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She was full of BS

08:57 Dec 09 2011
Times Read: 510

I posted on a message board in 2007 because some loony tune girl posted the following:

My great grandfather was the pilot of that plane. He was reportedly shot and fell on the controls, sending the plane into a dive. It was flying from an island of China to Hong Kong, were he was returning to see his father, a Norwegian missionary. Most of the passengers were relatives. The only survivor was one of the terrorists. The plane was a Catalina Seaplane.

Jul 13 06, 11:54 PM

Note: the only way this girl could be the great granddaughter of my Uncle is if she was Candace's daughter. The problem is he was dating an Asian girl at the time after his divorce. His father was English by descent but born here in the US and left when he was small. He died in Denver, Colorado. I wrote to this person but they never answered.


The Miss Macao was piloted by my Uncle, Dale Warren Cramer. My parents heard over the radio the announcement of the crash and his death. This was before they were notified. My father is still alive and he told me that Dale had been up in the dome of the plane checking something (so they told him)...the co-pilot was actually manning the plane at the time. He heard a ruckus and jumped down and was shot five times by a Chinese man with a machine gun. My Uncle was the pilot. They were after gold being shipped out of China heading for Hong Kong. He had a surviving wife and daughter named Candace who was subsequently adopted by the brother of his wife as she could no longer care for her. Her last name was changed and we no longer remember her Mother's maiden name and I am hoping that perhaps you are a relative of hers but if not from what was posted you must have been related to the co-pilot. Dale was from Kansas and would not have been going anywhere as described. I am afraid the information appears to be wrong that was posted. Somewhere we have the newspaper article but all of this can be verified. It was tragic and all we know is what the company told him because the nose of the plane was never recovered. (meaning they never got his body)

Jul 09 07, 10:34 AM


My brother is fully named after him and my son was given his middle name. I have a picture of him in his naval dress in a cockpit I think. Don't remember but I only have one photo. He and my father didn't look much alike. I think he took after his mother and the twins after their father.




My Uncle

08:27 Dec 09 2011
Times Read: 512

Catalina - Aviation's first act of armed piracy

The world's first act of armed air piracy occured on July 16 1948 with the attempted take over of a Cathay Pacific Catalina enroute Macao to Hong Kong. The attempted hijack went badly & the aircraft crashed into the Pearl River estuary with only one survivor,Wong Yu, who was also one of the hijackers.

The Background:

Macao was not a signatory to the Betton Woods restrictions on gold trading, and had quickly become an important gold trading centre after WWII. The Catalina was the ideal aircraft for operations between Macao, Hong Kong & Saigon for this trade, Macao lacking a suitable airfield but having an ideal harbour for flying boat operations.

The Aircraft :

VR-HDT named "Miss Macao" was an ex USN PBY5A purchased in Manila from the U.S.

Government Liquidation Commission in 1947,and having logged less than 1,000 hours of operations in her military career, was in good condition.

The Crew:

Pilot in command was Capt. Dale Cramer a former USN pilot who had served in Patrol Squadron 45 during WWII and had left the USN in 1947.

Co-pilot was F/O Ken McDuff a 23 year old Australian.

Stewardess was Miss Delca Da Costa a 21 year old Macanese.

The Hijackers:

The leader was Choi Tok who had some limited amphibian flying experience.

He was accompanied by two clansmen from his village. These three carried pistols.

The fourth member of the gang was Wong Yu a rice farmer , who had local knowledge of the area the highjacked Catalina would be flown to.

He was not armed & took no part in the hijack ,remaining belted in his seat. This is probably the reason he survived the crash.

The Passengers:

Twenty three passengers perished in the crash , some of the passengers were wealthy & prominent Macanese.

The Plan:

Choi Tok proposed to take over the aircraft & fly to a remote coastal location known to Wong Yu, where the aircraft would be beached & plundered. He expected that there would be gold bullion carried on the flight.

The Attempted Hijack:

Information obtained from Wong Fu & forensic evidence gives a picture of events.

Minutes after take off from Macau, F/O McDuff left the cockpit to attend to retraction of the wing floats. The hijackers made their move and at pistol point attempted to assume control. A scuffle broke out when McDuff & some of the passengers grappled with the pirates. Shots were fired & Captain Cramer was hit , being killed instantly. Out of control the Catalina , according to an eyewitness fisherman , went into a spiral dive into the estuary. The same fisherman rescued Wong Fu , the only survivor he could find.

