RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! They have a mentality like that, but let me tell you. As one who has danced with these mother fuckers for lifetimes. Guess what?
I'm still here bitches. Besides,
"My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess"
"This time don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away"
Read them. that's just about how I feel at this point. SOOO moving on.
The Squid
I will share with you what I know and suspect of them from my observations and dealings with them.
Parasites. Leeches. Various other categories along the same lines. They drain energy from others and control their minds manipulating them. Cowards.
I suspect they are aquatic in nature. Largely the Undines I think they are called. Where land dwellers developed science and technology, those in the oceans developed their minds and spirits. The reason most aquatic creatures are 'souless' is because they were the first victims of these beings.
I've seen various representations of them in lore and, in main stream literature. The Q or Quintessons (yes like in star trek and the Transformers universe), as well as the Borg, the ood (in the Doctor Who universe), the Yeerks (The Animorphs series), The Flood (Halo universe). They manifest themselves I suspect in this world as Squid. Not the ones we actually encounter for the most part. Those are equivalent to chimps or apes. I suspect they live in the depths of the oceans far beyond the reach of humanity. In the darkest and deepest caverns.
They are very predatory. They are a swarm hive collective. They all pretty much act the same with similar speech patterns that I have learned over the course of the year after dealing with them time and time again.
However, they are total cowards. They hide behind other beings, they have many weaknesses. Physically, they are extremely weak. And they have little to no tolerance for pain. As they are a hive, what happens to one happens to all unless they are disconnected.
Stay in tune. I have more but.... I'm pretty dramatic :).
already met some really awesome people. cannot wait to see where this site will lead me
23:20 Feb 15 2014
I never heard of these beings in particular but the concept of groups or whole civilizations sharing the same mind is known to me. Looking forward to knowing more about them :)