My believes are, I am an old soul I feel and remember living before. Reincarnation or past life call it what you may I'm calling it being old, tired and some what wiser to say the least.
You ask me anything to do with medicine I'll give you a natural remedy or a spell to cure it. I will tell you this though the only way it will work for you is if you believe it will. That is the secret to magick and spells. The power of the witch is the believe in her power. Same with God or Gods which ever you believe in. Faith can be a very powerful thing it can make anything possible. Why because when you believe in something your going to do everything possible to make that something succeed and to happen.
Oddly Witch Of The West. My moon sets in the west and my sun rises in the east. Cross my borders in the west you'll be greeted by my moon beam. Disrespect my borders by entering in the east, then you'll be greeted by the hot rays of my sun. OUCH!
The sun, moon, and stars all rise in the east and make their way westward across the sky.
Life is not easy seams to me that things go from one point to the next so fast, that I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster going nowhere fast. OOPS the train has stopped. Hahahaha!
I'm like a hummingbird my heart flutters to a faster beat than the world around me. I sometimes don't think I need to stop and take a breather. Instead I take up all my time trying to fix everything that I think needs to be fix, when maybe it doesn't need me going in there messing with it. That it might just be the way it should be, missy.
I've been trying so hard to be okay with all the chaos around we, my family is planning for the passing of my mom. She's the matriarch of the family most of my family don't know what they're going to do without her. Me my mom has taught me to be strong and how to sand on my own two feet, and to be proud of myself even when I fail because I can always get back up and try again.