OMG.... I am laughing so hard right now.... hahahahahahahaha....
oh shit.... fuck... oh god....
"Ask Vincent how many women hes fell in love with on vr . Marcie's titty baby emo"
hes fell in love with??? lmao.....
"no woman wanted vincent after they find out hes a emo cry baby"
they find out?? omg... stop please... I'm laughing so much... it hurts...
Damn, as xnnyfanx pointed out... if you want to insult someone make sure you don't make a fool out of yourself... join elementary school hun... you belong there :)
For the little kid who comments and gives me negative honor... you make so many spelling errors hun... do feel free to contact me in case you wish to learn English...
You realize how much difference a comma makes in a sentence?
for example:
Lets eat grandpa.
Lets eat, grandpa.
Get it?
Now imagine if you call me a lair... it gets weird coz I'm a living being...not a lair of some sort... liar still makes sense... so next time why don't you send me that in a message so you don't publicly embarrass yourself, more than you already do.
You're kidding right?
If you are going to insult someone, at least know how to spell lol
Exactly my point lmao
Sometimes in life... you've gotta do something to someone else in order for your life to become normal.... sometimes it is not morally correct... we cannot always stay true... life is never easy or fair... but you've gotta fight your way out... I was on the verge to give up... to go further into depression and believe that i was worthless like people had always told me.... It had been hammered into my brain... but i now have hope and believe that i can overcome this as i have overcome a lot already... thank you my sister Sarah aka CountessBloodlust for making me realize that and thank you IiiiI and DarkLori for helping me.... I never thought I had such incredible friends... also i want to thank DarkNightmares, Sippa and Michen coz they have always been with me for moral support.... Thank you guys.. couldn't ask for better friends... Love you guys! *hugs*
Without darkness, there is no light..
Without light, there is no darkness brother...
You are my friend, all our friend, never doubt that hun. Brighter and better days are on the horizon.
Being mean to someone shows your weakness much more than it could ever tarnish their character. Especially when you don't have the guts to say that to their face and show who you are.
To be honest I respect ErebusTheDead. He dislikes me coz he thinks I am a pervert but he at least has the guts to put his name there when he gives me negative honor. He knows he dislikes me and is not afraid to show his displeasure. You on the other hand are simply weak and insecure.
Damn you are so damn weak. How do you even survive without being mean to others.
I'm sorry your going there this. Just remember, you are beautiful inside and out.
16:33 Sep 16 2018
Who da fuck gave this little bitch the authority to speak for all women on here? Was there a vote I missed?
I happen to love my Vinceymarshallowhead :3 Seriously, if you're gonna talk shit about people don't do it through negative honor, the pussybitch xD
14:37 Sep 17 2018
I'm still laughing over it 🤣🤣🤣