SinfulMelody's Journal

SinfulMelody's Journal


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6 entries this month

Story idea 2

13:07 Jan 30 2019
Times Read: 470

I shut the door smiling and run to my window…. As I watch dad’s car fade into the distance….

“Home Alone…. Finally…” I grin as I sit down on the couch….

My brother got into NYU… great news for him… even better for me…. Mom and dad are off to NY for a week leaving me alone at home and I couldn’t be happier….

I had always preferred to stay alone…. With my books… my pencil and my thoughts…. I had always been an introverted geek…. Who loved books, star wars and stargazing….
In the 19 years of my life… I had never had a boyfriend… and never had too many friends either…. Just one best friend… Ian…. He had been my neighbor… my brother… my best friend… and mentor… until he moved away to Nevada to live with his girl…. Since then I had been alone and I liked it that way…. I was just another ordinary pale skinned, ginger haired girl with blue eyes, thin build and was more petite than most girls…. Nothing important… not that it mattered to me…. It also meant that I was a virgin….

At times when I read books I read and reread through the scenes where the man touches the woman and she feels an immense ecstasy… that pool of emotions…. Something that I had never felt in my life… it made me wonder how would it be… to be touched by a man…. I saw the way Ian’s girl looked at him…. And the way mom looks at dad… I remember when I once saw mom and dad in their room…. I dismiss the thought as soon as it comes to mind….

“Ugh…. Not that again… forget it…..”

I move to the kitchen and open up the fridge…. Take out the can of juice and a muffin and sit them at the countertop….. as I pick up the glass from the shelf I get this weird feeling… as if I’m being watched…. I turn around and tiptoe around the house…. Looking for any signs of anyone being there…. Slowly moving towards my parent’s bedroom…. It’s empty…. I look out into the garden….. it’s quiet…. Almost getting dark but I do not see or hear anything….

“Maybe I’m paranoid….” I feel stupid as I turn to go back to the juice and muffin…… when suddenly someone grabs me and pushes me to the wall…..

“Shh… Quiet…. Is there anyone else home?” The stranger has a deep voice that sends chills down my spine….
“N-no… I’m alone…” I stammer trying and failing to move a muscle… I guess I am too terrified to move….

He pulls me by the neck slowly choking me…. And I notice he’s wearing a mask…. I could see his grey eyes through it…. And his mouth… as he says… “You’re such a tiny little thing… don’t scream or I will kill you”

“P-ple-eea—se” I try to speak… as I grab and tug on his arm hard…. He loosens the grip and I cough… after a few seconds I stammer “Please don’t…. don’t hurt m-me… t-take whatever you want….” He lets go and moves away….

He stares into my eyes for a while…. Minutes? hours? I don’t know….. His gaze is hypnotizing… as if he has paralyzed me… I couldn’t move…. Then his eyes move down my body…. I couldn’t move a muscle nor did I look away… I don’t know what happened to me…. Inside my head I was screaming….

He took a step closer to me…. I wanted to run… to scream but I couldn’t move…. His lip twitched a little… it wasn’t a smile…. Just a twitch…. That was enough to give me goosebumps….. He raised his hand very slowly and using his index finger traced down my cheek…. Down to my neck…. To my shoulder…..

It was as if he was sizing me up… measuring me…. Drinking me in…. I couldn’t see anything else…. The touch of his index finger caused vibrations that travelled all over my body…. It was weird… It was scary and yet… somehow I liked it…..



22:29 Feb 06 2019


Story Idea 1

11:05 Jan 29 2019
Times Read: 486

"It is crowded tonight..." is that thought that comes to my mind as I take my usual 2 full measures of bourbon and sit at the corner couch alone at the club....

The loud music makes me relax and forget....

After at least 6 such drinks I look at my watch and realize that its late.... I try to get up and unfortunately fall back down on the couch... That is when it strikes me.... "I haven't had anything today... damn...." it takes me a while to realize that I had been thinking out loud and that there is another person beside me on the couch....

I look at him and freeze in place... he has a simple tee and shorts on but his presence is very commanding and disapproving.... I feel a chill up my spine as I stare at him.... He turns to look at me and raises a brow.... maybe its coz I'm drunk but I am unable to look away....

After a while I try to get up again... failing miserably....

trying again and finally i was able to get up.... with the help of the wall and the couches around me I move closer to the bar and ask Mark, the bartender, to call me a cab....

as I sit on one of the bar stools waiting for the cab.. I cannot shake the feeling that someone is staring at me.... I turn around to see the guy on my couch is still staring at me.... unconsciously I check my clothes.... No... nothing unusual.... a simple little black dress .... this is when i think about it and I mentally curse myself for not wearing any panties....

Mark tells me that the cab is here... about damn time.....

I somehow make my way to the gate.... colliding into everyone on the way.... but i realize that almost everyone is slightly drunk and no one really minds it....

As I move out.... I support myself on the edge of the door.... the warm breeze makes me slightly less tipsy.... and I move to the cab.... sit inside and close the door.... that is when i notice that the stranger who was on my couch at the club had followed me and was in a car right behind my cab.....

