SilverFangs's Journal

SilverFangs's Journal


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19 entries this month

What you want.

14:26 Apr 25 2005
Times Read: 649

I guess we hide our feelings in the shadows. it must be the best that nobody knows. We'll take it one day at a time. But when are you going to draw the line. When will we know what the futture holds? Or do you just wants us to let go? You have nothing to lose, but this is what you choose. I just put my emtions in a dark empty place. And give you space. I'll act like nothing has happened. And that we have finally come to an end. and make it seem like we're friends.




No way out.

18:04 Apr 20 2005
Times Read: 663

The blood flows out into a river. I shiver, but not because I'm cold. This life is getting old. No one knows what I hide. The darkness i hold inside. I feel that this is the only way I can escape! I feel like trying talking to someone is too late! I'm nothing but depressed these days. I try to change, but nothing goes away. I'm tired of all the mistakes I've made. my only answer is the blade.




Facing your fears.

17:48 Apr 20 2005
Times Read: 665

Clear liquid drops from my face to the floor, as blood drips from the door. Pain in my heart, I guess I've finally fell apart. Pain in my wrst. Please tell me, that i didn't just do this! There's a razor in my right hand, I've caused myself to be damned. What does it matter? Maybe it's for the better! my heart beats has slowed, it's fast no longer. My breathing is havier. The pain has dissappered. And so have my tears. I guess this is what you call, facing your fears.




The pain of your games.

17:41 Apr 20 2005
Times Read: 666

Nothing that I do, proves to you, how much I love you. Nothing that I say, makes you change your ways. I guess you feed from me. The pain and anger. It's fuel to your fire. There was a time when your love would warm my soul, now all i feel is cold! I have fallen for your every trick! The thought of you right now makes me really sick. But the only one to blame for the pain is me. I just want to be free. Free from your game, and leave you with all the shame!





17:36 Apr 20 2005
Times Read: 667

Standing right infront of eachother, bodies nearling touching. We both know there's still something. We get closer, and my skin is calling out for you. I can tell in you eyes, that you feel it too! When we open our mouths, our tounges touch, we know that the kissing is too much! But we don't stop there. Our hands explore eachother, and I know after to night, I'm the one that suffers! The heat grows strong. We know that what we're doing is wrong. You lead a head, and the next thing i know, is we're laying on your bed. One thing lead to another, and once more we become lovers! After it's done and over with it, we hardly look at eachother. And I'm left to suffer!




Stinging pain.

20:57 Apr 19 2005
Times Read: 673

Feeling the stinging pain. Watching my blood pour out into the drian. I don't wash the crimson streaks running down my hand! I wash the blade off instead. Then head beack into my room and listen ti my bands. I lay on my bed, just letting the mattress go from white to red. If you could get inside my head, you would see what I go through. Then undersatnd why I do, what I do!




One in the same.

20:45 Apr 19 2005
Times Read: 674

Can I die? I don't want to cry anymore. This pain is leaving my heart enturnaly soar. I just want the memories to fade! I want to amke the pain go away! I want them both out of my mind and heart, before I fall apart. I don't want to go through this anymore. Going through all this again, is becoming a bore. Nothing ever changes. Why can't I even the score? I'm the only onw with the pain, that I can't tame. Why can't he feel it as well? I want him to dwell in the pain that is going to make me insane! But it's not going to happen. So, I'm alone with the memories of love and pain. Which is one in the samen! I don't want to cry. So can die?




Letting Go!!

03:36 Apr 17 2005
Times Read: 680

Looking into thoes eyes I know so well, watching as my heaven turns to hell. Knowing that it was going down that road. Never ready to let go. Feeling love turn to hate, knowing that it's way too late. Taking the blade in my hand, acting on my voices demands. Listening to you take your last breat, watch your blood making such a mess. Growing from you lies. I'm the one that cuts the ties. Unwrapping myself from your finger. Soon you will nolonger linger. You get your wish, and I'll make sure it isn't bliss. So kiss my ass good-bye, and watch as your world dies!




The wound that won't heal!

03:25 Apr 17 2005
Times Read: 681

Darkness is the only thing I think, negotivity is what surrounds me, and eventhough, I'm afraid of it, death is what I seek. I feel like life doesn't matter anymore. I've become a cutting whore! The pinching of the razor, seems to be my only answer. I'm told that I'm nothing! And I'm tried of trying. Some say that if I release tha anger, then I'll feel better. Man, I hate liers. It just add fuel to my fire! The smile on my face is all pertend, because I know that it won't all end1 I was happy once apon atime, but I was the one that cut the line. There's no one or nothing that can make it go away. This is how it will be, as long as I stay!




Broken Heart.

03:06 Apr 17 2005
Times Read: 682

Anger and hater flow through my body like blood. This life I'm living, I'm done! There's nothing left to keep me here. Nothing in my life is clear. There's no hope left in me. People just tell me to believe. Believe in what? I believe in nothing but the cut. That's my belife. It gives me so much relife. No one's in my heart, that was torn apart! What's left of it is black. And the color of love, will never come back.I don't want anyone to get close. My heart doesn't need another host. My broken heart will never be mend. and love will never happen again!




