Have you ever woundered why you are the way you are, i mean what makes you do and feel the way you do.
For me living in New Orleans all my life ive been attracted to the lore of a vampire. when i see my self or think of what i would be in the world i see a warrior, protector and a enforcer to a council or Queen. I learned this from my time in the Corps. Im a damn good leader but i prefer to enforce rules and regulation. Stand next to the top and be feared, envyed i stand bald headed and sleeveless in a suit vest looking lke a convict but dont let that fool you i have a unique skill set.
I have been looking to join a community as this for a while now, but those around me shunned the idea. I have always been interested in this world since i was a child especialy growing up here in New Orleans. The better question is why not.
Why welcome to Vampire Rave, you will be addicted before you know it!
Welcome to this addictive site. I understand the way you feel since I spent many years growing up in New Orleans. It seems the so called taboo is in our blood.