I never said violence in the streets was OK...NEVER said that. When the issue of protests first came up they used photos of the riots in Greece as representative of what was going in the US...FAKE NEWS. People need to do some fact checking. The people didn't pick Trump and if I hear that again, I will puke. They overwhelmingly chose Clinton by 2.8 million people. The electoral numbers is how he got elected. People hate Trump overall. As for me, lol, I wasn't behind either nominee. I was a Republican when it all started and then went to Democrat which my parents were their whole lives and left that too. Both parties have issues. I don't trust Republican politicians at all. They all lie and are all about money. The Democrats are now about money too and winning at all cost but even though they rigged their primary that was a party issue. In the past, they use to pick within who they wanted to run. They changed that awhile back. They weren't consorting with the Russians.
But the Republicans are sick. They will not do a damned thing about anything Trump is doing, the bulk of them. I am writing this to someone who presumed to think they knew how I felt by using propaganda as an argument. I am really an activist now and when I think one person is right I do the research and I don't care the affiliation and that is why I like Trey Gowdy. He doesn't mess around. He is one of the only Republicans I like. I like a few Democrats, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren (but not as much as earlier), and a few others, but not the majority especially if they are or were high up in the DNC. So don't get me wrong, I don't listen to fake news, like InfoWars and Breitbart, The Next News Network and I fact check Fox and CNN and MSNBC and anything coming from websites or blogs that are not recognizable. I keep up but I won't listen to propaganda coming from any party or politician. If you are up on things you know it when you hear it. Many are like sheep, they keep repeating what others say so certain comments I have seen over and over and most of them are not factual.
I stood up to help Standing Rock. We couldn't go there but paid for shirts they were selling to help the cause. Once Trump gets into office, the pipeline will most likely go through. He is for that and the other pipeline that was stopped. He has money in them. The position I am in now in life makes everything he does important and I don't see any glimmer of light so if you want to come to my journal and spew BS fine but know I will consider you ignorant and not knowing truths. I am not all knowing but I was active through all of this and checked most everything. I don't like putting politics in my journal but I decided to do it anyway when people put long articles filled with inaccuracies in theirs. Being a Republican doesn't mean you vote for every Tom, Dick or Harry who is now saying in after the fact speeches that is was all BS for votes. Yes, I'm angry.
As for flag burning, they have been doing that for years and I don't like it but it isn't against the law according to the Supreme Court. It serves no purpose and is most often done in the South but these days there are exceptions. I don't belong to either of these parties at all anymore.
21:52 Dec 23 2016
I'm not from the US and really don't care who your president is but to my understanding the popular vote totals are almost entirely meaningless and didn't she also lose the Electoral College vote which set the record for the most faithless electors deserting a nominee since 1872.
10:27 Jan 02 2017
We have a presidential election that is held differently than any other election. I wasn't for either of the main nominees. It is a matter of the dice what state someone wins because they are mostly winner take all, which doesn't take into account the popular vote, the vote of the people overall. They get the number of electors for each individual state they win. This time the person who got almost 3 million more votes lost because they were not in the right combination of states and the sad thing is she won California and this state has a higher population that the country of Canada. This means a LOT of people voted for Hillary but it made no impact. The actual Electoral College votes after the general election. If the two don't match, the EC vote supersedes the people's or popular vote and what everyone wants to change. The other duty of the EC is to make sure the people have chosen a good person for President well it is obvious more wanted Clinton. She beat him in that by a landslide. They were too scared to submit a faithless vote which is party of their duty should we elect by circumstance someone as awful as Trump. Over the years the states have been trying to circumvent them from doing that by passing penalties if they do. They are unconstitutional but it would be a fight in court to beat the states. This is a federal election and NOT a state election. This was the worst election in the history of the country.