Everyone knows what a hero is....a hero is someone who saves lives. We always picture them pulling people from burning buildings and bravely going where most others wouldn't risk going. But 'hero' has more than one definition. It's not just about selflessly risking life and limb. Heroes stand up for themselves and others - they don't take crap; they believe in themselves and others and have a fierce determination - nothing stands in their way; they don't judge others based on insignificant physical details, preferring to value a person's soul rather than allowing themselves to be blinded by the outer wrapping.....after all, a gift can be wrapped in the most gorgeous paper and tied with the most elegant of bows, but that does not mean it contains gold, and on the flip side, some of the best gifts come in a cardboard box.....a hero knows this. And a hero doesn't define who they are by looking at what everyone else wants, they don't mold themselves after society's definition of 'cool'. They understand that it is far more beneficial to flourish as the beautiful people they are rather than hold themselves down to the standards of others. THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!!
So my boyfriend and I got rear-ended last night...and neither of us has a license (but how am I supposed to get to work w/o driving?). So now I cannot drive the car to work cuz the rear end is totally smashed to shit, and I have to put in my two week notice at work because I have no way to get there. Thank goodness Asa and I are about to go into the Job Corp so I had to put in my notice anyway. It's gonna suck having to get rides from co-workers in the meantime, though....ain't life grand? Oh, karma, thou art a cruel mistress....
21:48 Jan 30 2011
Hey,my brother is a hero.:) I even have stuff about him in my journal.:D
23:08 Feb 09 2011
Beautiful entry! I love it! :)