I have not been on this site in over two years and recently came back across it and decided to do a little update. I know many who read this and if they read this probably don't care but you know what oh well. Since the last time I came on this site I was married to a complete tool who decided it was ok to talk and get pictures from other women. Well I divorced that ass and am now in a 100% committed relationship with this amazing man who I don't think I could be without. He has helped me through so much since my separating from my ex husband; he makes me feel confidant in myself again. I feel like I have gotten over many hurdles with my self esteem and it's mainly because of my hunny. I don't feel like every time I go out in public every little thing I do is criticized and watched from under a microscope.
08:22 Mar 18 2014
Bravo for you. Everyone deserves a break from such tools.