The Conclusion:

The Portuguese took Wong Yu & some of the gang's Macanese associates into custody but had difficulty with the legal apects of charging Wong Yu for an act of piracy on a British registered aircraft in international airspace.

The Macao authorities suggested that he be handed over to the Hong Kong government ,but the Hong Kong authorities doubted that there was sufficient evidence to bring him to trial.

After bring held in custody for three years he was released & he returned to his mainland China village.

Rumour had it that he was subjected to summary justice either by the Chinese authorities who had a zero tolerance policy towards piracy , or perhaps by relatives of the prominent Macanese killed in the crash.


The Captain was my Uncle. I think I have mentioned him elsewhere. He was my father's older brother but he had a twin that died when he was young of smallpox. My brother is named after him. What was really sad about this is my father was visiting his Mother and the announcement came on the radio that he had died before they were notified of his death. They heard it in the news. I feel so cheated in a way because everyone has disappeared, died tragically or I don't have enough information to find them. He had a daughter and was divorced. His ex had asked my parents to take her but at the time I guess they were unable to. I was a baby and they were living in Corpus Christi then in military housing. My Mother didn't explain the details but Dales ex wife's brother adopted my cousin and I don't know what happened to her. My father couldn't remember her maiden name. All I know is I had a cousin named Candace that like so many in my family, cannot be found but she was older than I am and may have passed by now. Actually the survivor of the crash was stated to be the ring leader in some articles but not this one.

The details of who was responsible don't bother me as much as the details here about who got up. Just three years ago I was talking about this with my Dad. This was just before my father died. He said that the company he worked for told them that Dale was up in the dome checking something. He left the co-pilot in charge. He heard the scuffle because the co-pilot refused to give over the plane to the hijackers. He jumped down and startled them and that is when he was shot. He fell over the controls and the plane crashed. I'm going to look for another article and put that up. If I find one it will show up before this one of course.




00:20 Dec 09 2011
Times Read: 530

People in the US do have heritage. I live in an area of Southern California which has predominant Spanish speakers, not English speakers. The children generally learn English but grandma or grandpa may not know English except recognizing a few words to get by. Many are Chinese and the same goes for the elderly in these families. English, Spanish and Chinese speakers are predominant where I live. American isn't an ethnicity or a race. Why are so many breaking our immigration laws just to live here if it is such a bad place? It has broken our welfare programs because of it. With our economy now it is futile to pour in here from other places because those born here can't even find jobs for the most part. They just aren't there. Places like Las Vegas have large unemployment rolls because people are not going to the tourist places anymore like they use to and real estate there is terrible. California follows second behind them. In some industries there are job freezes and job eliminations. The internet hasn't helped with jobs forming because people unknowingly and lazily have looked to the net for many things causing businesses to close thus creating more job loss.

If you have never lived in this country, you have no way of knowing what it is really like here. All you would have is travel logs and heresay, namely the media and that isn't reliable.

My grandmother was essentially English even though born here. Her Father and Mother came here from England. They were born and raised there and married in London. Half the kids were born there and half born here. Nonetheless she was raised by English parents. I am 2nd or 3rd generation depending on point of view. My gr. grandfather got a land grant in Kansas just after the Civil War. One of the Generals in the war was General Molineux and I don't know if they were related. My family was Norman descent and probably lived in England since at least 1066. The name is spelled a zillion different ways. There is a big genealogical organization devoted to this name and all its variants including total name changes as some went into Ireland. One brother might spell his last name as Molineux and the other Molyneux and many variants of that.

The Englilsh Colony at LLewellyn Castle & The Molineux Family" by C. Rex Molineux, US029, story of John R. & Charlotte M. Molineux from London to Kansas in 1874 - 5-6 (these are my grandparents)



03:33 Dec 09 2011

Most interesting ... but I do wish a Country that supposedly speaks English ... could spell in 'English' too ... 'recogniSing' for example ... no 'Z' in the OED !

Rule Brittania !

