Overheard from DT to friend
"you are all warm in weird places"
o.0 0.o
I am scared ... no more sleep overs
"15 feet of swinging meat...balls the size of king kongs' feet"
**have you ever fucked anyone with a pickle?
i just have to know
**no-is it fun
SlaveAngel~ do you want me to help him..like get a release?
Said in referance to the pit bull ACK
Peanut Butter...thats what she will get for xmas from me lol
New Holiday
00:18:49 - Sep 14 2007
Times Read: 27
We need an official "Fuck Off and Die Day." No real purpose, other than the running sentiment to be that as of it's namesake. I'm nominating today.
But TODAY is the day...