and a journal. His character was Hungarian rather than Romanian. It was only a major love story in the version done by Coppola He went down his own path on that movie. I liked it but it really didn't follow the book that much, just parts. He made it about Vlad and the story isn't about him but he could do as he liked in his adaptation. It was never copyrighted in the US anyway. The movies based on Dracula was a cross of vampire legend and werewolf as well as Hollywood. In the book he could go out in sunlight.
A little adendum: My favorite Dracula movie is the one with Frank Langella and it did emphasize a romance in it but the Dracula in the books was not like that. They also switched around character names but ...shrugs...I liked it anyway. In Coppola's I thought Anthony Hopkins over acted his part...just my opinion.
So all of this stuff is just fiction and out of the minds of the authors. None of the Twilight stories were action stories but paranormal romance in their genre so if people went to see them expecting that they got disappointed except for a couple of the movies that had a lot of action and one was this last one. I loved this movie and shake my head at all the bashing going on. I know people who never saw any of the others but loved this one wondering why all the fuss about the movies in the negative. I liked they acknowledged all the actors from all the movies in the last one.
I was shocked when the fighting started and who was killed, until the switcheroo was done. It's like Battleship, I loved that movie too and can't understand why people would love the Avengers and not like that movie. I loved the Avengers but was kind of luke warm about the Hunger Games. It is ok but my daughter adores the movie. I have all the books but I don't like the writers style which is in first person. It seems that people are so preoccupied with whatever that they no longer realize how negative they have become. I didn't personalize the characters in Twilight. The actors in real life I kept separate.
Actually I loved Pattinson in Water for Elephants and have watched that movie a number of times. I like Taylor Lautner in his action movie he did as well. I have it. There is life beyond and inbetween the Twilight movies. They are actors and nothing more and the movies shouldn't have been judged so harshly. They did win other awards besides the Razzie stupidity. A high school friend of mine worked on both segments of Breaking Dawn helping to create the costumes and she said they worked really hard. She also worked on Django and said that was hard because Tarantino has a penchant for changing things at the last minute.
These vampires bite but don't have fangs (thank the lord) and left venom. They drank blood but some chose to drink animal blood. Then the last movie introduced hybrids that could drink blood or eat food. The author changed the ending of the movie. It did not match the book but I have not read the book. She got with the screenwriter and the director and made the changes that were seen. For those that like all the violence and action will probably if they take the time to watch it like this last one. Many called it awesome and a wonderful ending to the series. There always has to be a sad sack in the crowd and I hope that these people that sponsor negative awards close down and quit. Entertainment is just that and each person can decide what they like and don't like. We don't need critics. I personally am no longer open to negativity where these movies are involved. I watched it and I loved it. If someone else didn't, more power to them because I don't care. Michael Sheen was absolutely creepy in his part as Aro. You had to love to hate him.
Men mostly don't like love stories and is why most of them don't do well at the box office. Although, Avatar was a love story as well. I liked these movies for the very fact that they showed something else and didn't like sheep follow the ideas of past authors.
Nowadays it's with Twilight n Harry Potter, when I was a teen it was with Anne Rice n Queen of the Damned, accusing any of us who liked it to be wannabe wiccans, goths n vampires. Thing is, I like fiction, I like movies, series, n the paranormal, not influenced by the media.
I understand what you mean. I liked Queen of the Damned. It only went onto the big screen because Aaliyah died. It was going to be a direct to story video. I know Anne Rice won't even talk about it. The thing is that book is one of her most detailed. She is a very detailed writer which is suppose to be a flaw as far as writing but I think people should look at it as the particular author's writing style and you either like it or you don't. There was no way they could make it that viable in a motion picture. They made a good try and I loved it. It would have done better as either a series of movies like Twilight or a TV mini series to really do it right. I liked Interview With a Vampire but I like Queen of the Damned better. I thought Stuart Townsend was a better Lestat. Maybe she will let someone try to make it again one day. I want to see the Witching Hour made into a movie or a combination of the whole series into one or two. Anyway thank you for your comment.