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4 entries this month

John Zaffis

21:39 Apr 24 2013
Times Read: 457

I saw this in my Facebook home page and this is public because I am only following him and anyone can do that. I don't know what people are saying to him but John Zaffis is steaming mad. He wrote this:

"What the hell is going on? Ok if you don't like the paranormal shows just don't watch them. I can't understand all the bashing that is going on.

Before you post look into things, just don't go by what someone has told you. I've been around for a long time and today it seems like it's an epidemic of people who are out there who are putting up sites after looking at a book or a television show and now are paranormal investigators or even better a demonologist.

These people are going into homes and are saying that the home is infested with demons. They don't know the damage they are doing to these families. I am now not able to go into these homes to try and help the families as there have been too many organizations in there. These groups do not take the time to find out any back ground in the home, they have not looked into the possibility of an underlying mental illness or not.

You also cannot go in and help people that are not willing to help themselves. The people must take an active role in ridding their home and lives of paranormal activity. Lately I am hearing is that I don't know understand or I don't know what I am talking about! My reply to that is then why bother emailing me or calling me.

This field is like any other field, you need education in it and you need to work with people and to build relationships, just like "us old paranormal folks" did."





12:49 Apr 22 2013
Times Read: 463

I made some changes. Nothing much really. I didn't take out any graphics or anything or change the writing. I have to think of other things I would want to say first. I just wanted to take out the Pentagrams because I was worried people might think I follow Wicca and I don't. I have no interest at all in that. My spiritual side doesn't go that direction and my magickal side is something very different as well. Most see them and think either Wicca or Satanism but they are much older than that. I just like the symbol. So it was time to remove those dividers. They had been around for awhile. If I find a background I like better that will change and most of the rest but until that time...it is what it is.

I like pretty things. I'm not tomboyish in any way. I have always liked decorating so my profiles are in that manner and I'm a chatty Cathy too in my later years. Not so much here though because I guess it is the age gap. There are many older people in the vampire community I know many in their 50s and some closer to my age. Numerous in their 30s and 40s and all different in various ways. Many are not Goth, especially the older people. For some it is what they are and others it is that but also their spiritual make up and total lifestyle. It is more than a state of being to some but to me and don't tell anyone I said this, some of it is hype. I just am who I am and I don't worry about what others think they are. I have known many therians too as well as others who believe various things about themselves and the nature of reality. No one really shoves that down the throats of others but some shove the incredulity down ours.

I have a friend in Las Vegas and she has been in the community a long time and has her own House and group that meets for many years now. She owns her own metaphysical/occult store there and she looks like the girl next door, lol. She didn't go to the extreme of dying her hair black she is blond like I am and her hair the last time I saw her was relatively long. Mine is past my waist. She has a Masters I think now in Psychology. I'm not sure if she is still attending university. She went back to get that and I don't know if she will go for the PhD. or not. I could easily ask her all these questions but it never comes up. She doesn't run around in black or wear fangs. Some people just identify with that to me...eh. This is my drivel for today.




07:29 Apr 21 2013
Times Read: 472

So I am sitting here watching Sanctum. I haven't seen it for awhile. I don't agree of course with the reviews on this movie but maybe that's just me. I have written about cave diving and had an interest since I saw the IMAX on caving of all types in general. It was the underwater cave diving that interested me the most. It is probably one of the most dangerous sports on the planet. Just watching this movie scares me every time. It's the fact you can run out of air and there is nothing one can do about it once you are in an underwater cave. There is nowhere to go except back out and if you are too far away from that you die.

I realize some do this for exploration and science but the odds of dying are high. It takes special training and special gear to do this that the average person would most likely not buy. I would do it if it wasn't an unexplored place which wouldn't be allowed anyway but it would have to be a small distance. I don't like being surrounded by water much but it isn't a phobia.

The movie is about survival and the bonding of the Father with his son. It isn't supposed to be profound or have any character building script. It is about the father and the son and living on the edge. I like the movie a lot but mostly because it is about diving. I only remember bits and pieces of it and why I can watch numerous movies over and over. I do remember the end but not all the details.




Movies again

00:43 Apr 07 2013
Times Read: 485

My birthday was on Thursday so I got some nice things and a wonderful outing to a restaurant and great food. I don't get out that much these days. Yesterday my best friend came and took me out with her. We went shopping and then to the movies. I got to pick. I picked the HOST. Well she doesn't really like science fiction, horror or fantasy movies etc. She watched this and loved it and I loved it as well. I liked Hanna and thought the actress was great so she did a wonderful job as Wanderer (Saoirse Ronan) I recognized many of the actors. It had a really good cast. There was no bad acting and little special effects. It was character driven really. The storyline is very simple for the most part but it was also provocative in its own way and comical in some places. I loved the movie and will buy it when it is released. I got the book before I saw the movie for my birthday so I'm going to read it now because it will be more detailed. The basic idea of the movie has been done but how she created a story from that idea was totally different. I loved it and of course as I suspected it got panned. I thought that was a crock especially since the book was on the New York Times best sellers list for around 23 weeks. I realize a movie and a book are two different mediums but it didn't get the credit that was due. Just goes to show people can be irrational and especially the critics all of whom are biased against science fiction, fantasy and horror movies. Rarely do they give good reviews and generally the ones they do...heh...I don't like. William Shatner has complained about it for years. Those particular genres are not taken seriously enough.

I am going to go see Oblivion. It is a science fiction movie with Tom Cruise. I didn't think too highly of him until I watched a very long interview in YouTube at the Actors Studio. My mind changed but I never thought he was a bad actor at all. In fact I thought he was awesome in Rock of Ages. He did very well.

But the big thing is coming May 17 where I live. The new Star Trek movie...can hardley wait and the following month...Iron Man 3. I'm a big Robert Downey Jr. fan for years. (regardless of his personal problems of the past) There are a few others as well coming out...all in the genres I mentioned.



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