SilverFangs's Journal

SilverFangs's Journal


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8 entries this month

He's art

19:15 Oct 29 2005
Times Read: 595

Feeling so alone. tried of being on my own. Seems like everyone has their someone, but me. Like I'm not suppose to have a "ment-to-be". I thought that I found the guy. But all that just passed right by. Thought him and I would be forever, finding that it would be never.! Thinking he would always love me. Guess who I was kiding? Believe every word he promised, but now it all makes sense. Lies! Lies, was all he told! Lies were all he sold. I still love him to this day. But I wish I could make him pay. He left me with a broken heart. I'm emotionally falling apart. I guess this is what he calls his art. Memories that I wish would leave me.




Forever and always

19:04 Oct 29 2005
Times Read: 597

Why do you do this to me? i thought you wanted us to be? you promised that you weren't going to leave. But what am I suppose to believe? I don't understand what I did so wrong. How long will this pain stay? I guess you want to go a differnet way. You say you love me, but not the way I love you. But I guess that kind of love will have to do! Whatever, I know this, I will forever love you. I will never turn you away. I will be here for you always! Ilove you! Forever and always.





18:51 Oct 29 2005
Times Read: 598

The wounds have become so deep. None of them I want to keep. The blood no longer pours out intoa river, it sad that the thought of the blade, no longer makes me shiver! I look forward to nothing, but know it all. And it doesn't even make me stand tall! Afraid I won't achevie, but more that I'll succeed. I don't even want the things I need. So, scard, that I'll en up no where. So scard, that I'll fall apart, and end up beating my heart. I fear that more scars will show through, and there's nothing I can do! Won't stop any of it. Just take everybody shit. Terrifid that I'll find nothing, and failer will always be me!




Break up

18:40 Oct 29 2005
Times Read: 601

I guess everything we saud was a lie. But I'm the only one asking why? Where did we go wrong? I guess what you and I had wasn't that strong! You and I just couldn't hold our tounges. But you've got me to the point where I hate you because I love you so much. But you could no long stand my touch. So I'm walking away, knowing that I'm not going to be okay. Thinking of you every fucking day . And you'll just stand there with smile, knowing that we're away from eachother for miles. Do you even care that I'm dying inside? No, because you don't turn away from the tears I cry! So, go head tell thoes hateful things about me! I already know what you're saying. Just do me a favor, just keep me in your heart and sever the moments we had. And lem me be the one who's hurt and mad!




Pain and Tears

16:59 Oct 29 2005
Times Read: 602

The flame has been putout. But the pain was never tamed! Her screams and cries haven't died! they still echo in the house. She thought she would be safe in a forgotten place. But she was Found! She was found by her fears and tears. She knew that the end was near. She wasn't going to wait for Death to appear. She was going to end her life that night! She knew that there was no way to escape. So for the sin that she made. she pays everyday of enturnity! She's trapped by that pain and tears that she had always feared!




Love and Hate

03:30 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 622

What is it about me that makes you love me so much? What is it about you that weakens me with your every touch? Why do I crave your taste on my lips? Why do you see me as your bliss?

What is it about you that makes me hate you so much? What is it about me that sickens you with my every touch? Why does it anger me with the way you walk? Why do you hate the way that I talk?

How do we go from loving eachother one day, to the hate that keeps us away? How do we go from making love one moment and then fighting the next? Is this something that we should always expect? or is it something that we should always respect?





03:21 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 625

My strength has left me weak before. It has left me sad and soar. Sad with pain, and soar with pain. Is these something that you gain? How am I to not touch you, when that's all my fingers want to do? How do I say no, when the only word I know how to say around you is yes? Are you what they call my big test? Why do you and I feel so right, when you feel we ar so wrong? After three years, I still can't be strong! And if you still believe this, then why do you still let us kiss? How do we end up in your bed, if i'm something that you dread? These quetions are left with one answer... TEMPTATION!




The truth from you!

17:41 Oct 10 2005
Times Read: 640

All I want is the truth! Is that too much to ask of you? I do hat I can to make you happy! Why won't you do the same for me? You say you love me, but actions speak louder than words, and you're aren't saying that much! Do you only say thoes three words, so you can feel someone's touch! If you don't want to be with me, then let me know. Because all this messing with my head shit is getting old! And if that's the way you want it to be, I'll get over you! Yes, it'll take time, but it'll be something I have to do!



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