Silverbow's Journal

Silverbow's Journal


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3 entries this month

The six techniques for controlling stress.

21:43 May 14 2008
Times Read: 701

Here are six recommended techniques for controlling your stress.

1. Take a stress inventory; write down everything that makes you feel out of control at this moment. Talk about your stress with someone you trust and get his or her feedback.

2. Control your time; keep all incoming and out going calls to a minimum. Set realistic goals, daily, weekly, and monthly. At the end of the day make a list for tomorrow then prioritize them in an A, B, and C order.

3. Improve your self-talk. Make yourself work for yourself. Work on your positive self-image.

4. Be more assertive; ask questions and relay information. If a situation comes up and you don’t agree with it, relay that information in a positive and friendly way. Be open for new ideas.

5. Improve your physical fitness and diet. Work out your stress in physical ways and be positive about it.

6. Expect and prepare for change, be flexible about it.


Disclaimer. This is posted for my own benefit as a reminder to myself from a class that I taught at my previous employment. This in no way reflects the views of Cancer or Vampire Rave or any administration. In other words, it's all about me! HA.



21:45 May 14 2008

I know it's about you but..Thank you, I need to do this myself ^.^

05:37 May 15 2008

I figure if it helps others then I am still doing my part. There is a seventh thing but I can never remember what it is, and my notes are unclear on it.. It had been a long day that day of classes. oi.


The four main causes of stress.

21:30 May 14 2008
Times Read: 702

Here are the most commonly recognized four main causes of stress.

1. Time pressures.

2. Inadequate feedback on performance.

3. Unrealistic expectations.

4. Lack of goals.




How stressed are you?

21:28 May 14 2008
Times Read: 703

Lets see how stressed out you are shall we?

Recently while unpacking my household goods into our new home, I found some information on a class that I helped teach for my previous job. I got to thinking, I know more then a few people here on VR that are stressed out to the point they are having some major issues.

So I said to myself, “Self let’s see if this information would help anyone.” I responded. “That is an excellent idea.” Now you may say talking to yourself is a sign of dementia and I say wrong. It is not talking to yourself, or even responding to yourself that is the sign of dementia. It’s when you go “Huh?” to your response that is a sure sign for you.

Here we go. Discovering your stress index.

This is a simple, and quick, test to determine how you’re feeling about life, consciously or subconsciously. Get a piece of paper and something to write with, yes crayon works, and write down the number that corresponds best for you for each given statement.

Attitude or feelingHowOftenfeelingoccurs.
Almost neverOccasionallyFrequentlyAlmost always.
1. My life is running me.1234
2. I must do it myself.1234
3. I feel more isolated from my family or close friends.1234
4. I must not fail.1234
5. When overworked, I cannot say "no" to new demands without feeling guilty.1234
6. I can't seem to get out of bed.1234
7. I need to generate excitement again and again to avoid boredom.1234
8. I feel a lack of intimacy with people around me.1234
9. I feel that people should listen better.1234
10. I'm unable to laugh at a joke about myself.1234
11. I'm unable to relax.1234
12. I feel increasingly cynical.1234
13. I avoid speaking my mind.1234
14. I feel dissatisfied with my personal life.1234
15. I feel further behind at the end of the day then when I started. 1234
16. I feel under pressure to succeed at all times.1234
17. I forget deadlines and appointments.1234
18. I consider myself exploited.1234
19. I'm irritable, short tempered, and disappointed in the people around me.1234
20. I'm not where I want to be.1234
21. I automatically express negative attitudes.1234
22. I wake up early and cannot sleep.1234
23. I feel dissatisfied with my work life.1234
24. I feel unrested. 1234
25. I avoid being alone.1234
26. I have trouble getting to sleep.1234
27. I have trouble waking up.1234
28. Things must be perfect.1234


28-59 You have little to not stress at this current time.

60- 89 You have Moderate stress at this current time.

90 + You have a great deal of stress at this current time.


Disclaimer: I posted this for my own benefit. It is a reminder to me that life is worth living and that some things are just not worth getting worked up about. I am not posting this on the behalf of anyone but myself. All materials provided are from the class that I taught for my peers at my previous place of employment. All materials where provided via the Coastal Training Technologies Corporation, the class is Stress: You're In Control. WWW.coastal.com. I typed this out from my teaching materials.



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