After more than half a year of wanting to do it and making attempts to at least Limit my dairy/egg consumption I'm taking the plunge.
I am going vegan. No more of the increasing guilt on how the animals who produced the eggs I'm ambivalently enjoying were treated. No more worried about rennit (is it rennit, or is it another word-anyways: inside of a calve's gut) being in my cheese. No more mixed feelings about how the dairy cow has been treated.
I've been becoming increasingly sensitive to these topics and increasingly disturbed by the fact that in my complacency with my eating habits I'm perpetuation this abuse, neglect, and yes, in some cases torture of the animals producing what I'm eating.
And I do realize the oddness of some one who's had severe blood cravings in the past (that are much more controlled now) going vegan.
Also, I'm going to be a whore just now:
Please give me any input at all that you want to. Advice, comments, opinions, criticism, encouragement. . .all are welcome. :)
I'd love to hear EvErY point of view on this.