I was able to see my baby for three days!!!!!! It was so nice. she was right there though!!!!!!
I miss her so much, when I am not with her all I do is long for her. I always think of her. she is my everything. All we did was cuddle and laugh and have fun. She even made me dinner!!!
( BONUS!!!) Its was cool, we are so happy when we are together, and on the other hand we are so miserable when we are apart. All I ever want to do, is to be with her. It hurts my soul every time I have to be away from her. but soon this will all be over and we will be together every day :) I cannot wait for that!!!
I love her with all that I am. she is the shit. she makes me so happy. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, nothing compares with her.
nothing ever could.
I love you Melissa, I will be with you again soon!!
eternally yours, forever and always, love Mat.