Sinistra's Journal

Sinistra's Journal


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3 entries this month

Never Let Me Go

14:51 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 495

I watched a movie that was labeled science fiction and I guess one could call it that. They call it a dystopian drama. It was but they don't go into the exact nature of the society they live in other than one that has made choices and turns a blind eye to the consequences of their choices with moral decisions that had to be based on religious views and not humanitarian ones.

It is very subtly done but it still was very disturbing to me and I cried. People had clones created for the use of donating organs to others when they reached adulthood. They were housed in private schools with little idea of what the outside world was like and no idea of their fate or why they were where they were. One teacher tries to tell them but she gets very little reaction because they don't grasp what she is telling them and she subsequently disappears from the school.

There is romance in the movie but sort of convoluted to me. They try to push the romance part but it was so unusually added into the film that I didn't really grasp any dynamic of that. It was more like a side issue. What I wanted to see was how the world justified what they were doing and more or less they believed that they were souless vessels requiring no regard as to what was their lot in life. Because they were clones no one believed they were true life with a soul but only for the benefit of mankind to extend life and replace damaged organs. They were harvested and none of them did anything to stop it, not even the clones.

There are three main characters involved in a sort of triangle that never goes anywhere because of their doomed existence. Two of them that finally get together after years go to see about a deferral because they are in love to find there are NO deferrals and never have been. It's sort of like the idea of Sanctuary in the movie Logan's run. The male brings along his drawings. They were not taught the usual things in school and they had a gallery for the art the children created. It wasn't for the sake of art but for trying to distinguish whether these individuals might have a soul.

The young man after leaving realizes the futility of his existence and screams out in agony but yet he goes back and gives into his fate. Some of the clones are carers they called it to others to help them accept donating. Usually after three they die.

At a certain period even though being a carer extends one's life, they have to donate and die.

It is a very dark movie that is disguised behind the beauty of the scenery and the subtle way the actual topic of the movie is presented. It's love, futility and what I considered a very lack of moral value at the core of the society presented. It is disturbing.

I've been sick and my internet has been up and down. I was able to post a little on FB because my family is there but other than that...just the mundane. Therefore I watched this movie. I'm not sure if I liked it or hated it but it did leave a lasting impression.





18:22 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 510

OMG what have Johnny Depp and Tim Burton done? Appears they turned Dark Shadows into a horror comedy. I watched Dark Shadows in the original form before reruns and I was an avid fan. I watched the remake as well. It wasn't meant as a comedy...THEY RUINED IT. I just saw the trailer and I'm so disappointed. I will never go to see it. I hated the remake of Fright Night as well. That was horror comedy originally but I don't like the actor that played Jerry Dandridge. When they try to redo them and make too many changes from the original, it generally stinks, but Dark Shadows? What were they thinking. That series has a hardcore fan base and I don't know how others will take to a white painted vampire that goes around acting goofy. (No Twilight jokes please...heh, I might get hostile, lol) I'm kinda pisssed off at the moment because I have been waiting for this and they turned it into a joke.




22:57 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 513

My grouchy me is venting on my other profile...shame on her :)

You know as much as I like Star Trek (hangs her head) I didn't like every incarnation of it. I also don't know each edition by heart and who was in it etc etc etc. For instance I only found out that the Star Trek Experience closed a few years ago. Why? I don't go to Las Vegas that much but was lucky enough to go to the Star Trek exhibit at the Hilton twice even so. Seems like it was all about business politics and money. Sad for all the fans and the fact they charged way too much for it. When you have to pay two thirds of what it costs now for a Knotts yearly pass, that is high and that was about four years ago.

What is funny is I never cared much for Star Wars. I liked the prequel that is playing now and the Ewok Adventure which was a TV movie based on the theatrical ones. It was all right but I kind of considered it a Star Trek copycat even though there were differences. I don't know, It just didn't appeal to me although I have seen all of them. My daughter kept all my recordings of each one and had to throw out the one of the first movie...oh well. Honestly I don't miss it much. Why am I talking about this...slaps myself upside the head.

I finally got one book I have been looking for recently. I meant to buy it a long time ago but never got around to it. Had an interview and stuff up about it for several years on my ezine and that's because my life took such a turn I didn't have time to update it. Now the books are almost virtually impossible to find. They are softcover too and one of them, the only one I could find was selling for $154.00 and some odd cents. NO way. I got one of them today but I only paid about ten dollars for it. It is used but I only plan on reading it. He got published through Publish America and I can see why because over the last few years I have learned some of the faux pas of writing which in some ways I consider silly but Editors don't and I saw them right away in the books. Not bad writing really but then that is depending on how you think. He used a pseudonym as well. I happen to know what his name is because he is from the city I grew up in and was living in just over two years ago. My kids know him. I thought he would do very well but it appears and I'm just guessing that he didn't. I'm trying to find him and I will track him down. I've forgotten his last name but I will ask the kids. My daughter, youngest used to date his best friend (don't ask). The books are about Salem sort of and that those that were persecutors of witches went underground and they have hunters that go out and find the family lines and those that still exist and exterminate them. Interesting premise and I thought one of his books was going to be made into a movie...you never know about this stuff.

Another book I ordered I had but I don't know where it is and was afraid I might have lost it moving around. It's called The Blue Island. It is old and out of print but I found one and ordered it. It is a channeling via a medium connected to a seance circle. It deals with the Titanic and what happened to someone when they all died. I'm not saying I necessarily believe anything in the book but I have always had an extreme interest in the Titanic. I want to get another channeling which deals with the architect of the ship. Some of the details of it have been corroborated so it should be fascinating if I can get a copy of any of it.

I am finally doing updates on my zine but it will take awhile and some I am not taking down. It is there for the searcher to read and other parts will definitely be changed and updated. It's really big so I don't plan on changing all of it as yet and some is meant to just stay put. Besides I have to write on my stories as well and a zillion other things. I am fortunate I am retired now and can while away the hours doing whatever I want. (well most of the time)



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