Web 2.0 is and will eventually reduce all marketing to spam. The "truth" has been reduced to the lowest common denominator agreeing, or at least not editing each others wikipedia entries.
The cyberswamp IS the "cult of the amateur" as much as it hurts self-professed sages and mages to hear it: a veritable army of blogging monkeys that think everything they have to say is a revelation on the human condition.
It's not so much that I feel like bitching about the war in Iraq, sure there is valid bitching to be had there but it makes me tired to think about it sometimes. What staggers me is the constant lying about money. One of the things Osama Bin Laden said very publically 5 or so years ago, is that "they" would win this war the same way they defeated the Soviets: bankruptcy.
The original price tag for Iraq was "promised" to be no more than 30 BILLION. We are hovering around the 449 billion mark now (it goes up more than a thousand dollars a second), Congress is authorizing more.
What got me to thinking about this was the estimates to fix all of the sub-par bridges in the entire country after watching the MN disaster. Cost: 65 billion. Federal appropriations to fix all the structures? No way. We can't afford it, we are busy burying our money in the sand. It makes me sad. Americans have been lied to for so long we don't even seem to care anymore.