My life is dark
Darker than pitch
I long for love
Someone to love me
But all I get is pain
Heartache as my heart is torn
Life is living hell which I can’t take no more
But death rejects me bidding me to go on
To find love and be happy
I have been hurt more than anyone can feel
And my heart is dead from it
When it rekindles its only cause I think I found someone
Someone special to me
But then it dies from girl’s cruelness
I see the emotions of people through there eyes
And I try to help them
But when the problems over they don’t want to know me
They think I’m just someone to joke with
Not thinking of feelings of others
I lose confidence
It’s almost all gone
And from my life being messed with
I become hollow
Hollow with pain and anger, Hollow with sorrow
No happiness shows
A mask on to hide my pain
The longing for love
Hope always there waiting and waiting
But it to slowly dieing
Why is the world so cruel?
Why oh why wont someone
Save me from this hell
love sick
i hate the thing,
no one loves me,
i am nothing,
it is nothing,
love pleases everyone but me,
hurts me to the core,
to see my friends in love,
so see random people in love,
to imagine what i would be like,
only to come back to reality,
find a lie,
a lie that i will have love,
a lie that i am worthy,
i get love sick,
wanting it, longing for it,
but never having it
Looking Down
why do people look down at me,
look at me like im an animal,
do i look like an animal,
but in truth i'm human,
pain shoots through my heart,
like a dagger in my chest,
makeing me feel more loneley,
i put a mask on,
to hide my pain,
the pain i have in my aura,
the lonelyness,
people like confident people,
but how can i be confident,
i'm scrutanised for my looks,
i'm scrutanised for my acts,
some people are tolerant of me,
use me as a tool, a object,
others just look down on me,
noone looks up to me,
its a wonder im still alive,
why im not caged as a beast in a science lab,
when people look down at me,
i start to lose hope,
hope that i dont change,
that im still me,
that im human,
why do people look down on me
More to go up later
19:17 Oct 31 2012
:( *gives you one of my cookies*
All better!!!!!! :3
Happy Halloween!