As I get to my house... I struggle to find my keys.... He comes up from behind me and offers help.... I am too stunned to answer.... it takes a while but he doesnt even touch my purse....

OMG he's got a key.... wtf.... does he live in my building...???

Now in this case... the scene can turn either sexy or gory.... he could be a serial killer or just a random guy.... a random sexy guy.... how do you want the story to continue....? Ideas.... Pm me.....



22:24 Feb 06 2019


#4 - Seduction Don'ts for straight women

06:14 Jan 07 2019
Times Read: 531

Disclaimer: These are meant for seduction not for emotions or deeper stuff and please remember this is meant for straight women who wish to seduce men... this is a general idea and might have exceptions. For LGBTQ or men please wait for my next posts... I will be sure to cover everything as much as i can. Also men out there... please feel free to let me know if something needs to be corrected or added here.


1. Dont show too much... so much so that you either look like a stripper or there is nothing to unwrap... its not pleasant for anyone and makes you look desperate af.

2. Don't cling to his life.... If a guy shows his disinterest for whatever reason... move on... please don't cling to him... it sucks big time and he will warn his buddies too bout you... not a good rep.

3. Don't get too attached... if he wants a one night stand and you get attached... well lets just say it wont be pretty.

4. Don't judge or jump to conclusions.... if you tend to judge easily... the man would hate you in bed... trust me.

5. Observe... This is very important... if you do not observe and react.... it will suck... some guys like sensual... some like wild women.... it is up to you to give him the benefit of choosing.... turn him on and make sure he takes the call... then you can grab the reigns later if he prefers it that way....

Remember to follow the last point and he will be addicted to you.




#3 - Seduction Dos for straight women

07:22 Jan 05 2019
Times Read: 569

Disclaimer: These are meant for seduction not for emotions or deeper stuff and please remember this is meant for straight women who wish to seduce men... this is a general idea and might have exceptions. For LGBTQ or men or Dont's for women please wait for my next posts... I will be sure to cover everything as much as i can. Also men out there... please feel free to let me know if something needs to be corrected or added here.


1. Men are very visual creatures..... Women you need to flaunt your stuff if you wish to get him in bed... its a myth that men like women who cover it all up coz they are curious... yes they are sometimes... but honestly... if a man sees a woman who is covered from head to toe and another one who is showing just enough to turn him on.... he will choose the latter. For curvy girls... less clothing is not required... though it does help but it seems too desperate at times.... what you require is clothes that cling to your stuff... so they can see all your delicious curves and crave it.... for non curvy ones... go for less clothing... flaunt those legs.... even something as simple as a tank top without bra and hot pants does it for you... if you're flat chested or close... focus on your ass... flaunt it well and you'll get him right where you want him...

2. Men love confidence... regardless of your body type... love yourself girl... be confident.. even when you're wearing something which doesn't scream sexy... your confidence is your biggest weapon.... damsel in distress is good for movies but very easy prey in real life... and men do like a challenge....

3. Give him attention... it is a myth that men like to run after women who ignore em all the time... they do try at first but then they loose interest.... give him just enough attention to make it known that you are available and interested.... don't overdo it please... it will seem clingy and desperate...

4. You can make the first move... dont wait for him to come to you... we are not in the 80s.... the first sign of confidence is to go for what you want... make the first move... talk to him.... flirt... wink... dance... hell i dont care... depends on where you are btw... but don't wait for him to come to you... thats lame...

another important thing to remember is to understand to catch a hint... if he has a girl or is not interested... move on.... and try not to force or go crazy... understand... that will make him think if he's not interested... and if he has a girl... just walk away... he's a good guy who loves his girl... lucky girl though :)

Hope it helps!




#2 - Rough - Neck

07:04 Jan 03 2019
Times Read: 582

Neck is a vital element of our body... especially for women...

if you're into rough play neck plays a vital role in turning on a woman.... while bites on the neck can be considered as a part of sensual as well as rough pleasure... the main activity involving this body part during rough play is choking...

Choking a woman while you kiss her... or fuck her...

choking a woman involves a high amount of skill... to make it pleasurable and not so suffocating that she almost dies.... also the pressure shouldn't be so less that its not felt.... the perfect pressure is when a the girl just gets out of breath... when you feel that is the case.. dont increase pressure....

Choking can be used as a turn on when you almost kiss her... but dont... but i will cover that when i talk about teasing...

Also keep in mind that many girls dont like choking.... have fun ;)




#1 - Sensual Tip - Neck

07:35 Jan 02 2019
Times Read: 603

The neck of a person is the most sensual part of their body.... Some people consider earlobe as an equally sensual part.. somehow i feel that if someone is able to use their tongue, lips and teeth on my neck the way i want them to and can satisfy me in that department then they will be able to satisfy me in bed as well... little tip for all men out there... or even women who are bisexuals or lesbians.... hell even straight women can use this tip.... if he's not a dominant.... satisfy his neck and earlobe in all its sensuality and you'll be able to turn him on... big time... also he/ she will come back to you for a few more rounds... maybe more...

little kisses... bites... especially at the spot beside the adam's apple.... the bite works best near the collar bone area....



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