I had a great time this weekend. Imzadi arrived on V-day to spend the weekend and attend Con of the North, which is a small games convention held in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro. My new digital camera arrived on V-day, too, so I had a lot of fun testing it out.
Here are some of the pics I took this weekend, starting with Friday setup and running through Saturday (I ended up skipping Sunday because my regular gaming group was meeting). I only took them at 1200x1600 because I was only doing casual snapshots--600x800 versions are here at Photobucket (opens in new tab/window):
I've gotten my first photograph accepted to an exhibition, even though it's the first time I've ever sent in a submission! The image of the cherry tree in my profile has been accepted for an ArtAbility exhibit of art by people with disabilities. :) *happy dance*
I sent off an email to my father's email address and got an amazing response, given the way we don't get along most of the time:
Congratulations!!!! I am really Happy for you, maybe a new career? Best to you.
Love you.
[My son] is up next.
Cool!! I didn't know you did photography! This is awesome!! I wish we could go see your photo at moorhead or wherever, but grampa says its like a 10 hour drive and i have school so we can't, but it'd be cool. i do some photos and stuff, but my camera is film and it costs to get it developed so i don't do much. I've gotten some pretty cool ones, like sunrises and stuff, but they're still on the film. Oh, well, i still like my camera better than grampas cause mine is a Yashica like grampas old one except mine works. any way, congrats, we're proud of you!! love you, talk to you later!!
-grampa, then alex, and gramma says so too, bye!!