In the depths.

23:19 Apr 16 2005
Times Read: 684

How do I mend my broken heart? How do i stop my world from fallen apart? How do I get him out of my head? Why do my memories take me back to what was once our bed? Why do I torture myself with this, if all it does is make me pissed? How do I make myself whole again? How long has it been, since i found happiness? For awhile now, my life has been everything but bliss. The love of him and I, is what I miss! He put the light back into my soul. But now that he left, there's nothing but the cold! So how do I mend my broken heart? How do I stop my world from falling apart?




Giving in.

23:32 Apr 15 2005
Times Read: 685

The man that I love is not of my world. He wants to be apart of my world. Just to be beside me. I would grant him this wish, if I didn't love him so. He doesn't know how this world is ruled. He doesn't know how this world can be crule.

Don't get me wrong, I love what I am. But I also love this man. He tells me that he wants to stay with me for all eturnity, but some how I can't let it be.

I want the samething, but i don't think he's ready for this. I don't think that he's ready to die. To have his body die inside. He tells me that he can handle the thought of drinking blood, but I don't think that it's true.

I love him so, and I know that he knows. And I know he feels the same for me.I want us to last for eturnatiy.How can I make him see that vampires last forever. Everything must come to an end. But as he kisses me and ask the question, again, some how I give in.




The truth about Vampires.

02:11 Apr 14 2005
Times Read: 690

We walk in the night, banded from the light of dday. Or so they say. You've been told that we don't exsist. But the truth be told, that is a myth. You all think that it's great that we never die, but all that shit is a lie. I have walked this earth for more than four centuries. the ones I love, I watch them leave me. And everytime one of them dies, a little bit of me dies inside! The only thing we crave is the matalic taste of blood. My heart is blaken and my soul id damned. I stand before you, that yes there is such things as vampires. And the one thing that cause our body to be on fire, is blood. And you're the ones that hold our desire.




The bleeding mistake.

01:58 Apr 14 2005
Times Read: 691

Crying at the mistake that I made. Because of all this hate, I have paid! I have no idea why I did it. I really didn't have a good reason for it. But I can't take back what happened! I can't believe this is the way it's going to end. I'm leaving this world with two deep cuts, and as a depressed teenage girl.




The moon

01:52 Apr 14 2005
Times Read: 692

The moon is the only thing that I see tonight. No stars are in sight. The moon hangs high in the sky. In a heavy fog. The light is blurry. Just like my memories. As days go by, so do all my dreams. They both seem to be hazy! There's nothing that can make me happy. Everything that I had once loved, has left me. Even my "ment to be"! So just like the moon, I'm all alone. So, tonight will be the last time I'm ever known.




Mysterious Darkness

20:14 Apr 08 2005
Times Read: 698

I'm a myth in itself. I'm a legend on it's own. I am something the light and evil want to know. I do no right, but I do no wrong. I'm a different kind of song. I am dark, but cast light. I am my own fright. I'm not a friend, but not a foe. I am held high, but held tight below. I'm nothing that heaven or hell owns. I'm misorey, but then again pain free. I'm the tears in you eyes, but the smile upon your face. I'm nothing, but everything you taste. I am something that is loved, but something that is feared, I'm so much more, but nothing less. I am what is called Mysterious Darkness.




The sire of all Vampires

19:17 Apr 08 2005
Times Read: 700

Darker than the night. Paler than the moon's light. Gazing on her face will give you such a fright.! The beauty that she holds is just the shell of her ugly soul. Has a look of an angel. But more powerful than the devil. Her eyes are what has the control. the control, to you weak, pathetic soul. She sees your dreams and uses it again you. but she is nothing but the truth. Dead but living. Doing everything but breathing. She is true power. She is the very first vampire.





19:10 Apr 08 2005
Times Read: 701

The answer to my pain is the blood that I shade. I'm tired of people reminding me of my promises, I know what I said. I've become numb to the bone. I've finally relized that I'm alone. To me, life doesn't make sence anymore, everyone it in has become a bore. They talk about the same old shit, and then they bring me down with it. All I want to say is "Fuck the world!" I've become a depresses teenager girl. Death is the decision that I made. I guess it's sad when you depend on the blade.




Blood, A vampire's answer for life and death.

19:05 Apr 08 2005
Times Read: 702

The taste is sweet to me. It's everything that I need. It holds my desire, and causes my body to be on fire. A hunger grows inside of me, that I can't refuse. To say no, would be abuse. It's the answer to why I live. It's something, only you can give. To have it on my lips, is pure bliss. It's the Goddess to a child of the night. It helps me forget about the light. It's a blessing but a curse. It makes me do the worst. It's the answer to why I'm a live. But it's also the reason why you must die!



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