08:07 Dec 09 2011

The language evolved being influenced by other cultures and one of the Presidents who wanted to make the language easier. After all you don't speak in England like they did along time ago. It sounded similar to German and then they spelled by sound. It's like Pearl Harbor, English have a tendency to spell the last word with a u which is fine if it is just a generic form we are talking about but this is a specific name and has no u in it. We dispensed with most of them thinking they were unnecessary long before I was alive and probably you too.


20:41 Dec 08 2011
Times Read: 544

You know I have been thinking about why so many people say they are "dark." Do they torture animals and set fire to things? I think people like Elizabeth Bathory and De Sade are generally thought of as dark. BUT you could also call it mental illness which negates all of that and in these days they would be locked up for life in some institution. They weren't interested in the unknown but got pleasure out of inflicting pain. That's not dark, that's disturbed.

So I believe the idea of dark nowadays is interests that predominate in magick (not Wicca), general occult ideas and things like that. Those things that organized religion wouldn't approve of outside of moralistic and family matters such as sexual behaviors, divorce, abortion and things like that. That has nothing to do with being dark. It doesn't necessarily mean left-hand path or Satanism exactly but those who take the other fork in the road. Many times this isn't observable outwardly.

People consider me dark who know me well and my kids think I will grow out of it, lol. Especially my youngest daughter but I didn't have her until my 30s so she doesn't have the full picture. I believe we should be able to contact the dead and that makes me fall under spiritualism but I am not Christian so I don't accept all world beliefs which they do so I am loosely under that umbrella, although I hung with them a long time. Spiritualists are not the only ones who believe in contacting the dead. There are others that commune with spirits of all types. They don't really accept a dark nature in their lives. This has nothing to do with psychism because you can be very clearly attuned to that and not be following the fluffy white light everywhere although I tend to vacillate due to my upbringing.

I believe in thought forms and many times I think that is what people interact with rather than those that have lived in the flesh. Anyway I am not going to divulge a lot of things. I want to apologize if I sometimes seem curt with Wiccans. I don't believe in that nor do I really want to partake in it but I have many friends who do. It is not a "dark" practice so I wonder why so many are here setting up covens and talking about that instead of vampires? That is what the site is about. I don't get it. I am simply not interested at all in Wicca and that is why I stay quiet often as to keep from being disrespectful to those who have an interest or have that religion.

I do have symbols on my profile that are equated with Wicca but quite frankly they don't own them. They have been around much longer. I have always liked pentacles and pentagrams before I ever heard of Wicca and those that created Satanism seem to be fond of them but they do that reverse Christian thing with them like the upside-down cross which I find odd with LaVeyan Satanists because they espouse no connection to Christianity yet I am always seeing that 666 thing which is clearly connected to Judeo/Christian thoughts.

So what I am saying is this, although I respect others beliefs, I don't want to have to talk about it, dwell upon it or anything else to be on a vampire site. I am not interested in whether you are bi, gay or straight either. It's not a dating site so that should be kept to one's self. I guess I have been here long enough (this not being my first profile) to be slightly worn out by all of it. I am worn out by the constant complaints about drama. The definition for that varies. It can be fighting verbally to just being someone with differing views about things. Why should anyone care on an internet website. Turn the dang computer off if it bothers you or go to another site.

I am over-whelmed by being forced to be talking about certain topics I am not involved in nor have any interest. I posted this when I first opened my journal. This is why one should read early posting in a journal to see if the person let's on to their interest and if it doesn't coincide with yours then don't expect them to be that active in talking about the topic which they may or may not find boring. I want to make this very clear. Don't assume I necessarily am talking about this profile. It is a general trend in what I have seen and experienced here and how it has made me feel. I have felt coerced to accept many topics or beliefs I did not agree with or want to be apart of but it's over the last five years and not necessarily at the moment. I thought this might explain certain things and also I have written many articles over the years with my name and pseudonyms on most topics spoken of on this site in general (not all) and so I look beyond the pervasive beliefs and often find them to be wrong and will have another opinon because of that. I wish people would refrain from talking about their religious beliefs here. If your interest is labeled a religion then leave it out of here because it becomes uncomfortable to talk about it and people not get insulted. Magick is one thing but religion is another. I see it discussed all the time and people don't seem to realize that many of the topics brought up are out of religious belief systems. I try to keep quiet but often the same biases come up that are clearly that and untrue and it makes for that icky "drama" to rear its ugly head.



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