Sinistra's Journal

Sinistra's Journal


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02:11 Aug 24 2013
Times Read: 388

If I say anything, anyone whose journal etc I have looked at will think I mean them. Maybe not folks. There is a lot of hate being spewed and in such a way it is shocking to me. But what is difficult is not knowing what is going on but it goes on anyway, lol. I really wish people would not try to hook up here. I really wish people would think about the fact there are 13 year olds on this site and up to 18. 13 year olds are children to me so I wouldn't ever talk a certain way in front of them or about certain topics. I am sorry some feel hurt, and harassed but I can do nothing to help even if I wanted to.

I think I am going to take magick classes for the fun of it. I already know a lot about it but not the type that some are interested in so I will listen. Chakras...eh, learned that stuff 40 years ago. Now I have to dredge it all up again, lol. I don't know which type of system but probably geared toward the new age/western stuff. There is a difference. Witchcraft...there is a difference on what some mean by that. Vampire witchcraft seems like an oxymoron to me but I have decided to keep an open mind. If they had called it vampire sorcery I might not be as set back by it. Even at that it doesn't mean the same thing to everyone.

To run into someone who is an old timer from the TOV is interesting. My friends won't like it but, I don't care. They have no right to dictate what people do and who they want to interact with. I have no intention of joining the TOV and this person was with them for ten years but is not at the moment and I don't think he intends to go back, what I think he intends on doing is a tell all of some sort.

When people see Temple of the Vampire they assume like all ideas of vampires, that these people drink blood...they do not and never have. They (say) feed on the astral plane. They are soul feeders. (again, they say) They believe in a vampire religion with vampire gods. I personally don't know who or what about that end of things nor their magick. Going to find out. I figure it is ritualistic. I do sigil magick which is not so this will be illuminating I suspect. I would never try to teach anyone but some like being taught by others. I do my own finding out about things usually with minimal help. I belonged to KIA for a long time (Anton Channing and Jaq D Hawkins group at the time I was a member) and a whole lot of others of dark magick. Theirs was chaosmagic. I personally just do a simple Austin Osman Spare and leave it at that. Have dabbled with hoodoo and I know Jimmy Lee Shreeve, Doktor Snake but he went to chaosmagic which I found really amusing. He said he got tired of having to grind things all the time. Those botanica raids can get old I guess. Chaosmagic does not really require any aids whatsoever unless you want them.

Anyway, they also believe anyone who is not a vampiric amount to cattle more or less. The normals are nothing and blood drinkers unevolved. Just how they are. I have a hunch more males belong to that organization than females because it is very predatory but not in a physical sense exactly, more of a mindset. So this is research time. Everyone I have met before has had an attitude, this one is the same but not really a bad one exactly. He is not a young man either, like in his 20s or 30s. Very smart though but very compartmentalized. I have this hunch that how I perceive certain things might clash with how he perceives certain things. He approached for an add to friends list (not in VR, elsewhere) and I don't know why he asked me but he seemed to know I wasn't part of the sanguinary crowd. I'm not exactly part of the psi crowd either. I use different terms.

I have seen a couple places with the Vampire Creed on their profiles wondering if they belong to the TOV but I'm not going to ask. The Vampire Creed belongs to the Temple of the Vampire and not the vampire community. That sounds contradictory I know but they are not accepted as part of it but a standalone group, just like Aset Ka and the vampire group connected to the Temple of Set. Stregoi Vii is slowly becoming a standalone too and very secretive. I don't believe they have tried to ban it but they disapprove of blood drinking at this time. And then there is De Vere which is a whole other ballgame. The essence they procure is something entirely different. Satanist groups that are involved in vampirism is something else too. There is a difference in a vampiric being a Satanist and a group being a vampire group that is Satanic in a way but some mix and others do not. I think the TOV is considered by most to be the most exclusive, predatory group, some use the word cult, (Kind of the Scientology of the vampire community) I don't know and I don't care really. Just going to listen and learn and keep my own views on it to myself. Never hurts to hear the other guy's side of things.




More information

22:25 Aug 20 2013
Times Read: 392

This is the link for the Vampire Community News online for the public to read if they so wish.


There is one on Facebook with the same information but you need an account and I don't know if Merticus accepts everyone into the actual membership but if you have an account you only need to post the name of the group and you can go in a read only on the site. He mostly does all the posting because it really isn't a debate page but for information about things happening out and about that might affect the community good or bad. Some things deal with happenings where people say there is vampire activity like someone committed a crime and was in the community...usually not and other types of things that might affect the community in some way. They like to keep on top of things and topics of interest in articles or articles some within the community might have written in the variety of websites and e-zines on the net.

If you are interested in the South African group, this is their news site with links to a lot of things. South African Vampyre News. (SAVN) Most read and write English but I believe their primary language is Afrikaans. The e-zine and most all internet sites belonging to them are in English.


There is this e-zine too. I was one of the original founders of the GraveYard Press which was connected to the US Chapter of the Vampire Nation, a vampire Council or the Vampiresnest. It has sprung up and died a couple of times but now people within the community are running it. I was involved but opted out for other things. I am burned out on that e-zine having written much of it in various names in its early years. It went dormant and the other founder along with other people brought it back to life (so to speak). Anyway here is the link for that. You will find that articles tend to overlap from site to site.





Thoughts about a certain website

05:52 Aug 20 2013
Times Read: 398

I really hate to get into labeling anyone anything. I stay out of the disagreements between the mainstream community and Stregoi Vii pertaining to one individual. Since I only have one person's word on it and others have accepted that I stay out of it. I am interested in information and not where it started from or if someone borrowed something or used someone's name and all the drama. I get curious about beliefs. I also find it very unethical to be nice to someone to their face and talk about them behind their back no matter the grievances.

BUT on the other hand when something is really wrong and some oddball creates a website with really bad information I have to say something. This website has misinformation and the guy who has it must be playing a game or is very delusional. I don't know what his thing is but it almost appears like he is trying to gain some sort of status by making up things as facts. Everyone in the community knows of this person and they will have nothing to do with him because of the BS on his website...please be forewarned if you are a searcher not to get entangled with this person.

Vampirewebsite.net – a site run by Steve Leighton, aka Whyte_Panther since 2008





19:25 Aug 19 2013
Times Read: 404

I'm putting up a link for the South African Vampire Cultural Center here. Lots of articles from their perspective. They are included in the mainstream vampire community and some belong to the VVC.





NYC vampires (some of them)

21:18 Aug 06 2013
Times Read: 417

Lawyers, doctors, bloodsuckers: The real vampires of New York City…and their fangsmith.

On a summer Sunday just after 10 p.m., Madame X, a bar on New York City’s buzzing Houston Street, is crowded. The patrons aren’t residents from the bar’s trendy West Village neighborhood. Or at least they don’t look like it. They’re leather-clad men and red-haired women sporting metal headdresses and full-finger armor rings. They sip on drinks with names such as Indecent Proposal and Pussy Galore and whisper amongst themselves. With worn-down velvet on the walls and lingering sickly aromas from weekends past, the place feels like a tired burlesque joint.

“It’s like a religion,” the bartender explains, gesturing to the cult of bargoers behind him.

He’s talking about the men and women of the Court of Lazarus, New York City’s largest vampire community. The court counts as members over 1,000 “citizens.” The citizens are nothing like the vampires of Twilight, or True Blood, or those of some twisted blood-sucking alternative reality. They’re average New Yorkers with traditional day jobs. And while many of them have special community names, like Valerus and Crucifane, most consider their court identities to be only part-time.

To read the rest:




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