The "Socratic seminar" thread is literally painful for me to read on so many levels...first off...oh nevermind.
I bet a number of the people posting in the thread pronounce the name as "so-crates"...I just know it. The "discussion", minus beast's input, is the philosophical equivalent of scribbling over a Monet with broke-down, paper missing, raggedy crayon. Sad.
09:04 Nov 26 2008
...wait... that was good, right? :o
09:08 Nov 26 2008
lol, yeah, I generally think your comments are well worth the read.
09:09 Nov 26 2008
I couldn't agree more!
10:47 Nov 26 2008
"Be exellent to each other"
13:24 Nov 26 2008
Rurmors are circulating that there's goign to be a 3rd one of bill and ted.
I know it's not realated I'm just pointing it out.
15:46 Nov 26 2008
San Dimas high school football RULES!
*fist pump*
16:17 Nov 26 2008
Hey, who pinched my red crayon :-p
22:06 Nov 26 2008
That's "Sock-crates," Phyllis Stein.
16:18 Nov 27 2008
I was bum-fuzzled on that one until I read Beast's post then it became a possible but I must admit Soc-ratees isn't very prouncable in the hillbilly dialect. One of em Greak guys is more common. :p
22:58 Dec 07 2008
Dayum. Now, see? When I read the "Symposium" and made the terrible mistake of checking out this thread (oooh, signs of life!)... So very sorely disappointed. I am going to paper-cut the forum people. There must be punishment.