Sinistra's Journal

Sinistra's Journal


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4 entries this month


18:53 Dec 26 2012
Times Read: 450

Christmas...hmm. One spends so much time on it and then it arrives and it is over in a few minutes. Being older, I don't have wish lists and get very few presents but that doesn't bother me really.

One of the unusual things I got was a bottle of Drew Barrymore's wine. I'm not much of a wine or liquor for that matter, drinker. I always thought most of it would work better used as cleaning fluid. My husband did not think the same way and it was his downfall. He died of complications from drinking and smoking. I don't know how we ended up together. It was like miss goody goody with let it all hang out, lol.

Anyway I cooked a turkey and it came out great. Cooking a turkey is one of the easiest things to do. I had to extend it for a few hours while some of the family had to go out. We ate our dinner in the evening. Turkey is one of my favorite things so the left overs will go fast.

I watched a lot of Christmas movies but I also got a chance to watch The Hunger Games. I have all the books and the main one is a collectors edition. They were all on sale and glad I did that because these hardcover editions either are hard to find now or pricey. I started to read the first one but I digress.

I must be the only US person that didn't care much for this movie. I thought for the most part that it was boring. Furthermore I don't care if other stories have had an apocalyptic flavor or people whether teenagers or not in games of death. This is its own story and themes have been used over and over. Look at all the zombie and vampire movies...come on. I think it is a silly argument.

I'm a tad opinionated so when I don't like a particular actor/actress, I don't like them. I didn't like some of the cast members and one was Josh Hutcherson. I think he is a terrible actor and can't stand him. I will watch some of his movies but I thought he was totally miscast in this one. It detracted from the movie in my opinion. The lead actress was great and I really liked her. I also don't like Woody Harrelson. I'm also sick of seeing Donald Sutherland in movies where he seems too old to be in the part. It's sort of like Liam Neeson be cast for every dang thing all the time. I'm tired of seeing him and he is another actor I simply don't like much except for certain movies. I thought their casting choices could have been a lot better but I am outnumbered because it seems people loved this movie.

There are so many things they did not explain. I noticed the thing about getting their name put in more in connection to food but my daughter has seen the movie more than once and told me it wasn't in there but it is. They only mention it in passing but they explain it in the book. Now the book. I don't like the first person writing style nor the consistent use of a single word and a period.

The one thing I can say about the movie is that they didn't stoop to gross gore in it. I thought that was commendable that they didn't try to attract an audience by shock level. The story itself was enough of a shock. It had some interesting parts but it was like the movie Melancholia to me, just not that good. This of course is only my opinion but I guess I was disappointed when I watched it because the Avengers had a big box office and was awesome but this movie just wasn't.




Still here

22:30 Dec 21 2012
Times Read: 455

I woke up and looked around...everything the same. I have the Mayan calendar on my wall but I didn't think it would amount to much. I guess I have to wait until 12 midnight passes everywhere on the planet, lol...who knows.




Anniversary coming around

15:05 Dec 14 2012
Times Read: 463

The anniversary of my son's death is next month and I'm not sure how I feel about this. I just hope his sister doesn't get all maudlin about it. It doesn't help when people are consumed by grief. I should know and it is hard. I have a collage on my wall of things from birth to death of my son so I see big photos of him everyday. I don't have many from way back because my kids pilfered all of them for show and tell and they got lost and then my Mother took a lot of them and they disappeared. I do have memories but don't remember much anymore.

I need to get another frame to put six years of photo Xmas cards from my daughter with the twins. I have them all I think. Moving sometimes causes the loss of things. I'm not a Xtian or Satanist or Wiccan or anything like that. I don't have an answer to the faith questions. I have always been interested in the Northern philosophies and the various neopagan groups involved in that. I am close to a Deist because old habits die hard when raised by Xtian parents. I am doing a very long article on things connected to that religion just to vent and not to make anyone angry and I am putting sources of course, I always do unlike many who write on the internet and think they don't need them. If an article is extremely long then I might put sources upon request.

Anyway I have a friend in the vampire community but more on the sidelines of it now as opposed to the whose who type of thing because she had a run in unbeknownst to her that caused her to be sort of ostracized which she doesn't know either. I am not at liberty to tell her. Anyway she has always stated she was a psychic and did readings. That is pretty commonplace to me so I never asked about it in detail. It was kind of an "Oh" moment. She offered some time ago to do something like a John Edward reading for me but we have never done that. I want to do it near or around the anniversary of his death. Now mind you, this is a curiosity thing. I will not necessarily believe everything that will be said because I spent a lot of time with spiritualists and I am very cynical now.




Dumb things I do sometimes

17:41 Dec 11 2012
Times Read: 467

I live fairly close to the markets and other places so I often walk. That is most of my exercise really. I have a cart and I come back thinking there isn't much in it so I decide to pull it upstairs. Voila I hurt my back but it doesn't set in really until a day and a half. I felt a nagging pain near my right kidney but I thought it was nothing until I tried to get up the next day. I already have scoliosis from a car accident when I was little where the bottom of my spine goes to the right. I walk on the inside of my left foot a little. My parents never had it checked out again after the accident because people didn't know about scoliosis then except the doctors of course and it wasn't until I was in my late thirties and went to a chiropractor that anyone ever mentioned it. I saw a full body scan. He said if I had come in when I was younger he could have fixed it. Sighs.

Anyway I get into an actual car accident (the other one I was little and a car knocked me down not seeing me when they were backing. Cars were low to the ground back then and my back was bruised. Luckily for me the tires did not go over me. At least I got to see my Dad jump the fence, lol. Yes I still remember that incident vaguely because it was traumatic.) Then as a courier another car hits one waiting for me to go up into a parking lot and sends her into my car causing it to fly across the parking lot. Forty percent permanent back injury and neck injury. So they were sort of iffy spots as is but years pass and you forget. I have flare ups of back pain etc once in awhile but this time I really pulled my back on mostly my right side. There are a lot of spasms. Today I have to get my grandkids at the school and I have to walk but it is only a couple of blocks.

I have been away from here for quite awhile but now this happens just as I am trying to catch up and I have to lie down quite often...I guess it will all work out. As they say, when it rains it pours.



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