when using the protection spell, give the physical object, whether you used stone or precious gem to the person you love. This should last them through this century as well as many more if they return. I recieved one from my sorcerer friend many centuries ago and it is still with me to this day. I am protected by him always.
1 stone, carved to liking (may be a precious gem as well)
2 twigs from a chestnut oak
a bit of Rosemary **a small pinch or so
5 pieces of wolf hair **dog hair will NOT work
one rose petal **must not be damaged
A large cup of water
5 small vanilla candles, evenly around you in a circle
-Light the vanilla candles. take the cup of water and dip the twigs into the edge, they may be tied together to save room. Place the pinch of rosemary into the glass and wait until it is completely soaked, or stir it in yourself. Place the rose petal in so it floats and place the hair of wolf on top of it. Place the stone or precious gem of your choosing inside the glass, **this may or may not cause the rose to fall to the bottom. Then repeat the below once every 3 hours for 12 hours, 3 times:
My love may remember
My love never forget
Time's shadows are nothing
No fear, no regret.
Take this offering
of pure to thine
my love and happiness
So they never forget.
A stone worthy to wear
or keep hidden away
but always and forever
in it, my love will stay.
No harm may come
No foul to thee
This is forever
my wish for thee.