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4 entries this month

16:45 Jun 21 2014
Times Read: 411

 photo Granny_zpsf23b6d7a.jpg




Just random thoughts

03:55 Jun 16 2014
Times Read: 415

Someone came into my room in the night and left a DVD of the Vampire Academy, a movie I hadn't heard of because quite frankly I don't get out much. If I randomly see it on the net or someone else comments about it, then I know. If it was advertised and I saw it I don't remember. So...........

I decided to watch it. The movie was like something I might watch on the Disney Channel but there's nothing wrong with that and probably why it didn't make back what they spent on it. I don't consider the movies flops because of that just not of interest to a lot of people or not advertised well enough. I have to say the Russian actor, Danila kept my attention. It was okay as movies go. I have seen so many much, much worse.

I slept again and then started watching some of my old movies. I'm a big H. G. Wells fan so I decided to watch the Time Machine (2002 version). Somewhere I've recorded the older one but I don't know where. I like them both. The second one was directed by the great grandson of H.G. Wells and the soundtrack was magnificent. I wasn't too enthusiastic about Guy Pearce as the lead. The man is so homely he is hard to watch in a lead role like that but I got use to him. I still don't understand why they cast Samantha Mumba but she did okay and her brother as well. They changed a lot of the story.

What I noticed in the Wells remake is that they didn't research it well. It takes place in 1899 and no self respecting young lady would be in an outdoor ice skating rink alone at night, early evening or otherwise unless she was with family. A chaperone wouldn't have been enough after dark. She wouldn't be meeting him alone or walking with him anywhere. Even if engaged males were suppose to leave and go home after dark. There were exceptions of course but in this case she wouldn't be where they showed. He asks her to marry him and apologizes it isn't a diamond. The custom of giving diamond engagement rings in the US at that time wasn't a given. Usually if they gave a ring, it was a birthstone or a ring I mention in my first novel. I can't think of the name right now accurately. It was a band with a number of different stones in it.

Having done so much research for the first book I guess I'm a little jaded now with details. They made mistakes but if you didn't know any of these things you wouldn't think anything of it and I wasn't aware the first time I saw the movie.

One of my favorite old movies is a ghost story called Portrait of Jennie (1948), which I'm going to watch next. It's more fantasy oriented and not scary. I've loved this movie most of my life.





05:31 Jun 15 2014
Times Read: 418

So here I am watching Stargate for I don't know how many times over the years. It's one of my favorite movies and James Spader is my favorite actor. I thought it interesting that he got a part where he could wear his glasses. Supposedly (but I don't know now due to improvements in eye care) in the past he was blind as a bat and couldn't wear contacts for some reason so in this movie he was able to wear glasses. He is extremely near-sighted.

They announced they are going to make a Trilogy of Stargate movies based on the 1994 movie which is what I'm watching. So of course there are all these websites with people commenting. Many say they have to consider the series and I say, NO THEY DON'T. The series is the series. If it wasn't for the movie there would have been no series. There have been a number of tv series based on movies. Most haven't been that successful but the ones based on Stargate were. But that should have no bearing on these movies by the original writers.

This movie is 20 years old and some people going on about it wouldn't have even been alive when it came out. This movie was very successful and I can hardly wait but I hope it won't take until 2018 for the first one to come out. That is entirely too long.




My books

13:50 Jun 02 2014
Times Read: 436

Just so everyone knows this when I talk about my books. They are all in rough draft and haven't been edited. Usually when I mention this I get asked where are they published. I didn't write them to get them published really. To be honest I wrote them for my kids to leave something. I can't decide on whether I want to go the route of publishing. At this point I'm still rewriting on all of them. If I was to get someone to publish they would want me to cut this and rewrite that and I'm adamantly against that. So since I don't think they would be best sellers and I doubt men would like them much since they are paranormal romance, they are around to read, some of them in total but they include mistakes, bad grammar more than likely and a rough edge. I may have them each bound myself but at this point since I'm older, I'm not really wanting to go through all the BS every female writer goes through and I've read about what Anne Rice, JK Rowling, and a few others had to do to even get one book published. Since I'm seeing things like the Southern Vampire whatever stories become popular and Hunger Games I don't think I want to go that route. Their writing styles leave a lot to be desired in my opinion and I can't even get through a few pages of The Hunger Games and I have all the books and the same goes for Ms. Harris' stuff. I can watch them in film, TV or Movies but I just can't read their stuff. I don't want anyone feeling that way about what I wrote because essentially I didn't write them for anyone else, lol.

I use to run a writers support group for new writers. Even with publishers this industry is tough. I know many that sold less than 3000 copies. Even some that had written several books. Getting them published doesn't mean they will be best sellers and many times the writers have to do a lot of promoting on their own. Now that book stores are closing it's tough. You don't know if someone will find your website if you do that but you can try. I'm not a person that is a defeatist necessarily but I know how hard it is and since I didn't start writing for the purpose of publishing, I'm still mulling it over. The industry is saturated with all kinds of fantasy, scifi and horror stories and some with similar ideas. It doesn't mean they copied they just get inspired by what is popular at the time. Whether they sell, that's debateable. I know poetry won't sell but novels...eh.

So please don't ask me where they are published. I just finished most of them recently. You see I am probably a tad ADD and I cannot stick on just one so I write a little on this one and a little on that one. I did that for a long time and why I finished a number of them at once. Now I have two others to finish and moving right along on one. I am forced to leave the other as it is now because, its the last and there are details I have to incorporate from the others into the story line. Two of them are online in rough draft. After reading them awhile I have to let them rest because I miss errors. I'm not looking for anyone to slice and dice them, lol. It's like the Twilight series. Her editor made her rewrite a lot. The last book was given away to her sister, too lurid. Then she gave it a slightly different name and wrote it all over again. Then the editor made her rewrite again. The ending in the film was not like the book and another rewrite but at her request. Too much rewriting them. If you want all the money and they even get published providing anyone reads them after that, they really are no longer your works. Yes they may or may not be improved but since I didn't want to go there I have made no attempts at getting them published and haven't really decided as yet. But I am actively writing and have been as far as novel length since 2005. I have had articles published in print and e-zines but had not attempted a novel until around the date I mentioned.



23:44 Jun 02 2014

So - where can we go to read some of your work?

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