Look, since my son died I cannot cope at the moment. If you are trying to track me down please understand I don't want to talk about it right now. Only a couple know what actually happened but I am having a difficult time of it still since February. I really don't want to talk and this place is too demanding and stressful for me at the moment. I only go to one social forum and only because my remaining children and friends in the community and those from when I was a kid are there. I will be back when I can cope with the site. I don't know when. It's bad enough I couldn't remember the ID of my other profile at first. So do what is best for any groups I belong to because I am not coming back for awhile besides I will be moving soon as well.
22:12 Jun 29 2012
Just know that I am sorry to hear this,and that I hope you get through all of it ok.I also hope you come back someday .
Take care....it is absolutely my honour and pleasure to know you here.